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In due time the two You-Tubers kept their fanbases but ended up slowing down their Youtube careers in exchange for living life, traveling the world together and experiencing new adrenaline pumping activities. Recently the pair had gone hiking up Pike's Peak in Colorado just to say they had did it. Mark had somehow sprained his ankle by being risky with a certain rock and had to ride the tram down the mountain with Jack by his side.
(Omg I rode the tram and the guy that was working there was-mmmmmmmmm~)
Mark just laughed and joked around with people who talked to him and made his husband grin as he put those dazzling smiles on strangers' faces.
Jack slid a hand under his hat to play with the bleached blonde locks there, having given up the green for a natural color like Mark did. He thumbed his ring for a moment before feeling the tram come to a stop at the plaza. Mark just waved goodbye to the friendly family, and Jack gently got out of people's way as he held Mark's hands and made sure he was alright. Mark just smiled and brushed his lips against Jack's knuckles. The younger shivered immediately but felt his heart bloom with warmth as Mark pulled him closer and kissed his cheek.
"You're so good to me."
"Damn right Mark-now let's get you to the car, and we can get back to the hotel alright?"
The older just nodded and was helped up by Jack and had to hobble slowly off the tram, succeeding in such task.
They made their way back to the hotel and Jack found himself pushing Mark to sit down and relax. But the older just pulled the smaller into his lap and ran a hand through Jack's graying hair.
"You worry too much Jackaboy. I'll put some ice on it...later. Let's just enjoy our time here and watch the stars tonight, alrighty?" Mark's soft brown eyes made Jack nod and sigh in defeat before he was smashed into the older's embrace that made his heart stutter and stomach flip as he felt his blood pulse in his ears and made the frown on his face turn into a huge grin.
"You're turning gray haired already so just relax with me okay? We'll be home soon enough."
Jack just hummed, cupping his beloved's cheek and pressing his forehead to his husband's slowly, "I just hate being away from home sometimes. How about we post a video on our channel? The viewers would love it. Maybe we can play some silly game online too. You haven't played your Subnautica series in a while..."
But Mark just set his hands on Jack's hips and let his lips slide onto Jack's slowly, whispering soft words of:
"Later...right now I want to spend my time with you.."
And with that the younger pressed his lips harder against Mark's and pushed the older down against the bed, their night spent mostly just kissing and cuddling.
And when the stars came out, the two sat on their small hotel balcony with their eyes glued to the sky, hand in hand.
"The night is so beautiful...all the stars just fuckin'...shimmer and I find that so beautiful..."
Jack's words struck a chord within Mark and his heart squeezed as he stared with wanting eyes at the stars, "You just reminded me of why I love space so much...the stars, the planets, the damn universe is so cool and-Oh god I just-OH THAT'S Soooooooo COOOOOOLLLL~!!"
Jack just snorted and leaned into his husband, his elbow playfully hitting Mark's bicep in a way to get him to stop, "You're one hell o' a goofball Mark Fischbach, ya' know that?"
But the older just pulled Jack's face to look in each other's eyes, his next words sending a spark down Jack's spine.
"If I had two choices...go to space or stay with you....I immediately would choose you, Sean Fischbach. You keep me active, you take care of me when I fall down, you always make sure to make my day the best damn day ever and god I just-" Mark breathed in shakily and pressed his lips to Jack's to try and hide his oncoming tears.
The younger understood completely, wrapping his arms around the older's neck and pulling his husband in close, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on the back of Mark's neck.
It had been three years and Mark had lost Chica since then, and Jack knew how hard it was for him since he had lost her so suddenly. But Jack was there the entire time, making sure Mark moved on and was happy again.
Mark just held Jack close after that, the younger having made himself cozy on Mark's lap since he was warmer.
"I love you Mark Edward Fischbach, don't you ever forget it." Mark looked up into Jack's sincere baby blues and sighed with relief as he saw the blurred out stars behind him and wished he had his phone on him to take a picture of his perfect husband.
"And I love you too Sean William Fischbach. I'll never let you forget-ever." The words came from the heart and it made Jack's heart pound crazily as he watched Mark's well chiseled jaw clench and his eyes soften in an expression of wonder and awe. The younger smiled and kissed his husband heartily, running his hands through Mark's soft dark locks, his heart racing inside his chest from the feeling of being close to the one he loved.
Mark kissed back even more heartily, his hands gripping Jack's hips, pulling the smaller closer by his belt loops, their mouth melding together in the pale moonlight of the night, the warmth from their bodies making them more dependent on each other, their hearts beating quickly in time with one another. Having felt their hearts and chests expand with love for each other, they both leaned in and whispered at the same time:

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