Day 13: Eating Ice Cream

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Anti X Dark (Anti's "special" tongue^^)
Dark had been down in the dumps lately, and, for some odd reason was clingy. Anti of course took worry to that right away.
Dark was never that clingy. And by "that" I mean that Dark clung to Anti's leg when he would try to leave to visit friends or get groceries.
Anti would pluck off Dark's fingers and would sigh and pet his hair while talking to the childish Dark. Dark's bottom lip would pout and his eyes would beg for Anti to stay, but the Irish demon would only tell Dark to stay and that he'd be back.
So, while Dark sat at home in a slump, texting Anti the day away, Anti was out at a gas station picking up Dark's favorite comfort food. What is it, you ask? Well, it is simply chocolate strawberry ice cream.
As he searched, the mischievous demon found himself wanting his tail back so badly. It was his balance, and obviously without it, it made him clumsier. Maybe....maybe he could send in a request? Yeah!! He could ask for his tail back! He brightened at the idea, fanged grin splitting his cheeks in the jolliest of smiles.
The mischief demon then grabbed a tub of chocolate strawberry ice cream and orange sherbet. (I find that I just used what I would like, sorry if I get inaccurate.) The cashier looked at Anti with a slight nervous flinch in the face, "What can I do for you?"
Anti's eyes glinted in the soft light of the store, the night outside comforting the demon's nerves and making the black and green soul within him kickstart with a joy of pranks. Anti replied back smoothly, "Oh you poor thing," he tut-tutted. The cashier raised a brow, obviously confused and curious, "Excuse me?"
Anti set down the tubs of ice cream and leaned over the counter, staring at the obvious, young flustered human. "You're such a waste here at this gas station buboo~" Anti used his working voice, sounding almost like a succubus.
The cashier then flushed, sexually frustrated at this demon's flirting. He fidgeted, an awful lot for Anti's liking, his septic eye twitching in discomfort before he continued, "Are ya' straight?"
The cashier jumped, which Anti absolutely loved before he gave his fake girl laugh, not like the cashier would know the difference.
Anti's eyes ran over the cashier's front and made him fidget, "How's about I make ya' a deal here sonny boy? You give me-" The demon's eyes scanned over the ice cream, "All of this for free, and in return, I'll give you something special?"
The cashier squirmed even more, hopelessly trying to loosen his shirt, the sweat beading on his collarbone and pits that ran down his chest and back. Anti gave a small fake laugh, on the inside he was rolling his eyes, impatient.
The cashier, gulped before he whispered out in a squeaky throaty sound, "What kind of...?" Anti beckoned him closer until they were nose to nose.
The cashier suddenly let out a nervous entranced chuckle, the brown eyes making Anti think of Dark's counterpart before he raised his clawed hand up to the boy's cheek and whispered, giddy that this was going to be so good, "How about a kiss hmm?" (This sly dog-) The cashier slowly nodded his head and Anti showed off his "non-fang" smile before the younger boy leaned in, ready for a kiss from this mischievous demon, who slowly leaned in as well, (oh boy-)
The sudden warmth was gone from the cashier's lips as he opened his chocolate eyes, realizing that the slick man from before was gone, with 34 flippin' dollars in ice cream... The cashier sighed, "Same shit...everyday."
While the cashier was still figuring out what happened, Anti had stashed the ice cream tubs in a bag and had dashed off into the woods, blending in quite well for all the bright green and black he wore.
He chuckled to himself, the prank having been so great and powerful for such a small thing, it made him feel more alive and giddy as he speed dashed through the night woods, the wind in his face was so amazing, and the crunch of old decayed leaves and sticks music to his ears. Anti giggled a high pitched-dark noise that was his demon's natural laugh. He was so happy, but there was two things missing. His clingy taller boyfriend, and the cabin's warm embrace of darkness.
As he set off, he heard his phone chime with a simple, "I'm everywhere-eh-ey-ey~" He didn't deny that it was a catchy outro for his stupid counterpart human. Anti was happy with it as his ringtone, and when he saw that it was Dark-"Hey Daddy! Are you okay baby?" Anti answered giddily, walking the shortcut to his house.
Dark gave a soft whine, his wings achingly sore as he tried stretching the blasted things out. "I'm fine my little kitten-where are you? You've been gone for a hour."
Anti shivered as Dark's dominance shown through before seeing the lighted orange windows of the cabin, "Home Daddy Dark, I went out to get you something is all, maybe a prank or two."
Dark smiled at his giddy boyfriend before his red slotted eyes widened, "Home?! Get the fuck inside NOW."
