XXVIII. That's Crap [Zianourry]

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Louis Tomlinson was two years old and he was at that point in his lift where he was beyond curious about things that he shouldn't be or things that got him in trouble. Though he was always a little bit of a trouble maker. He learned from his daddies that sometimes a little bit of trouble was a lot of fun.

Today was going to be one of those days where he enjoyed a little bit of trouble though he didn't know what kind of fun it might end up being because Louis was good at finding ways to be trouble that his father's never thought of.

"Dada!" Louis squealed as he ran into the bathroom. None of the boys bothered to close the door any more when they went to the bathroom because Louis would stand out side the door and cry and scream if they shut the door. They didn't know why he was obsessed with the bathroom.

"What bud?" Harry sighed as he finished what he'd been doing and flushed the toilet. Louis rushed over to the toilet watching the water swirl around. He stood their mesmerized by the fact that the water would spin around and then disappear.

"Where it go?" He asked looking up at Harry. The curly haired father had just finished washing his hands and he looked at the toilet and then at Louis shrugging his shoulders. Louis reached his hand in splashing the toilet water.

"Ew, Lou no, that's icky," Harry groaned as he picked up the little boy making him wash his hands but Louis was still focused on the toilet he wanted to play with it more.

"Come on Breakfast time," He hummed setting Louis on the floor and tugging on his hand gently leading him downstairs to eat.

Once they were downstairs Louis was in his highchair and he was grinning and clapping his hands together as he looked up at his dad's.

"Papa!" Louis called drawing Niall's attention.

"Yeah babe?" Niall smiled as he sat down next to Lou and began to eat. Louis held up part of his pancake stuffing it in his mouth.

"Potty go WOOOSH!" He squealed with a mouth full of pancake and Niall raised an eyebrow looking at his son. Sometimes Louis mentioned the weirdest things.

"Yeah?" Niall hummed quietly letting out a small laugh at the little boys reenactment of what a toilet did.

"Yeah, he stuck his hands in it after it went woosh too," Harry mentioned scrunching up his face and looking down at his son sticking his tongue out.

"Yuckies!" Liam stuck his tongue out at Louis, "Don't play in the toilet Louis," He shook his head as he continued to eat.

Louis pouted his bottom lip out the toilet seemed like so much fun though He wondered what would go down the toilet. So once breakfast was done and he was done eating he was sent to go play in his play room.

"No yuckies," Louis pouted as he grabbed his small toy car and wandered into the bathroom in his room pushing the door open he looked at the toilet after opening the lid.

He stuck his toy car in the toilet curiosity bettering than his love for the small toy car. He watched as the toy sunk to the bottom. He giggled and grabbed the handle making the toilet flush

"WOOOSH!" He giggled watching as his car spun around the toilet bowl and then down into the hole the small toy went.

Louis giggled after a minute of the care coming back Louis decided he needed a bigger toy. He rushed back into the bathroom and grabbed his larger rubber ducky that he bathed with this was the mama duck.

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