Day 16: Morning Rituals

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The bright red lights of 6:00 a.m. flashed across Mark's dark room. The interracial man himself stretching out to yawn, his mouth opened wide as he let out his deep tiredness. The older man looked down at the Irishman sleeping next to him and shook his head as he snored peacefully.
Mark stood up gently out of bed, past Chica's bed, and down the cherry-wooded stairs he owned and into the kitchen. He walked over to the coffee maker and grabbed the pitcher underneath and filling it up with water before dumping it through the top and setting his favorite mug underneath, putting coffee grounds in the machine with a filter before watching as it drained out the content of coffee into his cup. He grabbed some milk while it did and set it aside before ruffling his hair out of his face as his coffee finished up.
Mark's next mission was to go wake up Jack, in which he would fail due to the man being a bitch to wake up in the mornings. So, sighing, the poor man went upstairs again and on the other side of the bed, smiling when Chica woke up and started trotting at his heels.
He leaned down next to his boyfriend and kissed his head gently, voice deep and husky from the morning as he shook his partner awake, "Sean baby you need to wake up..." Jack batted his hand away and Mark gave up before looking at Chica and petting her head before going to record the next video in the corner.
Mark started to record for later, yelling and screaming at the computer each time he died unnecessarily before cutting off the video and sending it to Matt to edit with a title in mind.
He looked over to see his boyfriend whining and rolling over as he woke up. Mark drank the rest of his coffee before grabbing some boxers and walking to the bathroom, Chica running over to Jack as he wakes up.
Mark walked into the shower, stripped naked and letting the hot water wash the dirt and grease away from his body. He washed his body slowly, massaging tenseness away in areas that were sore from working out.
Jack, on the other hand was drinking coffee while eating Lucky Charms, thank Mark for being a teasing ass. The half Asian man himself came down wearing black sorts and a sleeveless red jacket that Jack unconsciously licked his lips to. Mark then filled Chica's food bowl and called upstairs, "Chica~ Come 'ere puppershnupp!"
Jack laughed as Chica rushed downstairs and into Mark's legs, making him laugh and soothe her with pets to calm her down. Jack looked at the clock to read, 7:48 and he grinned, time for him to record for his 9 o'clock video.
So while the Irishman recorded, Mark ate his apple and let Chica outside, along with playing with her until she wore herself out. Mark's morning had whizzed by and he didn't mind.
Jack eventually came down, freshly showered and in his tight ass pants and a t-shirt. Mark smacked that plush booty before laughing when Jack and him ran around the house, Jack getting Mark back with a solid punch to the arm in which Mark laughed it off and gave Jack the smallest of kisses.

And if you look close enough I based it off of Mark's video!!!!!!

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