Day 5: Kissing

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Mark was out with Jack, hiking a trail in the middle of the woods. The two were dressed in shorts and boots, Chica happily padding beside them, (I love Chica! :3) while they trekked up a hill. Mark had brought Jack and Chica as he wanted to show them his favorite spot. He had found it by mistake one time when his brother and him were out. Jack had just rolled his eyes, being lazy this particular day before agreeing to go along. Mark grinned and hugged his boyfriend tight.
Meanwhile, the three beings walked through the green leaves trees, watched lazy bugs buzz by, and critters crash among the brush. Jack laughed as Chica was right by Mark's side 24/7. Mark patted her head every now and then and made her wag her tail furiously.
Jack fixed his hair back from his eyes and ran up to Mark, taking his hand in Jack's own before twining their fingers. Mark looked slightly down at Jack and grinned wide before kissing the others cheek and making him giggle. Mark then squeezed Jack's hand when the path narrowed and let Chica walk ahead of them with the leash.
The path led them up to a split in the road and Mark rolled his eyes before gently nudging Chica to the path pointing further out. Jack whined at Mark's decision, "Can we at least sit for a minute? Please Mark?"
Mark looked at Jack and sighed before letting go of Jack's hand and standing in front of him and crossing his arms. "Jack you've been lazy all day. What's the matter?"
Jack pouted and petted Chica's head when she wanted to see what was going on. "Well....I miss home a bit...even the rain...Mark, I should have told you sooner, but I'm leaving for Ireland soon...I wanted to spend time with you at home and I guess this is better than nothin' I suppose." Mark blinked and uncrossed his arms, setting his hands on Jack's cheeks and gaining a sad expression, "When are you leaving?" Jack sighed shakily and whispered with his eyes on Mark's, "Tomorrow....I'm so sorry far' not tellin' ya' Mark.."
Mark's eyes grew hazy from tears and he let out a soft sob before kissing Jack passionately, the Irishman wrapping his arms tightly around Mark's neck while Mark pulled the smaller up against him and deepening the kiss. The two's tears mixed as they cried for each other and strived to be as close together as possible. Mark held Jack just like that for the moment and placed a gentle kiss on his hairline, "Chica and I are going to make this the best day for you Jackaboy, we promise."
Chica whined in agreement and Jack laughed softly before petting Chica's back and getting licked in the face, "I'm going to miss you girl..." Chica barked and Jack laughed and hugged around her neck. Mark smiled happily at the two and got in the group hug.
Jack hiccuped and Mark kissed his cheek as the three stood up. Mark pulled Jack into his arms and pet the others hair and shushed him gently, "Everything's going to be alright Jack, I promise. Now come on, let's go check out this hideout! It's going to be so cool!"
Jack raised an eyebrow at Mark,"What's up with you and yar' "so cool" business?" Mark snickered and took Jack's hand in his own along with Chica's leash in the other and lead them both along, "We'll never know." Jack and Mark laughed softly, continuing on walking for another half an hour to their destination.
Mark pulled the bushes away from one another as he entered his secret hideout, "We're here." Jack walked through only to be met by a sparkling pond, tall grass with widespread flowers, and a bunch of trees seclude get the little spot and providing shade. Mark unlocked Chica's leash, "Don't go to far now girl." Chica barked and immediately ran to the pond for a drink. When Mark stood up a smaller body rammed into his in a gigantic hug.
Mark wheezed when he hit the ground but then realized Jack was crying and went to comfort his baby, "Hey hey-it's's fine if you don't like it, we can always head back-" Jack placed his hand on Mark's face and laughed, "Shut up ye' bastard, I love it. It's beautiful here."
Mark blinked and gently cupped Jack's hips, "You really think so?" Jack nodded and Mark smiled, "Good. I thought you didn't like it and well..." Jack only smiled and stood up, helping up Mark and making Chica run circles around them for causing commotion.
