Day 23: Arguing

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Sad Septiplier and AntiDark
Mark watched as Jack lied to his face and he watched as those pretty blue eyes stared guiltily at Mark.
How could he have not seen sooner?
Darkiplier had started to fester as Mark's lover was lying. On the inside Mark's heart was slowly breaking and this had caused his counterpart to take over. "It wasn't his fault," Dark repeated to Mark as the well known youtuber kept on shying away from the world.
The demon within Mark let his red eyes flash at Jack and made Mark's lying boyfriend gasp and back up, "Markle Sparkle? What are you doing? Why did you let Dark free?"
Dark snorted and backed Jack up into a wall, "Do you feel guilty when you fuck that boy toy of yours?"
Jack noticeably flinched and stared up into Dark's red eyes, "You know about that...?"
The demon in the room growled, a sound that sent chills down Jack's spine and made Anti within him want to break free. "You don't know a thing about it Dark-"
Dark's eyes narrowed as he smashed the wall behind Jack and made him go silent, "You've made Mark fucking hurt! He may be a douchebag but he can't take things like that from you."
The demon within Jack was released and Dark softened immediately as Anti knowingly showed up in the body of Sean. "What did you mean by that Dark?!"
Mark's body started to back up just wanting to leave, but Dark stopped him and held his ground, "I meant he couldn't take any pain from someone he loves so much Anti."
He held a hand to his head as Mark got angry and tried to take over control, "Stop it Mark! Don't get inbetween this-" Dark was cut off when Mark got back in control and shoved a confused Anti.
"Tell Jack to get his sorry ass back in control Anti!!! I want to know the fucking truth and I want it now!!"
Anti growled and pushed Jack further down into his body so he couldn't take control, "You want to know the truth Mark? My counterpart had been blackmailed because of his relationship with you. That man that he supposedly "fucked" by Dark's words, had said to Jack that if he didn't do it the man would come after you and kill you so slowly while making Jack watch it'll make his grandchildren see it. But you wouldn't know that would you?"
Anti sneered when Mark's face immediately paled and his body trembled, "And tell Dark he's sleeping on the couch. I'm taking over Jack's body for a while. He's too much of a pansy to kill anyone on his own."
Mark grabbed Anti's wrist with shaking hands and made the demon growl but he didn't care, "Don't leave me...." Dark and Mark said in unison watching Anti with one brown and one red eye crying tears.
Anti clenched his fist and Dark's soul burned as Anti tried to break free, "Fuck-Anti stop it now! Don't do this to me! I need you...s-so badly. Don't let Mark and Jack's quarrel get in the way-"
Mark felt Dark's raw passion burn through him and felt that soul bond tearing to pieces, "Jack...I'm so sorry...I didn't know I just assumed...god I'm so stupid! I didn't think of anything like that-"
Anti's eyes flashed, one baby blue, and one black and green, "You made it your business when you assumed."
Dark watched as their souls ripped away from each other and it made his own go gray and dead. Dark crumbled out of Mark, burying himself deep in Mark's brain where no one could find him.
Anti watched as Dark disappeared and gritted his teeth as he walked a heartbroken Jack out the door. Mark felt a part of him die when Dark disappeared, and when the door slammed shut he fell to his knees in disbelief. "We fucked up....and now our soulmate i-i-is...gone."
The tears wracked Mark's body as he buried his face in his trembling hands. He hadn't cried this hard since his dad's death and now he was left alone with just an ache of his counterpart's heartbreak and his own should crushing one. He didn't remember sobbing so much that he blacked out from exhaustion but when he woke up in the morning the cold skin made him feel empty as he realized that he hadn't dreamt that he'd lost the love of his life.

-Anti's PoV-
Dark's soul was gone from mine and that felt...awful. The heartbeat that beat so strongly felt so weak now, the red warmth that made me warm at night when Dark was gone felt so frozen, Dark felt so far away and now I couldn't find him or feel what he felt. My heart felt cold and whenever I killed Sean's blackmailer it didn't please me like I usually felt. I just assumed it was because Dark always praised me when I killed someone.
Whenever I let Jack back in control I was dropped back down into my own realm and was walking the driveway to Dark and I's home. I smiled as it brought back so many memories. I saw the dark cabin peek through and found it odd the chimney wasn't blowing smoke, or that the lights weren't on. Dark usually left the porch light on, but maybe he was asleep.
So as I walked up onto the creaky porch, I saw the cobwebs and the dirt that was never on the porch and knew something was wrong. My soul immediately searched for Dark's only to come up empty. I burst through the doorway and searched around frantically, "Dark? Dark where are you?! Don't hide from me! I'll find you somehow! You know I will!" I started hyperventilating as I searched the whole downstairs and dashed upstairs to the absence of noise and lights. My last hope was fluttering as I walked towards our door and felt the knob, it was freezing cold and dusty.
Tears dripped from my eyes as I slowly opened it to find an empty room filled with dead flower petals and burned out candles that led up to a small black velvet box and a note. I sobbed as my body trembled at the eerie feeling and the sudden ache of a nail piercing my heart. I gently pulled the box to my chest and felt only cold.
My eyes blinked away the tears to read the note.
Dear Anti,
I know our counterparts may have problems but I know we'll overcome it. We are soul mates after all right? I love you so much that it hurts whenever you're gone. I know you'll love your present when you get home, but I just wanted to ask, will you Antisepticeye McLoughlin marry me?
I looked at the dust finger prints I left on the page and felt my tears wet the page as the feeling of loneliness, despair, and heartbreak washed over me, "No...nonononononnononononnoononononono NO NO NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME DARK YOU CAN'T!!!"
With shaky hands I opened up the velvet box to find the most beautiful ring encrusted with onyx, ruby, and emerald gems that made spirals and hearts all over the perfectly fit band. My eyes could no longer see as grief overwhelmed me, and tears poured down my face. My body collapsed into a fetal position as the effects of loss and guilt ate away at my own soul.

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