Day 30: Doing Something Hot (NSFW)

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Mark had wanted to do something special for Jack's birthday (When I'm writing right now-it's his birthday.) and what better than not to do than birthday sex-or in this case: use Mark's amazing pole dancing skills to get him turned on as much as possible. The half Korean had installed a pole in their room while Jack was out getting groceries.
The pole was pretty sturdy when Mark used all his weight on it and pulled; the pole never budged one centimeter and that made him hum happily before looking up, realizing the time, and dashing to get himself ready in the bathroom. Stripping down to just boxers-he put in his contacts and pushed back his hair away from his eyes.
"Alright...breathe Mark, breathe. You're gonna be just fine. He loves you either way. And you love him to pieces. You won't screw this up, you won't screw this up, you won't screw-" the sound of the front door opening made Mark's heart stop and end up leaping into his throat.
"Mark?! I'm home!!! Where are you?!"
Clearing his throats the older called out while locking their bedroom door, "I'm in the bedroom! I'll be out in a sec! Candles will be good."
While the older rushed to get the bedroom ready, Jack was putting away groceries in the fridge. The Irishman sighed, running a hand through his fading green hair before turning back to the plastic bag to his left to grab a tub of peanut butter and stuff it into a higher shelf.
But when he turned once more, his eyes stopped when he saw his American husband standing and inch away from him in nothing but underwear. There was something more intimate than just his husband in his boxers-which he had seen more often than he wanted too...Mark was up to something, and something more hot and heavier than what Jack is expecting.
Mark watched Jack's pale skin flush almost down to his shoulders while he stood there, and attempted the sexiest face he could manage. (Which of course isn't hard-he's Markiplier come on!)
"Happy birthday babe~" the sound of Mark using his deepest voice made Jack shiver where he stood. His heart beating faster and faster when Mark leaned in close and stole the gentlest of kisses.
The smaller wrapped his arms loosely around his husband's bare neck all the while Mark's hands squeezed Jack's thinner hips and making the younger make a breathy squeak as that was a more sensitive spot.
"M-Mark?-OH! What the he-hell are ya' doin'~?" The older had proceeded on kissing up Jack's jaw and nibbling on the skin underneath his ear, making the younger scramble to grab at Mark's arms.
"I have a show to perform for you my Irish creamer-now...I want you to follow my instructions carefully got it?"
The sound and feeling of Mark speaking in Jack's ear made all sorts of shocks and shudders begin to spiral into his groin, making the younger whimper and his knees go weak. Mark spoke his careful instructions into Jack's now burning hot ear and suddenly left the Youtuber with the most reddest face he's every gotten.
The room was too hot for the Irishman all of a sudden and he quickly took off his jacket and laid it over the couch on his way back to Mark's and his room, stalling himself at the door by pulling off his shoes along with his belt just in case.
Pressing himself against the door he counted to three while talking a deep breath and waiting for the music to start up like his husband said.
Meanwhile he was sporting a semi-hard in his tight ass jeans that he was itching to get off, damn Mark and his gorgeous voice!
Inside the bedroom was a very worried dark skinned man who had his finger ready to tap the music button, and yet he couldn't do it. He was so stressed out even though candles lit up the room and there was a lava lamp lazily working nearby. Two red and green lights were solely gazed upon the gleaming silver dance pole, it's professional look insulting Mark and his abilities to be a good pole dancer.
"He'll love you anyway a man...come on!" And with that-his finger touched the button and he looked at his body which now sported the stupid ruffled angel wings that Chica wore around her paws.
( I put up a video of pole dancing....but if y'all can't watch it then just imagine okay?)
That was when Jack walked into the room only to run into the chair like a dork while watching Mark.
Mark actually giggled before walking over and pushing his husband down in his seat before teasing Jack by letting a finger go from tilting up his chin to sliding down all the way down his chest and just barely brushing up against his groin. His Irish husband let out a breathy gasp and watched as his tanner beauty of a husband jutted out his hips as walked up to the pole and gave him one hell of an erotic show. Jack watched as Mark rubbed his crotch up against the pole and moaned out for him with hazy eyes.
