Day 26: Getting Married

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*May include some heated scenes*
It was sudden.
Dark had taken out Anti to a mass demon killing in which the demons reveled in letting their claws slash through opponents, and let their jaws clamp around hands and anything that held the pair down. Dark growled and let his wings pierce through a shadow demon as he held Anti tight to his chest, the smaller of the two having his entire spiked arms out and his fangs and tongue hissing out toxic spit at a incubus.
Demons screamed throughout the area and Anti's demon responded with a shrill cry before feeling his belly fill with fire and rage and he quickly chased after a hell hound with flashing black and green eyes and his tail streaming out behind him. He cackled lowly before jumping and slashing the hound's face as it had slowly opened up it's ugly jaws. He blew out a thick gray smoke as his skin smoldered and sparked. The hound yelped as it was blinded and Anti quickly kicked it's muzzle and broke it's jaw.
Meanwhile Dark started to sing while killing the many entranced demons, his voice smooth as he slashed at demon's showing throats as they bowed down to him. Anti suddenly turned to find himself winded and his knees like jelly. His body swayed and his vision blurred as he felt dizzy. Dark immediately lifted his head and screamed out, "Anti!!!"
His soulmate slowly came back to reality and he blinked as he felt a scaled fixture around his neck.
The sudden dark aura of the room made everyone stop and Anti watched as every demon bowed down to Dark who was all out in his demon form. His long wings stretched across half the area, his body over eight feet tall with his black eyes smoking and the red completely gone. His claws were fully extended and his hands and face had smeared blood almost covering the dark skin. From his temples sprouted horns that were two feet long in length and shone in their glory.
Anti shuddered and made out a small whimper as the scaled tail let go, yet left a purple imprint. Dark's eyes flashed to the snake demon who had trapped his mate and with one finger that pointed to the regretful demon it's female head hit the ground with a loud thud. Anti immediately stood up and ran over to Dark and hushed his small mate and started to sing his song of death. Anti's ears were covered by Dark and he snuggled into the powerful demon, a mere gnat compared to a blue whale.
The sound of hundreds of bodies hitting the ground made Dark chuckle as he saw all the lifeless forms before he looked don at Anti before kissing his mate's smiling forehead, "Let's go visit Mark and Jack shall we? We do have a wedding to crash..."
Anti nodded and leaned into his slowly shrinking lover before kissing Dark forcefully as the horns disappeared and his eyes went back to normal. The older demon chuckled against Anti's lips before deepening the kiss and picking him up bridal style, "Hmm...we'll use the portal. To damaging for the spell."
Anti sighed as he stroked Dark's cheek, their lips brushing lightly together. "Sounds like a plan."


Jack turned around as he looked in the mirror and watched his reflection. His navy blue silky suit and gray tie complimented his eyes and his dark greenish blue hair. His hands shook as his nerves boiled in his belly. He felt his brother clap a hand on his shoulder and he smiled slightly due to his hands shaking. Words of encouragement were whispered in his ear and he turned towards Felix who immediately ran over and hugged Jack who laughed and hugged the taller man back. His brother left the room without a sound.
"'Ey! Lucky day ain't it Jack?" Felix laid an arm over Jack's shoulders and led him over to a minibar in the small hotel room.
"Yeah-I'm still fookin' nervous though-Dark and Anti are quite active lately-"
Felix sighed before handing Jack a shot glass filled with a light liquid and felt a sudden twitch, "Oh it's Jackaboy 'ey? Long time no see!"
Jack looked up from the now empty shot glass in his hand to see Flame standing there with a smirk and suddenly the room was hot and Jack had to step away quickly. Flame quickly hummed before watching as small flames rose out of his hands, "Shit-where's Virus? He said he'd come here!"
He quickly searched the room with a glance and Jack blinked his baby blue eyes, "Why are ya' here Flame?"
