Day 6: Wearing Each Others Clothes

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Antisepticeye x Darkiplier
Anti was home one day, laying in bed, wondering when Dark would come home. The other was out in the night torturing some alone soul. Anti growled as his mate wasn't home to keep him entertained.
In reality, Anti missed Dark, but he would never admit that. The small demon crawled out from under the sheets and shook out his bedhead. He then sulked to the bathroom, wanting to take the shower of the day. Dark loved when Anti smelled clean and feminine, and Anti loved when Dark smelled of his dark wooden scent and a hint of metallic.
So while the Irishman bathed he rubbed vanilla and lavender into his skin. It made him relax, close his eyes, and just sink into the bath. A few minutes passed before Anti washed off and drained the tub, letting the smell of soap and feel of steam clear his thoughts.
Wrapping a towel around his hips, he put in a pair of red gauges for Dark and then walked to the bedroom, pulling on tight black boxers with little skulls on them, and then Dark's nightshirt that drowned Anti's body and slipped down his shoulder, cliche as ever. He then pulled on a black beanie and walked downstairs, happy that he smelled of his domin-I mean, boyfriend.
Anti then put on a finishing touch, the smallest of shock collars that had Dark's name written in fancy letters on the tag connected to it. (The kinky shits) Anti whined when he couldn't find the remote. He sighed, sitting down on the front porch with a cup of coffee and a blanket around his legs, knowing that he would be safe from sight, seeing as they lived in the middle of the woods. The only person who could possibly find them was wild animals or a lost straggler who got lost.
Anti waited yet for another hour to pass when finally the sight of Dark walking up the dark path of their house made Anti giggle and lean his chin into his palm, kicking up the blanket so that Dark could see Anti's pants less bottom and Anti wearing his shirt. Dark's eyes glowed possessively red as he sped walked up to his lover and growled, pushing the button to the shock collar and making Anti wriggle and gasp out in pleasure. "Inside the house....NOW."
Anti nodded and looked up at Dark, panting slightly, eyes hooded and fangs poking out in a lustful smile. "Of course Daddy Dark~"
And that's a short one, I know Anti is the only one wearing Dark's clothes, but bonus:

Dark's wearing something of Anti's (winkwonk) that can't be said since it belonged to Dark in the first place. ;) Also for something extra he's been hiding the remote for the collar in his jacket pocket. Sorry it's so short!!!!

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