Mark laughed and stopped Chica by kneeling down and petting her head, "Who's a good pup huh?" Chica pounced on Mark and made him laugh as he got covered in licks.
Jack rolled his eyes and walked to the water's edge and squeaked as Chica walked between his legs, her tail wagging. Jack snorted at the happy dog and petted her head through his legs, "Silly dog." Chica sat down, tail still wagging while Jack admired the water's pretty view. Mark softly laughed at his boyfriend and dog, walking over slowly to wrap his arms around Jack and kiss his neck, making the other giggle, "Do you want to play in the water? Or play fetch with Chica?" Jack hummed before shedding off his beanie and looking back at Mark, "Water please!"
Mark grinned and took off his backpack wnd stripped down to just his shorts, watching Jack as he only took off his socks and shoes. "Man, no taking off your shirt Jackaboy?" Mark teased. Jack snorted and looked back at Mark, "Hell no. Especially not far' you." Mark hummed with a huge grin, "Good point. But you're so beautiful Jack..." Jack blushed and gently walked out of the leg trap Chica made. "I'm pasty, not pretty." Mark sighed and grabbed Jack's hand, "Doesn't matter to me, your Jack. That's all that matters, I love every part of you dearly." Jack giggled and squeezed Mark's hand, "Come on, let's enjoy the water!"
Mark and Jack both jumped in together and got soaking wet, Mark laughed as he started a water fight, which he didn't win since Jack was sneaky. The two men then watched as Chica hopped in and wadded over to them to seek attention. Mark sighed but laughed when her cold nose touched his chest.
He then watched as Jack got slapped by an angry fish, making Jack huff and Mark howl with laughter. Chica wadded over to him and licked his red cheek, making Jack sigh and glare at the water, "Fookin' fishes...let's go dry off Mark." Mark nodded and they both swam back to the shore, where Chica followed.
Mark laid out in the grass, letting the sun warm his tan skin while Jack sat with his feet still in the water, watching the clouds. Chica shook out her pelt and ran after a squirrel that was WAY too quick for her. Mark looked up at Jack and smiled, "You having fun?" Jack nodded and looked back at Mark, "The best of fun Markimoo." Mark sat up and pulled on his dry shirt before sitting by Jack, splashing his feet in the water.
The rest of the day was filled with more fun as they played tag, fetch with Chica and even a game of hide and go seek. But sadly, the trek back to the car was so tiring for Jack that Mark carried him halfway back, laying him out in the backseat of the car and letting Chica in the passenger. (If you're like me and always nervous about car moments, then I can promise you that there are going to be no crashes. :3 too mean.) Mark then drove home in the dark, watching fireflies on the side of the road and smiling when he knew Jack had fun.
-Timeskip to Morning at the Airport-
Mark was standing with Jack, the last five minutes to the flight going way too fast for their liking. Jack was clinging to Mark, sitting on his lap as they waited. Mark was pressing gentle kisses to Jack's face, not wanting him to leave. Fans stood around, taking secret pictures and making a ruckus, but also letting the two lovers have their space. Jack started to cry as they called his flight and Mark stroked his cheek, eyes watering as they shared a passionate kiss goodbye.
Jack hiccuped yet smiled as Mark whispered, "Tell your family I said hi okay? And make sure to skype and call me alright?" Jack nodded and kissed Mark gently, "I'll miss you Markimoo...tell Chica that I miss her already." Mark nodded and took Jack's hands in his own and smiled as much as he could with tears streaming down his face, "I love you Sean McLoughlin, to the moon and back."
Jack hiccuped and shakily smiled back, "And I love you Mark William Fischback, to the sun and back." Mark let go of Jack's hands as they shared their last kiss before Jack pulled away and walked onto the plane, looking back only once to blow a kiss to Mark, who pressed it to his heart, promising to not break down in so many people and stay strong for his Jackaboy.
And that's Day 5!!

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