The taller pulled on the tuxedo collar before laughing, "Check your channel. There may be something interesting going on~" And with that, Flame disappeared and Felix breathed in deep, before hunching over and throwing up. Jack sighed before patting Felix's back as he coughed and rubbed his stomach, "Shit-I'm sorry Jaha-"
Jack cut him off before pointing toward the bathroom, "Happens ta' the best of us. Now go get yourself cleaned up and I'll call the maid," Felix nodded before trotting off toward the bathroom.
Jack quickly grabbed the hotel phone and called for the maid, his nose covered as he himself didn't want to get sick. The words of Flame floated in his mind and he grabbed his own phone, opening up his messaging and smiling softly when he saw Mark as the most recent. A knock sounded on the door and Jack walked over to it, thinking it was the maid. Opening it he looked up from his phone only to gasp as he was enveloped in cold yet strong arms his eyes being covered immediately, "Felix hel-!" A hand was clamped over his mouth and he recognized the voice that whispered in his ear, "Anti wants you and he's going to get you, you sickenly giddy Irishman."
Dark laughed deeply before watching as Flame came out of the bathroom with a phone to his ear. The red headed man nodded to him before pulling away his hand from Jack's eyes and snapping his fingers.
The world vanished around Jack and he shut his eyes as he felt dizzy and sick. Dark only removed his hands completely from Jack and snapped his fingers once more. The sudden blackness turned into Jack's Ireland studio, and when Dark landed gracefully onto the carpet, Jack landed flat on his face. The Irishman groaned and grasped at his head, feeling queasy from the teleportation.
A small giggle was heard and Jack looked up from the floor to see Dark smothering Anti with kisses in his gaming chair. He rolled his eyes before seeing Mark with his hands tied and his mouth duck taped. Jack flushed when he saw Mark in a black suit and a red tie but quickly crawled over to the tied man by his closet door and whispered, "Are ya' okay Mark?"
Mark nodded before he tried raise his arms only to stop by some rope wrapped around his chest and upper arms restraining him. Jack gently grabbed a hold of the duct tape and ripped it off gently as to not hurt Mark, but did anyway and shuddered when he saw the facial hair on it. Mark groaned before panting and dragging out the next words, "Owwwwww!"
Jack winced and quickly cupped Mark's cheeks and kissed his forehead, "Sorry, sorry, sorry! I had to though-"
Mark sighed before leaning into Jack's touch and being soothed immediately by his gently pets to the head and kisses on his face.
Anti looked up from Dark, their fingers entwined as the live footage went on the computer screen, "The gang's all here now-and look Jack and Mark are all dressed up for their wedding!" Anti stood up and Dark shook his head before taking Jack's seat and letting his fist hold his head up, "This is what you all wanted and here you go." he watched the feed skyrocket and he laughed as he saw a certain question, "How did we get physical forms?" Dark cracked his knuckles before looking back as Anti's hands were tying up Jack's body and petting back the fresh darker green locks. "Simple. I'm the ruler of the Counterpart World. I do what I want and get what I want."
Anti waltzed back over and kissed Dark's cheek and made his taller lover laugh, "Although I get to wear a tux on our wedding, since a dress won't fit me in my condition."
Dark gently pulled Anti into his lap and pressed a hand over his lover's belly. The screen glitched a bit and
some demonic words spilled out of Dark's mouth as he stared deep into the camera, "If you touch my Anti-YOU'RE DEAD!!!!"
The screen glitched back to the happy couple and Anti was letting out soft purrs as Dark kissed the smaller's jaw. Mark and Jack on the other hand had their foreheads pressed together as the irritation of their wedding day was growing. Mark sighed before looking into Jack's eyes who had his eyebrows furrowed, "'s gonna be alright-"
Jack shook his head and looked ready to cry, "It's not! We're thousands of miles away from home-hell even millions! Mark...I wanted our wedding day to be all about us and our family....and not about," he scowled as he showed Mark the ropes on his hands, "-being bound like this I wanted ta' have a happy weddin' and now..."
