Day 11: Wearing Kigurumis

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Anti-Jack X Darkiplier. ^More art from azunnechan! (Part 1)
Dark wore the clothing item with a slight itch from the feel of it. It was comfy, yes...but Dark liked tight clothes that his wings could breathe through. He checked himself out in the mirror, looking awkward as he wore a black dragon kigurumi.
It hugged his arms and upper body tightly, which felt all too uncomfortable till he had an idea. He quickly got out the scissors after taking off the wretched costume before sniping off the wings in order for his own to fit. He quickly made some holes before sliding the sleep wear back on.
After a moment his wings popped out the back and he smiled evilly, liking the way the black of his wings made him look like a real dragon. Soon, Anti would be back from buying groceries and Dark just wanted to see what his reaction was. So as he pulled up the hood and folded back his wings, he made himself a glass of water before settling down on the couch to wait.
-Anti's side of the story-
Anti watched, transfixed as he pulled on the green fox kigurumi. It fit him well, being the sly fox he is for his mischievous demon. He wanted to match Dark today, lying about going out to shop for only groceries, and instead buying a kigurumi.
It fit him quite well and he stole it, not caring that the lady called security in which he tricked into thinking it was a poor Fangirl of some sort. ( That would be someone's luck :,( ) Anti then walked out to his car, the harmless bags of groceries sitting in the backseat.
Once he was driving home, Flame sent him a text message, to which he saw Flame and Virus hugging each other. Anti immediately saw the "<3" under it and knew that Flame was going to ignore the European girl he mentioned. Virus then texted Dark, who had fallen asleep on the couch but he woke up with a jolt to the vibrating in his pocket.
Dark saw a different picture that had him smiling on the inside, it was a picture of Flame holding Virus's hand. Flame was kissing the top of Virus's head and you could see the two were happy. Dark saw the tiny, "I think I fell hard for Flame" underneath the picture and chuckled. He knew Beast would be elated to see his two best friends in love, after all, Beast still needed to find his soul mate out there. But anyways-back to the story.
Anti pulled into the driveway and got out the bags and unlocked the door to his and Dark's home before he set all the bags down on the counter and put all the groceries away.
Dark immediately walked in and blinked as he saw Anti wearing a kigurumi. "Where did you get that?" Anti turned around only to grin with a playful side to it, "I just wanted to match my Darky Marky~ Who looks absolutely dashin' today."
Dark growled at the tease before noticing Anti had a fox suit on, "Well you look like a cutie in that fox suit. I could just eat you up," Anti shivered at the possessiveness of Dark before stroking over Dark's bearded and kissing him gently, "Oh...please do Daddy Dark~ I've been waitin' all day!"
Dark growled before kissing Anti roughly, pulling his one leg up and over Dark's own hip, "You're gonna get it tonight baby fox." Anti blushed but smirked, "And I'll love every second of it my dark dragon. "
And that's Day 11!

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