Day 12: Making Out

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It had started with a simple kiss to the cheek and the two men cuddling in Mark's desk chair. Jack rested on Mark's lap, watching as he live streamed a video for a horror game. The fans knew all about Jack and Mark's relationship. (Just realized all the vowels are in the word "relationship" except "u") So they didn't mind the fluffy cuddling that was happening.
But what they couldn't see was the smooth shift that Jack made to get comfortable, that made Mark gasp breathlessly into Jack's ear. Jack giggled as he sat directly right up against Mark's clothed groin, his eyes showed mischief as he kissed Mark's nose, "Having fun Markimoo?"
Mark looked at the screen, his face flush as he continued on playing the horror game, replying to Jack's comment with a swift, "Of course Jackababy. Oh FUCk ME!!"
Mark freaked out a second later as the death screen popped up, it made Jack squeak in surprise as he watched before he grabbed the mouse and took Mark's headphones for him, "Yar' such a big baby Mark. Let me try." Jack pulled on the headphones and when in danger he turned off the flashlight and ran in the opposite direction.
The comments went wild as Jack started playing and Mark watched, being sly by pushing up the back of Jack's shirt and placing gentle kisses all along his spine, his own two hands rubbing over Jack's soft skin of his belly and making the other gasp out, "...m..Mark....tryin' ta' play a game here."
Mark laughed and kissed Jack's neck and whispered something incomprehensible to the fans watching, that was husky and made Jack freeze and scramble to turn off the camera. Mark chuckled as Jack turned around after taking off the headphones and took control of a dominant kiss.
Mark hummed as he slid a hand up Jack's back and made the other melt in his hands. The Irishman pulled away to stroke Mark's scruffy jaw before kissing it and soon making butterfly kisses down to his neck, where Mark groaned when Jack sucked on a sweet spot. "Fuck....Jack~"
Jack giggled at his blushing boyfriend before pushing his hands up Mark's shirt and slipping it off before kissing his American boyfriend's surgical scars and making Mark's heart melt like chocolate in the sun. "Jack you don't have to worship my belly area you know?"
Jack looked up at Mark with half lidded blue eyes, "Did it hurt? When...when you?" The question hung in the air before Mark did the smallest of nods, "A little. Of course. But, I'm glad you don't drink often. It's not fun being the only one sober all the time."
Jack giggled and repositioned himself back on Mark's lap, having got down on the floor to worship Mark's scars. "Awww that's the first time you ever complimented me~" Jack teased, once again.
Mark laughed before bringing Jack back into their lip lock, the taste of coffee present of Jack's lips, and Mark's minty freshness from an early morning toothbrush. Jack hummed as he pressed up against Mark, to feel his warmth even though he was a lot less clothes than before. Mark took off Jack's belt after whispering, "We aren't going all the way, but this blasted thing is digging in my belly button."
Jack nodded, fine with that as Mark slipped his belt off. Jack then kissed Mark gently again, hands wrapping around Mark's neck as the chair creaked from the wait of them both
. Mark's knees were honestly jelly after he and Jack kissed each other with a passionate roughness that made your lips swollen and the butterflies in your belly increase.
The two continued their makeout session, not aware that the computer screen was still on, as well as the microphone that caught real live evidence of the two.
And that's day 12!

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