Mark kissed Jack's temple before whispering, "Sean. Sean William McLoughlin I will make this day the best that I can. I promise you," the smaller looked up only to be kissed lightly and he smiled and used the slight wiggle room that he had in his hands to cup Mark's cheeks.
The older sighed against Jack's lips and hummed, "You feel better?"
*Heated scenes coming up*
Jack nodded and snuggled his face into Mark's neck and suddenly kissed the flesh, making Mark jolt.
Jack let out a small giggle before whispering, "There's a key in my back pants pocket, grab it and slowly cut yourself free. I'll use a distraction alright?"
Mark nodded, his face slowly starting to flush as Jack kept kissing at his neck and making him gasp, but he reached his tied hands around and started to push his hands in Jack's pocket and felt around for the key, accidentally groping him on accident and making Jack shudder, "Shit-sorry Jack...but you also have to move closer, I can't grab iiiii-hiiiiit~"
Jack immediately moved onto Mark's lap and rocked down once.
Mark moaned softly yet kept trying to reach the key, his hands grabbing it while Jack kept an eye on Dark and Anti.
The pair was just answering questions, showing off their certain attributes. Anti with his spiked arms, tail, and tongue. Dark with his wings, his singing, and his horns that he flash during a glitch. When the pair started hearing the soft gasps they both turned to see Jack and Mark making out in the corner and both quickly laughed before turning away.
Mark quickly cut away the ropes on his hands, then did the ones wrapped around his chest, his mouth busy with Jack's as they kissed. Jack's ropes around his own wrists gave and he wrapped his arms around Mark's neck as the taller cut at the ones around Jack's chest. When they pulled away from the kiss Jack took Mark's hands before whispering, "On three, bolt for the door and head toward the backyard and hoppin' the fence. I'll follow after alright?"
Mark nodded, looking at Anti and Dark before watching Jack's eyes, adrenaline pumping through his veins and worry and nerves thundering in his ears.
"One," Mark's muscles tensed and he shifted onto his knees. Jack breathed in deep and Mark's lips pressed against Jack's hairline, that made Jack caress Mark's cheek.
"Two," Jack moved off of Mark, his legs tensing as he made sure Anti and Dark were distracted. Mark's heart stopped as the last word fell on Jack's lips.
"Three," the couple immediately stood up and dashed for the open door and out into the hallway. Their feet thundering as adrenaline made them run quickly out into the backyard and hop the fence.
Dark's wings flared immediately and Anti sighed, "We'll be right back."
The darker pair immediately vanished, Dark using his teleportation, and Anti with his super fast speed.
Mark panted as he and Jack sprinted toward a graveyard, Jack having said that it got them closer to the crowded city. (I'm sorry if I don't know the landscape I'm an United States citizen-cornfields and plains are my game) As they passed through the graveyard, a menacing growl came from behind and Jack tripped as a lump of grass made him fall. Mark quickly stopped and picked up Jack, having barely any time to process that Anti was on all fours behind them and that Dark was in front, eight-feet tall with wings spread out and massive horns looming.
Jack started to cry, his ankle had been sprained when he fell and twisted so much that it felt even worse than a sprain. Mark's heart stopped as he saw Jack cry and he looked up at Dark, "Just leave us alone!! You don't scare me anymore Dark! Why do you even try to ruin our wedding day if we wouldn't ruin yours?!" Dark just grinned at that, smelling Mark's fear that he fed off of. But it wasn't Mark's fear from his demon, it was for Jack's twisted ankle.
Anti circled around Mark and Jack like prey and Mark sneered at Anti, "And you even put your fucking unborn kid in danger too-I thought you were smarter than that Dark! I saw those burn marks on Anti's neck! You're horrible to him enough!" Dark's smile disappeared and he immediately went from eight feet to six feet. Anti gasped and went to go comfort his fiancé only to be stopped by Dark's wing.
Anti let out a little whine and crawled under the wing and quickly hugged Dark, gasping when he saw tears slipping down his lover's face. Dark immediately grimaced and tried to turn away but Anti gently kissed away the tears and whispered, "I'm fine Dark! Really I am-come on...if I didn't tell you I was in pain would I be fine?"
