Day 25: Gazing Into Each Other's Eyes

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Brown dark earthy depths met baby blue pools of icy water as the couple lay in bed. The smaller pressed up against the other whose right arm was wrapped around the smaller's back, pushing them closer together.
The cold night had them wrapped up in a thick blanket and cuddled up in Mark's old bed. They were stuck in Cincinnati for the time being, Mark having no money to travel back home. Jack didn't mind staying at Marks mom's house for now, as long as he was close to Mark.
Their bodies were insanely warm as they gazed into each other's eyes. Jack had his head snuggled on Mark's shoulder and had his legs wrapped around his lover's own two. Mark held Jack's right in his left, fingers intwined and squeezing gently.
The younger's heart swelled as Mark gave a soft laugh and pecked his forehead, "How are you feeling my little ball of Irish sunshine?"
Jack scoffed before poking Mark's belly with their intwined fingers, "It rains in Ireland ya' dumb fuck," he retorted playfully but grinned, "But I'm happy yar' okay. That is what really matters to me. You're not dead and you're here with me."
Mark's heart thumped happily and his dorkish smile spread on his cheeks, "I missed you so much, you know that right? Every day you were gone Dark and I were in a depression, although we don't have that soulmate connection...I felt like that link between us was stretching further and further about ready to snap. It hurt me more than the accident did if I am being true to should have heard Darkiplier though, he really was hurting over Anti. He was...nice for a change."
Jack smiled as he pecked Mark's cheek and whispered, "They made up. That's all that matters,it's just you and me 'Bum bum'," he rolled his eyes playfully and squeaked when Mark peppered his face in happy kisses, "I love you Booper dooper!"
Jack laughed before he grabbed Mark's cheek and pecked his lips, "I love you too Mark."
Mark smiled wide before setting his and Jack's hand on the Irishman's waist, pulling them as close as possible while they kissed. It was sweet, Mark's lips were rough against Jack's soft ones, and suddenly all those feelings from missing each other were released in Jack and soon the Irishman was sobbing against his boyfriend's shoulder. Mark ran his fingers through Jack's green locks and whispered, "I'm here now baby. I'm not leaving you anymore. Shhhhhh..."
The smaller hiccuped and let his hands grasp Mark's shirt tightly before trying to just breathe out slowly and surely. His crying slowly ceased and he looked up into Mark's eyes to find the love and worry all mixed into one, "I won't leave a-again e-either."
Mark smiled before staring into Jack's blue eyes now tinged with red from crying, "I love you Seán McLoughlin. Don't you ever forget it."
Jack smiled gently before whispering while staring into Mark's brown orbs, "I love you so much Mark Fischbach, and don't you ever think I don't."
The two spent the rest of their evening enjoying the cuddles and even spending time with Mark's two older dogs. If was fun to just be normal for once. And that's how they liked it.

-Switch Over-

Anti X Dark
The room was warm, very very warm from Anti's body heat, and Dark couldn't have loved it more. All night long they were tangled in the sheets and now Anti lay exhausted in Dark's arms. The older grinned with a softer tone to it and Anti  purred softly as Dark made his heart melt, "I'm cravin' some pickles an' peanut butter Daddy Dark...can you please go get some for me? I can't really stand right now-"
Anti was cut off by Dark kissing him roughly, their fangs clashing together and making the older softly groan as Anti's tongue did wonders on his own normal tongue. The kiss left Anti's lips swollen and pouty looking, dark pink from Dark's fangs constant nicking. The younger gasped heavily for air and Dark growled with pride as Anti's body twitched under his touch, "I'll go get you food baby, don't you worry your pretty little head."
Anti smiled tiredly when his temple was kissed and his side was petted, "Thank you Daddy Dark. Then after I eat can we shower together? I want to be clean...and well that's hard when I'm so sticky."
Dark nodded and nipped Anti's earlobe and made the smaller shudder, "Of course my love anything for you."
Then like a shadow Dark was gone and Anti was cold and alone. His skin shivered at the sudden rush of air Dark had left but he quickly pulled the covers over his body and curled up. His eyes glowed as he pet his belly gently and whispered, "I shouldn't keep puttin' this off..."
The sudden smell of decayed flesh met his nose and he quickly covered his mouth to find himself sitting up and dashing to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. His back curving as he threw up his guts. The sudden presence of Dark made Anti sigh gently as he felt horrible for keeping his secret. But then his soulmate rubbed his back and kissed his head and Anti didn't feel as bad even though he threw up more of his lunch.
"Come on baby....just let it'll feel a lot better."
Anti groaned and spat the aftertaste out into the toilet, his head tilting back to stare at Dark with those green and blue eyes. Dark hummed and pulled Anti back into his chest, kissing his ear and making the smaller purr. Anti then whispered, "Can we shower now? I think I'll have food after we're cleaned up...."
Dark hummed and chuckled as Anti's tail curled around his arm, "That's fine my you think you could stand?"
Anti sighed and pulled off his shock collar, "No...that dash took every ounce of energy I had..."
The couple stayed silent for a few minutes, Dark's thumb rubbing over Anti's spine in comfort. Then the taller set said Anti in the bathtub and started up a bath for his mate. Anti sighed in relief as the warm water cleansed his body and made him purr with delight. Dark then shed his glasses and let his wings sprout as he slid in behind Anti.
The younger purred as those leathery wings enveloped him and as he leaned back into his lover he whispered, "I....I...have something I need to tell you Dark...Jack brought it up the other day and..."
Dark then proceeded in massaging Anti's shoulders to make his significant other relax, "What is it baby?"
Anti turned in Dark's hold and cupped Dark's scruffy cheeks before staring into those black and red eyes, "I....I....I can get....pregnant."
The surprise on Dark's face was evident and Anti's eyes started to water as he felt rejection consuming him. The sudden hot jolt that went through Dark made him lean forward and roughly kiss Anti, who moaned and pushed Dark back against the tub. Skin rubbed against skin and Anti moaned softly when Dark groped his hips.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner Anti?"
The younger leaned forward and whispered in Dark's ear, "Rejection hurts Daddy Dark...that's why..."
Hands slid up Anti's sides and stopped at his stomach area, red eyes found green and blue and Dark whispered genuinely, "That's just mean everything to me Anti-why would I ever give you up?"
The smaller let his fingers play with Dark's longer hair and looked deep into his lover's eyes, seeing only love and a hint of lust.
"You don't realize how much I love you my little Anti," Dark whispered with his hands trailing over Anti's back and arms before he pulled the smaller demon as close as he could and started pressing kisses to the silent green mischief demon, "From your heterochromatic eyes to your cute button nose....and your soft thin lips..." Dark's thumb brushed over Anti's lip and the smaller kissed Dark's thumb, "You always make me feel better Dark..."
The older chuckled deeply and nipped Anti's pointed ear, "Let's hope it stays that way hmm?"

~There's eye gazing in there I promise~
End of Day 25!

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