The Irishman's fingers twitched and he immediately stood up, crossed the room, and shoved Mark onto their bed.
The older barely had time to comprehend what was happening before his green haired husband was sucking dark spots onto his neck, making him whine as he felt Jack's teeth nip all over his neck.
His body curled up around his slightly shorter husband before Jack pulled off his own shirt, his teeth going back to Mark's chest and kissing all the way down to his belly button.
Mark hummed before grabbing Jack's hair and pulling him back up to his lips gently. Jack reciprocated with a gentle nip and took control of Mark's mouth by pressing his head back into the bed, Jack's boy sitting up and rocking down onto Mark's obvious tent. The man below him moaned against Jack's lips and let his hand slide off Jack's awful skinny jeans that had stuck to his skin due to sweat.
"God I love you Jack..." Mark's voice made the Irishman's ears burn and he felt his lips quiver as he looked down at his sexually disgruntled husband. He smiled the biggest grin that hurt his cheeks before whispering back, "And I love you my reckless son of a gun husband that doesn't listen when I said I only wanted cuddling for my birthday! You son of a bitch-why do you always surprise me?!"
Mark laughed heartily and caressed his pale Irishman's sides gently, "Because cuddling just isn't enough to say how much I love you~"
That made Jack's heart melt and he smiled sweetly before leaning forward and kissing Mark's cheek and then his nose before whispering, "You know...I actually prepped myself before I I guess I was expecting something~" Mark watched with half-lidded eyes as his husband licked his lips before pulling off his lover's underwear to see his rock hard arousal and something solid wiped against the inside of one thigh.
"You dirty boy!" Mark groaned out before sitting up, his arms pushing Jack back into the bed before pinning his wrists together with one hand and pulling down his own underwear with the other.
The younger whined at the sight of Mark's own large girth before he thrusted up his hips impatiently, rubbing right up against Mark's length in just the right way that had Jack moaning-
Until Mark flipped him so that Jack had his face down, ass up.
Weeeeeeelllllllll FUCK!
Mark hummed when he saw Jack had indeed prepared himself properly, and he lubed up his own length quickly-not wanting to waste time. Jack rocked down into the bed, his dick just getting the right amount of friction for him to gasp and grasp at the sheets before earning a harsh smack to one butt cheek.
Jack whined before glaring back at Mark only to feel as the head of Mark's cock slid in with the softest of "pops". The younger moaned as Mark pushed himself in to become fully seated within him.
Mark sighed softly and watched his husband bite his lip, his head resting on his arms without a pillow. He gave an experimental thrust only to have Jack squeak out as Mark rubbed his prostate.
The older smirked before squeezing Jack's hips and thrusting at a slow pace.
Meanwhile, Jack was moaning out as he felt Mark deep inside of him, his stomach coiling up slowly like a snake ready to be threatened.
His beautiful dark haired husband then pressed his lips all over Jack's back in comfort and he felt his heart flutter when Mark was taking it slow, one of his hands grasping around Jack's as they made love.
The pace still quickened and Jack shuddered when he felt Mark's free hand rub over his asscheek-teasing him before he made a hard thrust and made that coil in Jack's stomach become tight. He was close, and Mark kissed his shoulder blade to signal he was close as well.
Just before they released, Mark leaned forward and left a possessive mark to the back on Jack's neck before they both groaned out in climax.
They laid still for a minute before Mark pulled out and immediately took care of Jack by taking them to the bathroom and getting a brisk shower. They both kept close, Jack mostly blushing when Mark was cooing over how cute Jack looked when he was watching his, "Birthday Present".
Once back into their guest room since their other bed was dirty, they both laid down next to each other and just lazily teased each other. Jack especially teasing Mark by kissing at the older man's neck and making Mark laugh since he was tickled by the scruff of Jack's beard.
Brown eyes then pinned blue and Mark was whispering in Jack's ear, "Happy Birthday my little Irishman~"
And boy was Jack having one of his greatest birthdays.

An: OKAY SO I KNOW IT SAYS THAT IT'S A 30 DAY CHALLENGE BUT I WILL DO ONE MORE IN CASE YA'LL WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WITH DARK AND ANTI-AS WELL AS JACK AND MARK. LIKE AN EPILOGUE OK? Then the book will be finished. Just let me know if you want a small epilogue alright? Until then my dearest readers....

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