Day 28: Doing Something Ridiculous

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"Are you FOOKIN' NUTS?!"
Mark laughed gently before pecking his Irish husband's cheek, "Only for you Jackaboy." The honeymoon had been going on quite well-except for the fact that Mark had now had his newly-wed in his arms while both wearing their swimming suits on top of a waterfall.
"Mark-" but Jack was cut off with Mark leaning in and kissing him quiet. The slightly smaller man gently kissed back before making a soft growl, "You said a dip not a fookin' JUMP!!!" The roar of the falls beside them made Jack's heart race and he slowly peeked over the edge to see about a twenty five-foot drop into clear waters that faded into a deep blackness below.
Mark just chuckled, "You got to live a little Jack...And I've always wanted to do this!!!" He screamed like a little kid and Jack knew if he turned around he'd see that childish shine in his husband's eyes and he'd give in. The sound of splashing and the sudden warm muscular chest pressed against Jack's back and he flushed lightly as strong arms settled across his stomach and prickled the skin, making him shiver.
"Please? Do it for me? Just once and if you don't like it we can just head back to the cottage and watch some movies."
The green haired gentleman sighed before looking up at Mark, running his hand through Mark's back to normal hair, he sighed and gave in, "Fine. Just one jump though. This scares the shit out of me."
The suddenly grinning youtuber pulled away and took a running jump off the rocks and shouted on the way down until he hit the water's surface with the loudest splash Jack had heard in his entire life. He held his breath until he watched as Mark breached the water and spat water out of his mouth before looking up at him and  giving a cheesy-ass thumbs up.
The Irishman snorted before yelling down at his laughing husband, "Crazy ass motherfooker!"
Mark just giggled his usual giggle before yelling back, "You're just chicken!"
The younger felt his face flush bright red in anger and embarrassment before gathering enough courage-(even though his stomach was doing flips)and took a running start and jumped off the rocks, feeling the waterfall's spray paint his skin on the way down. The air cut through his hair and made him fearful as the surface gained up on him, and he gasped as he hit the hard surface in a cannonball and suddenly closed his eyes as the water cradled his body and made him open up his eyes to see his husband there with his arm outstretched.
The water felt calming in Jack's ears as he took Mark's hand and felt his ring clear against Mark's palm as he was pulled above surface.
A loud gasp of air made Jack cough and sputter a little as he kicked his feet to stay afloat and clung to Mark as the jump took everything out of him.
Mark's arms wrapped strongly around Jack and he swam with the tired Irishman to the shallows and leaned up against a warm rock while Jack gripped their ringed fingers together. The smaller brushed the green hair out of his face and immediately attached his teeth to Mark's earlobe and wouldn't let go.
Mark made an unmanly squeak and immediately pushed on Jack's face only to have the Irishman pull away with a hearty laugh and a yell of victory, "That's for callin' me chicken!"
Mark rolled his eyes before massaging his ear and chuckling to himself, "You proved me wrong alright? Now...come back here!!" The smaller squeaked when Mark clambered after him and tried grabbing Jack by the foot. The Irishman immediately swam away and laughed when he popped up by the shore and hurriedly ran out of the water. Mark instantly swam hard for the shore and ran after Jack all the way back to their cottage only to be met with the Irishman leaning up against the door, with hooded eyes and a finger motioning Mark to come closer.
The older walked over tiredly before pressing Jack up against the doorframe and receiving small and short yet loving and tender kisses. Jack's lips were warm against Mark's as he pressed them together and gently ran his teeth over the bottom of his lover's a soft whine resonating from Jack's lips.
Mark chuckled and let his hands grab the skinny hips of his husband and pressed their foreheads together-eyes meeting in a clash of brown and blue and seeing the love and caring in each other's eyes. No one could take that away from them. They had each other and their own fluttery warm hearts to them selves.
Jack suddenly laughed and whispered while nibbling on his bottom lip, his hands playing with the small hairs on the nape of his husband's neck, his eyes showing laughter, "You're fookin' ridiculous."
The taller just chuckled and pecked his lover's nose, "Says the guy with the loudest intro in the world-"
"Jesus fuck Jack!!!!"
The Irishman laughed hard before gaining the biggest goofiest grin on his face before he pecked Mark's cheek, "Love ya' Mark."
The older then felt his chest become this wide open field of great big love and forced that feeling onto the lips of his new husband before whispering breathless, "Love you too Seán."
A shortie for the shorties! That's Day 28!!!!

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