Dark looked into Anti's eyes and pulled the smaller closer before kissing Anti's nose and making the smaller hum, "I guess so."
While the couple stood comforting each other, Mark turned around and ran toward the road as a taxi came by and quickly stopped it, pulled open the back door and got in.
Jack hissed at the amount of movement before curling up into Mark as the older told the taxi cab to drive them to a hospital.
Mark looked down at Jack and gave the other a gentle kiss to the forehead and whispered, "You're gonna' be fine babe. We'll get your ankle fixed and get us back to California," Jack smiled despite the pain and sighed as he stroked Mark's scruffy jaw, "I don't know if Felix can be there, at the wedding I mean. Last time I saw him he turned into Flame. No doubt Virus might show up. Damn it all to hell Mark my ankle hurts like a son of a bitch!"
A sideways glance from the taxi cab driver was in Mark's view as he pushed Jack's pant leg up and scowled at the dark purple flesh.
Jack's arms gently wrapped around Mark's neck and sighed as the car moved forward slowly. The older quickly kissed the younger's neck and made Jack squeak before smacking Mark in the arm and making the other laugh. Yet Jack snuggled into Mark's embrace before checking his channel on his phone and closing down the live stream and resetting his password on his accounts.
Mark sighed before leaning back with Jack on his lap and closing his eyes when Jack snuggled his head under his chin.
"You gonna delete that stream?"
The smaller nodded and quickly did so, loosing his tie afterwards before smiling, "That feels nice to get off my shoulders. It's all gone from what I can see,"
Mark nodded before checking his own phone and sighing as he saw the black cracked screen, "Shit...Anti smashed my phone when they tied me up..."
The Irishman nuzzled Mark's jaw affectionately before he handed Mark his own phone, "Text whoever ya' need ta' Markimoo," the older smiled before taking it with a gentle kiss to Jack's temple in a thank you.
As the two headed toward the hospital, Anti was being carried back to Jack's house by Dark who had refused to put the smaller down. The taller was still riled up by Mark's words and Anti was trying his best to cheer him up.
"Dark...come on! You can't let him get under your skin like that! He was just trying to protect himself and Jack," No response but Dark did nuzzle his face into Anti's neck and kiss there. The smaller smiled and pet his soulmate's hair, feeling his soul cheer itself up the more he got closer to Anti. Seeing that they had gotten back to Jack's house Dark walked back inside and laid Anti down on the old king sized bed.
The smaller hummed as he saw Dark shed off his own shirt and shoes before letting his demon loose immediately.
The tall eight foot beast had to lay down carefully and let his wings curl around his smaller soulmate easily. His head rested right over Anti's heart. His lips curling into a devilish smile as he heard the triple thumping. His own heart, Anti's heart, and their baby's developing heart.
Anti hummed and let his demon slide out, his teeth becoming like shark's teeth, his tongue sliding out to make a hissing sound, and his arms becoming black with their thick spikes. His tail wrapped itself around Dark's leg and the smaller purred as he nuzzled his face in between Dark's hair. His voice came out high pitched and glitchy as he sing-songed to Dark, "I love you~"
The beast that withheld Anti chuckled as he felt Anti's hands run through his longer hair. The deep smooth voice swept out of Dark's mouth as he looked up into Anti's eyes, black, blue, and green meeting pure black, "And I love you too baby boy, or should I say my beautiful," with each word he kissed Anti's face, "Wonderful. Pregnant. Strong. Nightmarish. Mischievous. Demon?" Anti purred loudly before connecting his lips with Dark's, the two sharing a deep kiss that made Dark growl with possessiveness.
The two stayed like that for a minute before Anti let his tongue slide out and playfully lick Dark's nose, making the older roll his eyes at the childish nature of his mate, "I prefer the second one Daddy Dark, if you would?"