Anti giggled, "Alright Daddy Dark-I'll be there soon~" Anti ended the call, his eyes brightened, skipping up to the cabin where he could sense Dark's frustration.
Dark opened the front door hastily, his wings all cramped up and his back and shoulders tensed as he saw Anti striding up to him, bag in hand. Anti then cupped Dark's cold cheek and pressed the smallest of kisses to his lips, "Calm down, I only got your favorite ice cream. I thought it would be nice for this kind of situation."
Dark hummed against his lover's lips before pulling him inside from the spring night air, "You did that all for me?" Dark asked, eyebrow popped up, as he closed the door.
Anti nodded, pushing his hair back up as he set the tubs of ice cream down on the countertop of the kitchen, his smile was apparent as he pulled out the ice cream from the bag and got two spoons.
Dark then walked up to him and bent his wings behind his back, "You didn't have to do that for me baby boy-all I ever need is you."
Anti's heart thumped loudly in his chest at that, feeling oddly aroused by Dark's choice of words, "Daddy D-Dark-ah!" Anti's words were cut off by those smooth cool lips pressed firmly against his own, Dark's body pressed up against Anti's as the taller demon bent his  lover's back over the counter. (NSFW warning ahead)
Anti moaned, a high yet soft sound against Dark's slightly darkened lips, giving the older a chance to slip his tongue into the smaller demon's mouth. Anti melted as he felt their tongues gliding against each other, his own special tongue, (wink wink) wrapping around Dark's pointed one.
Dark groaned and groped Anti's plush rump, making him gasp for air and let out a lewd groan. Anti then let out a sound akin to a whine and Dark pulled back only to smooth down Anti's shock collar.
The smaller demon then pushed his hips forward-only for Dark to send Anti to his knees with the long vibration of electric that shot straight to his groin and toes. Dark watched as Anti fell apart beneath his hands, the way the Irishman's eyes rolled back in pleasure, and the way his elongated tongue lolled out to moisten his lips.
Dark watched Anti's flushed face grow brighter as good old Dark's eyes glinted in the dim light. Anti let out the softest of whimpers and Dark kneeled down to his ruined lover before caressing the other's neck and kissing him with a softness that only Anti knew about.
The older demon then noticed Anti's arouse-ment popping in the front of his pants and tut-tutted. "I wonder if I should reward you-or let you take care of it yourself."
Anti gasped as Dark's thumb pressed against his arouse-ment and made him see stars, "Oh-ho-nnghhhhh~ Dadd-Daddy Dark please!" Dark's smirk widened to the point of letting it touch his cheeks-literally.
Anti's face was of one that was completely submissive, eyes almost shedding tears from how hard he was. Dark's eyes trailed to Anti's face that was flushed, his eyes halfway lidded, his tongue licking his lips to let out a helpless whine while his fangs shined in a way that made him dangerous, his ears were even flushed red, the gauges in them slightly sparking as Anti's apparent heat made the shock-gauges fire off and make him even harder than before.
The powerful demon in Dark made him want to tease, while his heart told him to help his lover out. His wings fluttered painfully and he remembered suddenly that he was in his heat, it had happened before, but those times weren't with Anti.
And as Dark realized he was straining to just get off, Anti noticed too, and before any of them could stop it, they tackled each other in rough passionate bruising lipped-kisses that made Anti cry out in moans that made Dark growl.
Anti's demon was set free to mash with Dark's and the two's souls collided in a blaze of fiery red and green. Dark's body didn't protest, the heat of Anti and his growing hard on was making Dark's belly set ablaze, his eyes glimmering to full black, and his claws ripping every article of clothing Anti wore, off.
Anti let out a whimper of pure agony as Dark pressed his cold hand over the mischievous demon's belly, pressing against his bladder and making him somewhat cry out in pleasure.
Dark's wings flared as he stared hard at the other demon's face, taking in the black and green eye with slitted pupils, the small bump for the nose, the way his shock collar tag matched the green outside of one eye, the way the flush in his face made him look so vulnerable...and Dark knew that this would be his mate, here and now.
Anti felt his tailbone burning and he let out the smallest of whimpers as Dark didn't notice, he looked into his lover's black eyes and saw them radiating power, red mixing in with black smoke, it made Anti choke at so much power-and then the pain ripped through his tailbone and he cried out as a sharp pain made his back bow to the pure ferocity of it. Dark's eyes didn't change as his demon made a deal with Anti's.
