Day 21: Cooking/Baking

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Anti X Dark
The day was cold outside with snow drifting into soft piles and the clouds blocking out the sun from view. The sound of loud joyful laughter could be heard from the dark woods that no one dare enter. As snow drifted upon the ground, footsteps disturbed the cleanliness and perfectness of the white hardened water.
Cold air whipped upon the demon's face as he ran through the snow with his body bundled in coats, scarves, and gloves. His red eyes glinted up at the white flakes as he passed, the presence of cold sent a jolting warmth through his body and made his wings flutter around him.
The sudden bang of a screen door was heard and Dark looked up at his soulmate, chuckling when Anti shivered and his teeth chattered as he tried to persuade Dark, "Come back inside Dark! Please. It's so cold out here and I need something to keep me busy while we're waiting for the brownies!"
Dark jogged up to the porch where Anti stood holding open the screen door with a sweater, jeans, and a baby blue apron on that made his one septic eye pop. The two greeted each other properly with a peck on the lips, the shock of sparks from it making Dark's heart warm and Anti shiver.
The smaller demon grabbed Dark's scarf and gently pulled him into the house and closed the door behind his lover. Dark hummed when Anti started kissing his cold jaw and cheeks despite the scarf protecting it. He stopped Anti when he pushed off his boots and shook out his wings and hair. The leathery sound of Dark's wings made Anti laugh behind a hand,making Dark raise an eyebrow at the childish demon, "What are you laughin' at?"
Anti's hands lowered to show his usual wide fanged smile that Dark loved, "Yar' wings are weird. A good weird!"
Dark stepped forward and made Anti gasp as his wings wrapped around Anti and brought him closer so that they were nose to nose, "Your tail is wagging like a cat on a sunny day, that's pretty cute for a demon of your standard," he purred out while watching Anti's tail wag faster, side to side, and knew Anti had not liked the tease from the flutter of their souls.
"And what standard is my fellow demon brethren supposed to be like Dark?" Dark looked deep into those pissed off eyes  and his own glinted from the dominance in Anti's voice.
Anti swallowed hard as he watched Dark his lover's lips breathing out a soft breath that Anti breathed in, the wings around him producing heat for himself. Dark cupped his cheek, stroking the soft flesh there and making Anti purr deeply. "Mischief demon's almost never come into human form. They always keep their tails in when in hell, and always seem to get tied up with a lower level demon. You, my Antisepticeye, love your human form and so do I. Your eyes always captivate me and show me how your feeling. Your tail isn't in the standard heart shape that mischief demon's have due to picking a lower leveled demon for a mate. Also, your tail is longer like a cat demon's. So it's absolutely adorable," Dark let his fingers fall to grope at the plush flesh which is Anti's bottom and made him moan, watching as Anti pressed forward and hid in Dark's neck.
The long black triangle shaped tail wrapped around Dark's arm to do more but knowing there was baking to be done he kissed the top of Anti's head and whispered, "The brownies are gonna burn if you don't get them now."
Anti's eyes widened and he yelled out, "Mother of fuck Dark!" Before dashing to the kitchen, and rescuing the brownies just in time, while Dark laughed and Anti pouted.
This was a short one but I made it extra fluffy? Day 21 out!

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