Day 15: In A Different Clothing Style

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Dark tugged on the black jacket, feeling a sense of power as the suit he wore made him feel immense control.
The young demon looked at himself in the mirror and saw his bright red hair clashed with the suit, but, red is a dominating color, and he loved that.
He smiled wide, fangs flashing out of their confinement and shining from an earlier tooth cleaning.
He was waiting on his soulmate to get dressed in his clothes which was taking forever. The larger man sighed gently while trying not to think that his wings were trapped behind the shirt and jacket that stretched over his broad upper body.
The tiniest of flutters in Dark's heart made him turn around to see a grinning Anti dressed up in his slim clothes, taking a new liking to the outfit immediately.
Dark smiled when Anti spun around in it like a little girl and hid his chuckle behind a hand, trying to be discreet.
Anti spotted Dark and with his eyes going hooded, he licked his lips sensually, "Oh Daddy Dark~ You look so nice and handsome in that outfit of yours,"
Anti sashayed over to Dark and made the older smirk before Anti pulled Dark's bow tie taught against the collar of his shirt, "Has anyone told you, that you look good in a suit?" Anti drawled, setting his hands on Dark's shoulders.
Dark grinned, feeling Anti's heartbeat in his hands. He slid his own arms around his lover and pressed their foreheads together, "You'd be the first-actually. I'm glad you like it. You look adorable in your suit," Dark chuckled softly as he tapped the shock collar above Anti's shirt collar, "Why do you always wear this anyway?"
Anti smiled softly as he cupped Dark's cheek and pecked his lips, making Dark him happily, "Because-" he answered a little bit breathless, "It reminds me that I'm yours and always will be." Anti rocked forward onto the toes of his boots, green hair swishing over his black and green eye.
Dark smiled genuinely, pushing the hair out of Anti's face slowly before placing a kiss on the other's forehead, "You're too adorable for your own good babydoll. Now, would you stop your tail from squeezing my thigh? I would deeply appreciate it."
Anti giggled darkly and slipped his tail away from Dark's thigh and dashed downstairs out the door, coat flapping in the wind.
Dark shook his head and grabbed out the shock collar remote, put it up to the highest setting while walking downstairs and pressed the button, smirking darkly when he heard Anti cry out in pain and pleasure from outside.
The taller demon opened up the door to the cabin and saw Anti, fifty feet away on his knees with drool slipping out the side of his mouth and a hooded gaze that blinked slightly as jolts of electric shock ran through his body.
The smile that was on his face made Dark know he was in euphoria and high in the clouds as he walked over. Anti moaned softly when he saw Dark and reached out for his leg, letting out a little whine as he felt utterly wrecked and his knees were jelly.
Dark sighed with a grin on his face as he knelt down in front of the slightly panting Anti, "That was revenge Anti, also you are to stay within my sight from now on. Can you do that?"
Anti nodded and Dark reprimanded him with a softer shock setting.
Anti groaned out a solemn, "YESSSSSSS!!!! Oh....oh Daddy Dark I can! I promise~"
Anti's eyes tried to focus on the figure in front of him, a lovesick look stuck on his face as Dark petted his hair, "Good boy Anti. Now can you stand?"
Anti nodded slowly and with his tail swishing from side to side, he slowly stood up, Dark helping him somewhat by pulling him into his arms.
Anti let out something akin to a mewl as Dark kissed the top of his head and sent tiny warm sparks all over his body. "Thank you Daddy Dark. I love you~"
Dark chuckled, eyes glimmering protectively as he watched Anti's knees wobble and his tail immediately slip around Dark's arm when he set it on Anti's hip. "Now I expect for you to stay by me at all times today, unless you absolutely need to go somewhere. And if you don't tell me I kick up the shock collar another notch. Got it baby boy?"
Anti purred with delight and nuzzled his face into Dark's chest, "Yes Daddy Dark."
The taller demon then tilted up Anti's chin and kissed him with a sweetness that made Anti's soul warm around Dark's and send pleasant sparks up from his toes.
Dark hummed against Anti's lips and gently took the smaller demon's hands in his own, pulling away slightly from the kiss to lead Anti into the town wearing their new outfits.
"Hey Daddy Dark?"
The older demon looked down at his soulmate, their hands were interlocked as they watched the new horror movie in the huge theater.
