III. Losing Annabelle [Ziall]

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Zayn looked at his two year old as they continued to walk through the park. She held her ice cream against her lips and she was making a mess.

"I'ma throw it away daddy!" she announced and Zayn laughed shaking his head as he followed her over to the trash can lifting her up so that she could throw it away before setting her down. He bent down and turned away from her for one minute to get a napkin out of his back pocket. When he turned back around he spotted her dark head of hair bouncing away from him and into a crowd of people.

"Annabelle!" He screeched as he ran after her but she was already lost within the group of people and she was going right through them. She had to be running after something. But what on earth could she be running after.

"Annabelle Malik!" he shouted but that didn't seem to affect her at all she just kept wondering he wondered if she could even hear him over the shouts of people.

Niall had been wandering around his small Maltese dog on it's leash. He hadn't been paying to much attention trying to text and walk at the same time only for the dog to get out of his grip he cursed under his breathe and began to chase after the dog a frustrated look on his face.

"Buttons!" He hissed as he chased after the dog.

It wasn't long before Niall noticed a little girl chasing after the same ball of fur he seemed to be chasing after. It made him smile he adored kids and right now he wanted to scream because damn did that dog run fast.

Niall continued to jog after the dog as the small girl caught up to the small ball of Black fur and threw herself on it effectively causing the dog to stop and the little girl to squeal in delight.

"Puppy!" She giggled and Niall finally caught up to the small girl and his dog. He groaned slightly out of breath as he crouched down and took the leash back in his grasp as he looked at the little girl who was clung to the dogs neck cooing about how pretty the puppy was.

"Hi there sweetheart, Thanks for catching my dog for me," He hummed appreciation to the small female and she looked up at him with her gigantic brown eyes. They took up most of her face and her hair was dark and up in to little pigtails. She gave him a smile that might as well outshined the sun at this point.

"Puppy!" She squealed again and
Niall nodded. He tied the leash to his wrist tighter than it had been before so now the dog wouldn't get away.

"Doggy bad, Doggy ran away from daddy," Niall sighed as he looked at the black ball of fur and suddenly it was like a switch flipped and she began to frantically look around and shake her head as if she was looking for some one.

"Daddy?" She let out a small whimper tears starting to roll down her cheeks and Niall felt like his heart had just broken into a million pieces.

"Where is your daddy?" He asked quietly and she shook her head starting to cry even harder. Niall lowered himself down onto the ground sitting down against the ground and opening his arms.

"Why don't you sit down and play with Buttons and I until we find your daddy ok?" The little girl hesitated but sat down in the grass with the older man her arms going back around the small black dog.

Zayn was still running around frantically but he'd lost his daughter he had no idea where she had gone. Lucky for him Niall as soon as they got seated had called the park official's and notified them that he'd found a lost child so when Zayn called only a few minutes later saying he lost his daughter they were able to direct him to the man that was sitting with his daughter.

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