Yet Dark obliged his lover and tickled Anti's stomach lightly only to laugh as the younger squealed and squirmed, the baby inside getting fluttery. Anti huffed and looked down into Dark's eyes before whispering, "Do you feel guilty about ruining their wedding day?"
And that's when it hit Anti that Dark felt all sorts of guilty, his soulmate's heart picked up and his breathing got rapid.
He was feeling really bad, and Anti wanted to fix that.
"Now come on Dark....if they couldn't see it was a joke then they don't deserve to be cried over. Or is my Daddy Dark becoming soft in his old age?"
That started up Dark and he grunted, "I'm not old Anti and you know it!"
The younger laughed as he got a rise out of Dark and quickly kissed his lover's horn before cupping Dark's cheeks with a giddy grin that made it hard for Dark to stay mad, "Hmm, I don't know! You are a demon after all~"
Dark only shook his head and let his wings pull Anti's face down to his level before connecting their lips together. The smaller reciprocated with a gentle kiss back and pulled lightly on Dark's longer locks to get closer. The older complied and let his hands set themselves on Anti's belly and made the smaller gasp and made the smallest heartbeat become stronger.
Black eyes scanned over Anti's swollen bump on his belly that was hard to see and quickly whispered, "Should I heal Jack's ankle and send them back to their wedding pretty baby?"
The flutter of Anti's soul made Dark hum before feeling the gentle thumping under his hands beat quicker, "I'll take that as a yes."
And with the snap of his fingers, Dark sent Jack and Mark back to their original hotels and back in time, before sending Anti and himself back to their realm.
The chairs were all filled as Jack walked down the aisle in his fresh tuxedo and the biggest of smiles on his face. Faces were either crying, smiling, or laughing as they all stared at the two grooms and Jack's baby blue eyes finally looked up at his fiancé to see that he was in an ironic black suit with a red tie and his hair was brushed out and settled nicely against his face so it didn't get in the way. His soon to be husband had his brother Thomas beside him as his best man and had Tyler, Bob, and Wade as his groomsmen. Jack looked to his side to see Felix as his best man, with Matt, Ken, and Ryan as his groomsmen. Mark would have had more groomsmen but that was too many people at the front.
Jack's mother released him at the end of the aisle and Mark held out his hand for Jack to grab and the smaller took it quickly and stepped up beside his short lover. There wasn't a lot of decorations, because the wedding was outside, but there was comfy chairs that were seated around a soft brown wooded arch that withheld the YouTube couple, that was plastered in many flowers and different pictures of their years together.
It was the perfect day with barely any clouds out, and the sun being dimmed due to the evening sunset. The birds were still singing and the sound of chatter quieted as the couple were taken into the process of marriage. A special man stood behind them and recited the words that filled the couples' ears with nothing as they waited for their vows and the ending kiss.
Mark's eyes twinkled as he stared into Jack's nervous eyes and squeezed his hands, " have made me the most luckiest man alive by just being here today. You have cared for me, loved me when I was feeling down, and comforted me when I was angry or sad...and that's all I could ask for in a man like you," Jack's cheek flushed a soft pink and Mark had to laugh gently, "You make me SO happy and you have no idea how much that means to me, especially when you accept me as I am..."
Jack's eyes watered slightly when he saw Mark was being sincere and he laughed, "We've had many hardships Mark. Yet here we stand with our family and friends about to get married." He smiled and squeezed Mark's hands before continuing, "In these past few years I have grown to love everything you do and everything you are. You'll always be my Markimoo that I had a crush on since I became a youtuber, and I have a lot of things to thank ya' for but all those feelings can be expressed in a few words, and that is...I love you Mark. I think I'll always love you."
A few soft "aww" sounds from the crowd were made before the ceremony went on until they got to the end and the man standing behind them whispered, "You may now kiss the groom."
