Day 18: Doing Something Together

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Septiplier +18 (First attempt at sex, beware, cuz I am an awkward writer and this is the first time I have wrote smut)
A thud could be heard throughout the house and the softest of groans resonated through the living room.
The night outside was hot, give or take it was California and it was summer. Chica was asleep in the backyard since it cooled off at night and Mark thought she should have some time to herself.
Speaking of the half American, he was currently pushing up Jack against a wall. Why? You is because Jack was wearing a dress, a very lacy one at that, that showed off his great ass and those tiny pecs and Mark was growling as he saw those red and white striped thigh highs and the black heels that fitted upon thou tiny feet.
Jack, wanting to get some action, brought it upon himself to impress Mark and get him hot and bothered by his costume.
He thought it would be different for their first time, and what he got when Mark got home was a rushed, "Get your ass inside now!" Before the Irishman was pushed inside and Mark pressed him immediately up against the wall, knee pushing upward under the dress Jack wore and pressed right up against the lace panties he wore that hid his privates.
Mark in the moment had kissed Jack silly, swelling both of their lips from how much kissing they did before attacking at Jack's ears and neck, nibbling on a spot that made Jack let out a loud lewd moan and made the erection in Mark's pants uncomfortable. The older male's hands fumbled with Jack's dress, unzipping the back and making the shoulders fall down and exposing the Irishman's small pecs and hardened nipples. Mark watched as Jack whimpered, the way the Irishman's tongue poked out to lick his swollen lips and the way Jack's eyes got hooded in his euphoria.
The two men looked each other in the eyes and Mark picked up Jack in his arms and wrapped Jack's legs around his own hips, before taking off the heels that Jack wore. Jack sighed with relief that then turned to a sharp gasp as Mark sucked on one his nipples, causing the Irishman's eyes to roll back into his head and gasp out a soft, "Oh s-s-s'g-gooood~ Maaaark~"
Mark hummed as he pulled off the perked up nip, before walking upstairs and into the bedroom. Jack watched, panting as Mark laid him down on the bed and as Mark took off his own shirt and pants, letting the cock within have at least some freedom from the tight pants he wore.
The two men had never gone further than handjobs with each other or a good rutting in the shower, so this was their technical first time with each other. Mark then reached forward and pulled down Jack's dress and took it off the small submissive before taking in the view.
Mark's lover was laid out perfectly. Jack brought up his knees, showing off the thigh highs and flaunting off the panties that showed the top half of his fully erect penis. Mark licked his lips, mouth watering at the sight of his gamer symbol standing out boldly on the middle of the panties.
Jack grabbed his knees and forced them apart, displaying himself cheekily for Mark and making his lover gaze hungrily at his lower half. "Daddy Maaark~ I'm so ready for you-COME OOOON!!!"
The taller of the two immediately cupped Jack's prominent balls and squeezed gently, cutting the Irishman underneath of him off with a sharp cry of pleasure. Jack bucked up into Mark's touch and let out a whine as the half American removed his boxers and showed off the dark head of his well hung cock.
Mark chuckled at Jack's whining and let his hand rip off Jack's panties and watch as Jack's dick bounced twice at the force of it. Jack licked his lips again, finding it hot that Mark left on the thigh highs and that he was using such force. "I've been a bad boy Daddy Mark...please punish me~"
Mark groaned, eyes closing for a moment to regain himself before his eyes opened wide as he was pulled onto the bed and flipped onto his back. Jack smirked as Mark's face was confused before Jack let himself straddle Mark's hips and tease him by rubbing his puckered hole against Mark's hard cock.
Mark growled impatiently before feeling the slickness of Jack's hole and knowing he had prepared himself early. Jack smiled like the Chesire cat before grabbing onto his own penis that leaked precum slowly and starting to stroke only for Mark to slap Jack's hand away and roughly grab his hips, pull Jack forward so he was aligned with Mark's throbbing cock and make Jack groan out lewdly as he pushed the head of his cock into the tightness of his lover.
Jack's tongue lolled out of his mouth, his eyes slightly rolling back from the pleasure and pain of it. Mark rubbed circles into Jack's hips letting out soft pants and groans as Jack squeezed his hole around his dick. Jack whimpered as he needed more of Mark only to cry out a loud, "HNGHHH! OH GOOD GOLLY M-MARK YOU-oh~oho!"
Mark laughed softly at Jack's wording before groaning out an, "Oh fuCK Jesus this feels so good!"
Mark slowly started to thrust, grabbing Jack's thighs and pushing them apart, making him groan loudly as the pleasure increased by at least five and the cries only got more and more louder. Mark finding Jack's prostate after three minutes and making Jack gasp out, "OH FUCK ME MAAAAARKKKK~ DO IT AGAIN DADDY MARK OH GOD YESPLEASE!!!! Pleasepleaseplease-OH!!"
Mark watched Jack bounce on his steadily leaking cock and let one hand press against the head of Jack's dick, making him see stars from all of the pleasure and making Mark's climax come so much more quicker by Jack squeezing his tight little arse around Mark's throbbing cock.
The two's heat surrounded the room and made them sweat, the smell of sex and the feeling of need hard to handle.
Mark started pumping Jack's dick in time with his thrusts and felt the feeling in his toes start to rise, "J-J-Jack! I'm going to-t-ta-" Jack nodded and let out a pleasured, "Me two!"
Before Mark felt the feeling in his belly drop to his cock and watched as Jack and himself cum together, Mark making a mess by not wearing a condom, and Jack by splattering his own and Mark's stomachs in his own jizz.
Jack panted out a soft, "It''s so hot..." Mark nodded and grabbed a couple of tissues on the nightstand, pulling himself out of Jack with a tissue and wiped him and Jack clean for the most part.
"Do you want to shower baby boy?" Mark asked, watching Jack's yes flutter tiredly and fall asleep after his answer, feeling himself not far behind.
Jack nodded and fell forward onto Mark's chest, Mark picking up Jack and taking him to the bathtub before holding him close while Mark cleaned himself and Jack up. Being a gentleman, Mark dressed Jack in boxers and a shirt of his before laying him on the now clean sheets, Mark taking the time to remake the bed while letting Jack dry off while sleeping on the couch in the room.
Mark pulled on some boxers and laid beside his now sleeping lover before kissing the spot between his ear and shoulder and making a possessive bite there, making his Irish lover whimper softly. Mark soothed it with a lick before yawning and spooning Jack happily.  He whispers into his lover's ear a soft, "I love you Sean McLoughlin." before falling asleep beside his sleeping boyfriend.

It wasn't too bad right? Right? Okay so this is Day 18!
Story_Maker_901_ signing off!

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