Day 10: With Animal Ears

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Mark's jaw went slack, taking in the sight of Jack over Skype and ingraining it in his brain. The Irishman was wearing dog ears on his head, white fluffy folded over ears, with green tips. Mark blinked, doing a double take.
"Who the fuck are you and what have you done with Sean?" Mark asked, officially worried for the sanity of his boyfriend.
Jack only giggled and pulled gently on them, "A fan them far' me. Aren't they cute?" Jack laughed at Mark's shocked face before teasing, "I know you got a pair too Mark."
Mark blinked and his eye twitched, "Excuse me? Since when do I have dog ears-?" Jack cut him off and kicked his feet up on the desk, "Cat ears, you know like....nyah?"
Mark pointed a finger at Jack, ready to say something but was intercepted by a finger while Jack smirked, "They are under your bed, right under your inflatable crown? Ringing any bells?"
Mark's face flushed before he nodded and made Jack giggle, "Go get 'em tiger." Mark mocked him silently and had a scowl on his face as he went to search under his bed.
Jack admired Mark's room from afar and looked down to see a beautiful booty outlined just for him as Mark dug under the bed. Jack made a sound that sounded half growl, half cat call.
Mark stood up and Jack had a hand over his mouth, acting all innocent. Mark gave him a glare and Jack answered with widened eyes, "What is it Mark?" Mark rolled his eyes, that beautiful smile stretching across his face and making Jack's heart pound insanely in his chest.
Mark finally found the black cat ears and sighed as he put them on, fluffing his hair around the headband so it couldn't be seen. Jack smirked and fiddled with his spider loaf (A Spider-Man plush shaped into a loaf, he has one sitting on top of his computer) while Mark sat back down with a soft sigh escaping his lips.
Mark motioned to them and Jack brightened instantly as Mark leaned back in his chair, "You happy Jackaboy?" Jack nodded fiercely and popped his neck in the process before teasing, "I thought you were a dog person Mark? What do those cat ears speak about ya'?"
Mark answered back with a smirk, "That I am awfully kind to wear these ears for my boyfriend who adores cats. It also represents my personality."
Jack snorted, "A complete asshole when it comes to friends?" Mark nodded, "Fair point, but not what I was going to say."
Jack and Mark both laughed at that before staring into each other's eyes through the screen, silent as Mark looked up at Jack with those dark eyes, "It shows how much how I miss the ones I love while they're away. And that I can be very affectionate when I want."
Jack nodded before his heart ached for Mark's cuddles, and gosh it sounded sappy but, damnit, they almost lived on the opposite sides of the world. Mark's eyes showed the same emotion, hurt, sadness, loneliness.
Jack's heart squeezed, "I miss you Mark."
Mark nodded slowly before pressing his hand against the screen and letting out a gentle hiccup, "And I miss you Sean."
Jack's eyes filled up with tears as he watched Mark's face morph into one that represented sorrow. "I want to come back home..." Mark fell confused, "But you're already home Ireland."
Jack shook his head before wiping away the tears from his eyes, "Home is you'll always be you."
Mark's heart exploded with happiness, a grin making itself onto his face despite the sad situation, "Then come home. Tonight! I'll stay up until you get here-even have a coffee waiting for you~"
Jack giggled, before a smile broke onto his face, "Really? You'd do that?" Mark nodded and made a subtle, "Nyah," for kicks.
Mark and Jack laughed before Mark looked at the ending sunset, "Or I could come visit you, it's still daylight here." Jack shook his head before making his hands unfurl themselves, "I'll visit you Mark. Tomorrow. I'll book the flight as early as possible." Mark's eyes shined, "You do that? For a lovely feline like me?"
Jack laughed and nodded with a smile, "Of course ya' fookin' doof. I miss ya'." Mark smiled and made a heart with his hands, "I love you Jack~" Jack made a heart back, "I love you too Mark, I'll text you as much as I can!" Mark nodded, a smile gracing his face before waving, "Bye-Bye..."
And that's Day 10!

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