XXIX. Little Louis [Zianourry]

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Louis Tomlinson, two years old, terrified of being abandon. He had soft brown feathery hair that was often styled to the side, big piercing green bluish green eyes. Standing shorter than most of the kids his age, he was a runt everything about him was small.

That was why it was so hard to believe someone had abandon him in the first place. Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry couldn't understand what the poor child would possibly do to warrant neglect or abandonment. That's exactly why the four fathers had immediately fallen head over heels in love with the little boy, they'd adopted him right away.

Tonight was the first night since they'd adopted him that they'd be going out and leaving him behind with a babysitter. Niall wasn't sure he liked this idea and his hesitance was rubbing off on the normally hyperactive two year old. They were going to do some interviews and normally they would bring little Louis along but tonight they planned on being out almost all night so bringing the little one wasn't an option.

"Niall, he's going to be fine," Harry reassured his husband who was chewing on the skin beside his nail. The blonde glanced up his ocean blue eyes flickering to Harry's grey ones and shrugging his shoulders unsurely.

"I don't think this is a good idea, I mean he hasn't been separated from us since we brought him home almost two months ago," He worried. The youngest husband nodded in understanding but still set a reassuring hand on his lovers shoulder.

"He's two, he'll be alright," Harry tried to reassure him again but Niall didn't seem to be having it. The blonde really didn't want to leave the feathery haired almost teal eyed boy alone not for as long as they would have to. It wasn't fair. Stupid interviews.

"Alright, Andy is here are you even ready Niall?" Liam poked his head into the bed room finding Niall sitting on the floor across from their Two year old, who was holding up his bear and sounded like he was having a full conversation with the stuffed toy.

"No," Niall huffed slowly standing up he kissed Louis' forehead before being rushed out of the room to go get changed so they could head out to the interviews.

"Niall!" Liam scolded shaking his head stepping into the two year old's room as Niall rushed out to get ready but not before sticking his tongue out first.

"Hey Lou you want to go play with uncle Andy?" He asked. The two year old glanced up cautiously hugging his small teddy bear close to his chest before reaching up one of his hands to take Liam's.

"Untle Any?" The feathery haired boy asked his voice quiet. He'd hung out with Jay once or twice while his daddies were busy in interviews but never had his daddies ever left his sight while he was with Uncle Jay.

"Yea buddy, you are going to play with him tonight, while daddies go out," the minute the word left Liam's mouth the little boy's eyes grew to the size of quarters and his whole body tensed.

"take lou wiff you?" He was afraid of the answer even though he had a pretty good idea what the answer was. Liam looked hesitantly up at Harry and his raven haired lover as he stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for little Lou to make it two the bottom.

"no buddy, you are going to stay and play with jay," Zayn hummed from his spot at the bottom of the stairs. Louis froze on the step he was on and let go of Liam's hands tears quickly building in the two year olds eyes.

"No! No go!" he sniffled pressing his bear to his face figuring maybe if he refused to go downstairs his daddies wouldn't leave without him.

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