Day 29: Doing Something Sweet

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The warmth of their bodies gathered in the soft sheets of their shared bed as the lovers embraced each other in the pale moonlight. Green and blue eyes watched as his tall lover slept with their head to his chest, the head of his soulmate cradled in delicate yet deadly black spiked arms. Their hearts thumped as one as the demons laid side by side, one awake and one asleep.
The warm leather wings that lay against Dark's back gently pushed themselves over and under his lover's sides insuring there was no way of escape.
A slender tail slid around the darker complected man's wrist before pulling that hand up and over Anti's soft exposed hip.
The gentle appreciative hum that came from the bigger's lips made Anti smile, and the smaller leaned down and whispered to Dark with that long tongue slithering out of his mouth on purpose, "Is my Baby Daddy Dark gonna lay here all night~?"
Shifting slightly the taller opened up a fully black eye and looked up at his soulmate sleepily, "Maybe...depends on what ya'r offerin'..." Anti's skin shivered as Dark's beautifully ironic deep smooth voice spilled out of his mouth. The smaller just smirked before leaning down and nuzzling his temple against Dark's forehead before answering his question, "My love an' maybe a few sweet kisses?"
Dark gently leaned forward and whispered in the pale demon's ear, "Better hurry up then-Nathan and Max will get restless."
Anti shuddered before looking at his soulmate with hooded eyes and his cheeks flushed lightly in the dark room as his lover smirked.
The younger leaned in and gently kissed Dark's soft yet thin lips, savor into the taste of him and all that he is. The other gently sat up-his arms trapping Anti against the bed as he met Anti halfway for the gentle kisses that they hardly shared. Dark's elbows were on either side of Anti's head as the small demon's thick black hands changed to normal and played with Dark's still blood red hair. Those wings from before disappeared into the skin of the more dominant's back and the slender tail sneaked it's way up the taller's shirt tickling Dark's side and over his stomach.
Anti leaned into the beautiful light kisses that Dark gave him and those claws traced down the defined jaw and caressed the skin of his mate's cheek.
The warmth radiating from their bodies was comforting enough. They had survived two brutal weeks of taking care of their newborns and had finally gotten time to themselves.
Panting-the taller pulled away and looked down into Anti's tired face and teased, "Man...Whoever doesn't love you has got to be downright blind. You've got the most beautiful eyes..."
The younger quickly frowned and huffed, "Stooooop! You're being lovey dovey stupid Dark! Don't be like Mark-"
But the older pulled the smaller's legs around his back and leaned in close as Anti wrapped his hands around the bigger's neck.
"I am a part of him Anti...or don't you like me being sweet on you?" The sudden genuine look in Dark's eyes made Anti actually laugh before sitting up and making Dark sit with him in his lap.
The green haired demon just glowed his eyes and growled, "I love all of you Daddy Dark~ I just want you to be happy the way you are-and that's not being that idiot Mark."
The older held his soulmate close and felt their souls clamp tighter around one another as they stared into each other's eyes.
"Seeing you all un-pregnant is making me weirded out."
"What the hell-are you talking about?"
The older just laughed and flashed that dangerous smile before laying his hand against Anti's belly-making the smaller gasp and groan slightly as it was still a tender spot.
"I could get you pregnant again-have another kid-"
"Dark if you do that I may have to neuter you-and maybe just keep you from sex if needed."
The older just laughed and leaned down to steal a sweet kiss from Anti who grasp his hair and pulled on it slightly, eliciting a soft hum against his lips.
After a minute the deafening silence, the air was split by a cry from what was definitely Nathaniel.
Dark immediately was off of Anti and flash stepped into the baby's room that had become lit by the night.
The room was painted a dark maroon and had black spirals creeping up the walls like dangerous snakes only to spiral in the most intricate of green circles that transformed into a big wolf and a slightly smaller buck trapped inside a heart. Two dark wooded dressers sat on either side of the room with a matching bookshelf already covered and packed with books of all sorts. A twin crib sat in the middle of the room in black paint with the soft fur of a hellhound for Nathaniel and Maxwell to sleep on and a medium sized chime hanging from the ceiling made with thinned down bones from when Dark had them as a child.
Nathaniel was wide awake next to his pale skinned brother who had started to fidget at the sound of his twin's whimpering. Dark leaned over the crib and cradled the slightly cold Nathan and wrapped him up in a soft rabbit fur blanket. The young babe had grown in the past two weeks-most demon babies grow quickly anyway. His tiny tan hands bumped against Dark's jaw as he stretched his tiny arms and made the adult chuckle and kiss one of the stretching hands. The eye on Nathan's forehead opened up and showed off the pretty red eye that he owned and made Dark grin as the infant opened the other two that were blue and green. A small tail wrapped around Dark's finger daring the adult to let go.
Footsteps sounded down the hallway and Dark welcomed the warmth of Anti embracing his back and staring at Nathan from the side of Dark's shoulder.
"He settled down pretty quick-did you check on Maxie?" Dark shook his head before looking back at his soulmate to find the demon had already made his way over to the crib and was leaning down and stroking the bigger infant's cheek. Dark flash stepped over once again and made Nathan giggle and make Anti and Dark's soul squeeze tighter at their child's cuteness.
Max on the other hand had woken up and was starting to cry. Anti quickly picked him up in a seemed to be a demon's fawn cover and carried him over to the changing table while Dark sat on a soft couch in the corner with Nathan snuggled up in his arms.
The little demon had blinked down his green and blue eyes in favor of his red one and made Dark's eyes shine as he made a soft babble.
After a while Anti walked over with an already energetic Maxwell and plopped down next to the taller; he snuggled up against the bigger man and laid his head on the warm bare shoulder of Dark.
Placing a gentle kiss to his mischievous demon's head before receiving a loving kiss back on the nose. Maxwell giggled and twined his smaller tail with Anti's before raising his wings and stretching them out.
Anti just laughed and looked up into Dark's eyes, feeling the love and care from them, before whispering, "I love you Daddy Dark..."
Then Dark pressed his forehead to Anti's-his wings pulling their family closer than ever while feeling his heart and soul twinge tight around Anti's.
"I love you too my beautiful soulmate."

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