Anti's knees wobbled as Dark kissed him passionately, the two souls binding into each other, Darkiplier's heat making their souls combine as mates. Anti's tailbone stretched and poked at the skin until the gruesomest of pops and cracks could be heard and Anti found himself go blind to the pain, passing out to Dark's kiss taking out his oxygen and making the bond between them finally stretch and intwine together. Dark pulled away and realized that Anti's eyes were closed, and Dark's immediate reaction was to panic. He gently nudged at Anti's face and felt his wings wrap around his almost naked lover protectively.
"Come on Anti-you need to come back to me baby! I need you here-I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you and-oh dear GOD baby come back to me please-" Dark was cut off, the tears rolling down his cheeks as Anti groaned and the blackest of tails swung out from behind him.
All arousement dead in Dark and Anti's mind, Dark picked up Anti, realizing that the air between them sparked and popped, their heartbeats the same, and the gentle flush of warmth they created together. The older demon gasped at his overwhelming sensation of care and love, "Jesus Anti..." The emotion of worry overwhelmed his brain and buried itself in a knot placed smack-dab in the center of his gut, inching it's way around and eating at the insides.
Dark shook away all the feelings overwhelming him and flew to the living room, knowing Anti would be safe and cozy in there. The older laid the smaller down on the couch, watching as Anti's tail whipped out and grabbed around Dark's wrist, pulling him close and making him smile at the slickness and warmth that pressed against his skin. Dark then slipped off his jacket and slid it onto Anti, knowing the demon liked staying warm.
Anti's bright eyes opened up halfway, the sudden feelings overwhelming his mind and making his head spin. Dark's eyes lit up as he saw Anti's own mix-matched pair open.
His heart stuttered in his chest as he saw Anti clutch at his chest, "Dark...?"
Dark leaned forward straddling Anti slightly as he felt the need to be closer. "Yes baby?"
Anti groaned as he felt something attached to him slide off Dark's wrist, and he couldn't place the feeling since it was like a fifth limb. "What h-happened?"
Dark blinked, his eyes looking down into Anti's, guilt clouding his and Anti's soul, "I should have told you Anti...but..." The powerful man paused, his fangs gnawing on his bottom lip. Anti felt his soul fall down with worry and suddenly felt guilt hit him like a pan to the face.
The smaller man then brushed his thumb over Dark's bottom lip, his own lips swollen from the make out session from before. "Don't ruin your bottom lip Daddy Dark."
Anti's gentle caress made Dark sigh and let their foreheads touch. "It's know how I was clingy..?" Anti nodded, knowing deep within him that this was hard and uncomfortable for Dark to speak.
The sudden spark between the two made Anti jump as he got hit dead on with so many things, "I-I....I have my...I have my fookin' tail!!!!" He yelled excitedly, he watched the long black tendril caress over Dark's cheek and make him sigh happily.
Anti giggled, eyes bright with wonder as he controlled his tail to stroke the shell of Dark's ear, making him slightly moan, Anti smirking like the mischievous devil he is. Dark's eyes suddenly went from gentle to serious and concerned, "Anti..." The smaller's smile dropped immediately. "What I did was...was an effect of my heat...." Anti's face screwed up in confusion. "Heat?"
Dark nodded slowly and grabbed Anti's hand, feeling their pulse beat steadily in time with each other, "Yes, when a demon like me sets out to find a soulmate." The older's head turned to sigh and Anti tried to nail it through his head. Dark continued on, "I get clingy and easily aroused until I find my soulmate. And...since I found you...our demons made a deal."
Anti blinked before realization hit him, "Your demon gave me my tail....that's where all that pain came from."
Dark nodded, his heart pumping faster and making Anti worry, " return you became my soulmate. Our....our souls intwined with each other, that's why our heartbeats are the can feel what I feel...and if you die....I die."
Anti blinked, his heart beating faster with Dark's own. "'s....quite endearing actually."
Dark's head whipped around so fast, Anti thought he would get whiplash, "You-you think so?"
Anti's tail swished as he watched Dark with a shy smile, the way his usual scowl turned upward and how the red of his eyes widened, the wings on his back fluttering with hope, "I know so Daddy Dark. There is no one else I'd rather be with than you."
Dark's smile turned into a grin and he squeezed Anti into a bone crushing hug, "I love you Anti!!!"
Anti giggled and whispered in Dark's ear, "I love you too Daddy Darkiplier. Now that ice cream won't eat itself will it?"
Dark shook his head and they both dashed to the kitchen like little kids, elated to be soul mates, and to eat their favorite ice cream, watching Supernatural until they fell asleep peacefully, the ice cream tubs sitting empty while the two's hands intwined in their sleep.

Just like their souls.
Hope this makes up for the week I missed!
If you see this update again it is only because I edited!

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