And with that, Mark pulled Jack into a dip and kissed him hard. The younger gasped but looped his arms around Mark's neck and kissed him happily back with the softest of giggles. The slightly taller picked up Jack in a bridal style and raced down the aisle with the younger in his arms towards their getaway vehicle as the crowd clapped and cheered for the happy couple. Mark laughed as a limo waited for them and the chauffeur opened the door and Mark hopped in gently with a laughing Jack in his arms. Soon all the groomsmen joined them and so did the best men. Of course Felix snorted and made fun of Jack being so much like a girl that earned him a nice kick to the legs that Matt and Ryan laughed hard about. Ken only shook his head and resumed his conversation with Tyler who seemed entirely sincere about being happy for Mark. Bob and Wade were up to their usual antics and were laughing at a stupid joke Wade had made. Thomas ruffled his younger brother's hair gently before whispering, "I have to go take care of mom so I can't stay. I hope you're fine with that?"
Mark nodded in understanding before smiling as Jack stood up to grab some champagne from the mini fridge and he turned to Thomas gently, "Of course Tom. I'm fine with that. Now go! Shoo! I got wedding papers to sign!" His brother laughed before yelling out a quick, "Congratulations to the happy couple!" As he dashed over to their shared mother in the distance. The chauffeur closed the door and Mark laughed when Jack came back and sat right in his lap with a glass of wine. Gently tipping the glass back, the younger took a sip of his wine and looked at Mark with pitying eyes, "I'm sorry you can't drink with us Markimoo, but I can make up for it!" And with that Jack leaned in and kissed Mark with his lips tasting of white wine. The sudden rush of cheers and wolf whistles made Mark flush slightly as he pulled away from Jack's kiss, yet he laughed and looked over at all his friends.
"I'm glad you all are here, sincerely. You are all such good friends to Jack and I, and I appreciate it greatly." A sudden laugh from Matt made Mark's head turn toward the giggling blond just as the skinny man cheered, "That's the nicest compliment you've given me Mark! Fuck!" Ryan chimed in with a quick laugh before retorting, "Amen!"
And with that everyone laughed and started their own conversations. Felix on the other hand plopped down beside the happy couple and tapped his wine glass to Jack's, "Better make the best of this green pewdiepie~" he teased.
Jack, on the other hand, replied with a smooth, "Nice try Swedish meatball, but you can't ruin my day!"
Mark held in his laughter when Felix down his glass and laughed in Jack's face, "I'm going ta' beat your ass tonight at dancing Irish potato!"
Jack huffed and got red in the face as he yelled back, "You got it twisted Felix-"
Yet the insult never made it because Mark interrupted, "Boys! We all know I got Jack's ass! Finders keepers! BUT, I will beat both your asses in dancing because I am the greatest dancer here!"
The limo for the next thirty minutes was filled with endless laughter and smiles as everyone got along swimmingly. When they got out at their destination, Jack and Mark immediately grinned as they stared at the city hall standing in front of them. (Shit I don't know what it would look like)
They had thought to officially get themselves married immediately after the wedding and as they walked into the court room, Mark suddenly felt his palms start to sweat as nerves ate like mice at his belly. Jack saw the sudden worried look over Mark's face and stopped his husband.
"W-why'd you-?"
"Ya' look worried Mark, I just wanted to ask why?"
Those baby blue eyes met dark chocolate brown and the red haired man quickly pulled Jack into his arms and kissed his newfound husband. The smaller squeaked with a tensed back at first but slowly wrapped his arms around the taller' neck while letting his teeth graze over Mark's bottom lip. The bigger gasped gently and shuddered at the feeling before pulling away while letting his hand cup Jack's cheek and stroke the slightly scruffy jaw there, "I needed that, sorry Jackaboy~"
The smaller laughed before pecking his husband's cheek, "It's alright let's get officially married shall we?"
And with that the two headed toward the right floor to get the papers signed with the biggest of smiles on their faces like the dorks they are, and they couldn't have been happier.

Sorry this took so long! I've been trying to update books as fast as possible but try to give the readers the long story it needs. But this is Day 26!
Story_Maker_901_ out!

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