Day 7: Cosplaying

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Okay dear readers, two way story. Both couples, separate universes! Septiplier first and Anti X Dark following~~~ (Also that pic is adorbs ^^^^)
Mark and Jack had wondered why people cosplayed so much, seeing as some people have cosplayed as them. So, for a joke, they both dressed up as Yandere-Chan and the "Senpai" from Yandere Simulator. Jack of course threw on the "Senpai" suit while Mark dressed up in Yandere-Chan's clothes that actually fit him and his sweet, *kiss**kiss* muscles. Jack threw on his hat for good measure before pulling on converse and heading to Mark's room only to laugh as Mark pulled on red converse over white knee high stockings.
Mark turned and tilted his head at Jack who was howling with laughter. "What is with you?" Mark asked, walking over while sipping on water. Jack was leaning against the doorframe and looked at Mark with a red face as he was laughing so hard. "Don't ye' feel silly?" Mark looked down at his costume and raised an eyebrow, "No, right now I actually feel pretty comfy."
Jack laughed at his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around Mark's neck, only for Mark to gasp and pick him up bridal style, "Senpai noticed meeeeee!" Jack squeaked and clung to Mark, "Oh my gosh Mark! Put me down!!!" Mark shook his head and laughed when Jack went red in the face from embarrassment and anger. "Calm down Jackaboy, we still gotta go to the con." Jack sighed and glared at Mark who just grabbed his keys and walked downstairs out to the car.
--Later on--
After a day's worth of posing for pictures, meeting people, walking around the con, buying things, and acting out little improv scenes, Jack and Mark settled down in an ice cream shop, Mark with strawberry ice cream and Jack with mint chocolate chip. The two laughed as they talked about the con and we're glad that the ice cream shop was deserted.
The two locked hands and suddenly they heard the flash of a camera only to watch as the cashier squeaked and hide underneath the counter. Jack sighed and rubbed at his eyes and Mark squeezed his hand, "Let's go home okay Jack?" Jack nodded and grabbed his ice cream before Mark and him went home to pry off the sticky clothes and get a nice warm bath together while eating ice cream.

AntiXDark ( Slight NSFW)
The two demons had wanted to cosplay as the two nerds that were their other halves just to mess with people. They felt mischievous to do something as that but Dark had fun as he pulled on dark black jeans, a shirt with tiny box Tim on it, and a pair of red converse before glancing back at Anti as he pulled on a pair of septic eye boxers to cover his plump rump.
Anti snuck a glance back at Dark to see his eyes totally black, the red pupil gone to a slit as he watched Anti. Being the tease he is, Anti ran his fingers over the shock collar and gasp out a fake groan, "Oh Daddy Dark~" Dark growled before walking over and pressing himself up right against Anti and making him gasp loudly and lick his lips, "Oh! Dark, I didn't know you were so possessive~"
The Irishman joked only to fall to his knees as they went straight to jelly, the shock collar sending pleasurable shocks straight to his groin, and spreading throughout his spine.
Dark smirked as Anti was down on his knees, "You don't tease me Anti," he said huskily, a smirk spreading across his face as Anti made the tiniest of whines, "you should always know better."
Anti pouted and stood up, with his little friend poking slightly out too, ;) "Now go take care of your problem and be ready in your costume."
Anti nodded, eyes hooded as he licked his lips and looked up at Dark, knees still jelly before whispering out, "I'll be thinking of you, Daddy Dark~"
The two went out, dressed out as Jack and Mark, getting all sorts of people walking up to them and asking them to take a picture, only for Dark to give them a surprise of a lifetime when his eyes flashed dangerously and his fangs poked out. Anti had fun pranking his counterpart's fans, seeing as he was a mischievous demon at heart of course. (Aww my little Anti~)
Dark would then reward him with a kiss if Anti got a fan to scream loudly or piss their pants, (ew). Dark would then make anyone's phone taking a video or picture of them glitch out before it exploded in the carrier's face. The fans finally got that it wasn't really Jack or Mark but instead their counterparts.
They all ran away, screaming in fear, making Anti and Dark laugh happily and watched as the crowd around them dissipated. Dark smirked before nudging up Anti's chin and kissing his forehead, "We should do that again "Jackababy"." Anti laughed, his one green eye sparking lightly as his demon was fulfilled, "O' course Daddy Dark~ I'd love to do it again."
Dark laughed evilly before his magnificent wings broke out and wrapped around Anti, making him grin and kiss Dark's cheek. Dark smirked before noticing a not blown up phone and picking it up and smiling at the picture of him kissing Anti from before, "I think I found my favorite picture of us Anti." Anti smiled and laid his hands on Dark's chest as he looked, "Take their phone, not like it matters to them anymore." Dark nodded before pulling his longer locks and pulling them up into a small ponytail, making Anti smirk at his unkempt lover before Dark wrapped his arm around Anti and taking a picture together to cherish the happy day.
And that's Day 7!

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