Anti had his eyes glowing as he didn't have his glasses to see the movie and his legs were crossed as he tried to get comfortable.
Dark blinked slightly and unconsciously squeezed Anti's hand, "What is it?" 
Anti shuddered as the sparks tingled down his spine, "I really really need to take a piss."
The older one hummed and stood up before making Anti entirely confused, "W-what are you doin' Dark?"
"I am taking you-to the bathroom." The dark glint in his eyes didn't faze Anti as he blushed.
The younger demon nudged Dark forward and huffed, "I ain't no bubble blow in' baby you know!"
Dark grinned from ear to ear as he watched Anti's tail swish aggressively. "Oh I know baby. But I just want to make sure nothing happens to you is all." And honestly, what Dark was saying was genuine.
Anti pouted as he walked across the theater's lounge, "I can take care of myself you know!" His frown turned to a gasp of surprise as he was pushed into the bathroom.
Dark put a finger to his lips as Anti opened up his mouth to speak and ask questions. The sound of a gunshot could be heard outside the bathroom door and Dark's instincts kicked in, "Go to the bathroom Anti. I'll be waiting."
Anti went to protest as he grabbed onto Dark but was gently nudged towards a urinal, "Go Anti. Now." Anti nodded slowly before walking over to the urinal.
Dark exited the bathroom and stood guard at the door as he watched two men rob the theatre of money. Three bodies lay in a puddle on the ground, already dead. Darkiplier's heart started to pump with adrenaline at the sound of laughing and another gunshot. The two men noticed Dark at the bathroom door and held him at gunpoint, "Give us all your money ya' twat. Now! Before I shoot."
Darkiplier rolled his eyes and sighed, "Oh-no! Someone please help me-I'm being robbed!" Dark let his low pitched laugh come on through and let his dark eyes glow dangerously, "Fuck you."
The man clicked back the trigger and Dark rolled his eyes, feinting to one side to dodge the bullet that got lodged in the bathroom door. The other guy, who was stashing money yelled out, "Get that son of a bitch Hershel!!!!"
Dark guessed that the guy shooting at him was Hershel, "Oh. Such a stupid name. You better not shoot again or you'll get it buddy." Hershel laughed at Dark's words and readied to take aim, "You can't dodge this time old fool."
Dark sighed before taking the bullet to the forearm as he dashed forward and plunged his clawed hand deep into the man's chest, Dark watching as his eyes went white with surprise and his body shook, "Don't play with a demon little Hershel, or you get my bite."  The man watched for the last seconds of his life as his heart was pulled out of his chest and tossed into a trash bin.
Dark grinned with pride as Hershel fell to the floor, dead. He ignored the stinging of the bullet wound in his arm as he advanced on the stricken robber who screamed and dashed to the bathroom. Dark leaned back and called out, "Anti~ We got ourselves a runner~"
Anti blinked from inside the bathroom as he watched a man with a gun dash inside only to stop in his tracks when Dark called out. Anti laughed sadistically and grabbed the man by the front of the shirt, eyes glowing dangerously, "A runner ey? How about we have some fun~? Hmm?"
Anti's hands changed to humongous black claws that pierced into the man's neck as he tried to scream for help, "Oh hush, you'll make Dark upset, and you haven't seen anything yet."
The man started to cry but Anti had no sympathy, feeling that one of the two men hurt his Dark. "You're a monster!" The man choked out, face going purple as he slowly suffocated.
Anti shrugged, smiling with deadly intention. "You're right on the dot sir, and man it feels good to be one doesn't it?"
The man would never speak again, because when he opened his mouth Anti's eyes narrowed and he gutted the helpless man, smiling wide as he dropped to the floor, dead as a door nail.
Anti licked the blood off his claws, purring at the sweet metallic taste before watching Dark come in, grinning proudly at Anti's work, "Aww he looks so peaceful like that my little babydoll. You truly are one sweet demon."
Anti blushed and walked up to Dark, pecking his cheek.
"Thank you Daddy Dark." Anti giggled when Dark stroked his hair and went to go wash his hands to get rid of the blood.
The two demon's then watched every other movie at the theater, having unlimited snacks and drinks since everyone was dead. And they decided that since they killed so well, they would keep the outfits they wore, forever.
And that's Day 15!

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