Day 24: Making Up

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Septiplier and AntiDark
Jack sighed as he stared out the plane window, his breath fogging up they glass as the day was cold outside. He was to land in Cincinnati, Ohio at 11 a.m. His fingers twitched as his nerves were red hot inside his body, a jumble of worry and heartache from the text Mark had sent.
I miss you Dark.
The thought made Jack's eyes tear up at Anti's thought and the woman next to him patted his shoulder, "You need a tissue sweetie?"
He looked at the older woman and found himself taking her offer and blowing his nose after wiping away his tears, "Thank ya' ma'm."
His accent was thick from the layered saliva in his throat and she just patted his hand kindly, "What is a handsome Irishman such as yourself going to Cincinnati for?"
He laughed shyly at the compliment before sniffling, "My bo-well friend, got in a car accident and he's almost like my best friend ya' know?"
"Oh honey, it'll be okay! He'll be so happy to see you came for him."
Jack smiled shyly to himself, this lady was really nice. "I hope he is. I spent the last of my cash to get a plane ticket."
She gasped and scrambled for her purse to grab her wallet, "Do you need extra cash? I can give you a twenty-"
The Irishman's eyes widened and he waved her off, "I-I'm fine ma'm! Really I am." His heart pounded as she gave him a frown, "I don't need any money honestly."
She put away her wallet and sighed, "How are you going to get from the airport to the hospital?"
His throat closed for a second, "I could always call up his brother. But right now I don't have a ride." He twiddled his thumbs before staring shamefully down at his feet.
"Say son, what's your name?" The woman made Jack straighten his spine before looking into her eyes which he noticed were dark brown like Mark's, "Sean McLoughlin. I prefer Jack though. Childhood nickname."
Way to go loser you just gave her your fricking name.
He rolled his eyes at Anti and smiled when the woman held out her hand, "Adeline Johnson. You can call me Anna though."
Jack laughed softly at the name before taking her hand and shaking it, which she surprisingly had some strength. "Nice to meet you Ms. Johnson."
She gave him a kind smile, "You too Mr. McLoughlin. By the way, do you know a man on YouTube named Jacksepticeye? He looks very similar to you."
His heart lurched as he saw the knowing glint in her eye, "Um..."
She laughed and grabbed a small pad and pen from her purse and whispered, "My daughter adores you. Can't stop talking about you really. It makes me happy to see her so elated. She used to suffer from heavy depression since her father died," her lip twitched and her eyes watered as Jack signed the pad of paper with his name and a small note, "Then I'm going to take a guess that you know that my 'friend' in the hospital isn't my friend at all?"
She laughed and nodded before taking the signed paper back from Jack and read the note, "Yes. I know Markiplier is your YouTuber boyfriend. Quite obvious really. Since you are wearing his sweatshirt after all."
Jack smiled sweetly at the woman before cuddling into said sweater, "I'm in love with it. Makes my worries lessen. Ya' know?"
She nodded and crossed her legs, "That's how I always felt about my husband. I could never hurt him when he treated me like a queen. Even if he got angry. He would always comfort me afterward if I cried,  and our cat would tag along after him everywhere. He was a loved man. Everyone was friends with him and he was so giving..."
The sob that Anna made caused Jack to sigh softly and pat her hand affectionately, "That's how I feel about Mark. He's always worrying about me and our dog Chica. He cares so much for everyone and everyone cares for him. His subscribers and fans always tell him to get sleep and treat himself good. It's nice to know that someone other than your friends and family care for your wellbeing...this is gonna sound weird but...what was your husband's name?"
Anna dabbed at her eyes with a tissue, "Paul actually. My daughter's name is Marina. She was her daddy's little girl."
The demon inside Jack suddenly became hot at one word and Jack shivered inwardly and told Anti to stay quiet.
"Ah, my parents never really were close to me. Well, let me rephrase that. They were family ya' know? But never really said 'I love ya' Sean!' But anyway, I wasn't really close to anyone until Mark."
His heart stuttered in his chest as he stuttered over Mark's name with a tiny sob, so many memories were flooding his mind. Anna set a hand on his back and rubbed it comfortingly, "It's okay to cry Jack. No one every told you it's not okay. Let it out, you'll feel better."
The dam that Anti and Jack built up suddenly cracked and exploded. Tears and sobs were the only thing that Jack felt. The ache of his heart and the itching sadness of missing Mark made the tears never end. But Adeline stayed the whole time and Jack was thankful for it. She whispered little comforting words and kept rubbing his back in circles, "Soon you'll see him. And then you'll feel so much about I give you the ride to the hospital? My house is on the way there anyway."
Jack looked at her through the tears and hugged her side, tears still spilling down his cheeks, "Y-yes please....thank you-you.."
She hugged him back and nodded, "You're welcome Sean. Now close your eyes and take deep breaths. Crying tires people out and from the look of the bags under your eyes you are in fact, exhausted." She smiled like a mother would before pushing Jack back into his seat and making sure he was comfortable before watching the YouTuber pass out.

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