VI. You'll Always Have Us [Zianourry]

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He sat in front of the picture. A beautiful young girl danced around in the image. She had soft brown hair and pretty Blue eyes. She wore one of her award winning smiles, her smile used to light up the whole room whenever she'd step into a room and it would light up any life it came in contact with.

She was pregnant her small belly protruding slightly in the picture. She looked so peaceful and so happy and He loved the way she looked when she danced around and all the time they'd spent together. Sudden anger filled him as he delicately ran his fingers over the picture.

"Why?" He hissed quietly as he pressed his fingers into the slightly broken glass of the picture frame.

He missed her so much, he missed her smile and even worse he missed the way she would come up behind him and tangle her self up into his arms and press kisses all over his face no matter what she was doing. He missed the feeling of her soft skin pressed against his and oh the way she smelled.

It had been the most unique smell a combination of Cinnamon and a hint of vanilla. She always smelled good and he had no idea how she managed it. Even after she went running or to the gym she came home smelling intoxicating.

Her eyes were always full of life and eager to have fun no matter who she was with. She'd been close to all of them and He especially loved watching her interact with the others. She showed them just as much love as she showed him.

She'd have done anything for each and every one of them. Never did she put her self first especially when one of them was sick, it was like she'd become this amazing nurse and take the best care of him that she knew how and it was the best thing in the world. Even more so she came to every concert and every interview and press conference and photo shoot. She never left their side.

She was never supposed to become so much to these boys. They had hired her to have their child, They had made her promise after promise of how they would take care of her. He felt like they'd failed her miserably. She was going to be a nanny in the house after the baby was born just to help them but sometimes things didn't play out like they wanted.

"Lou," A soft voice interrupted the rapid thoughts running through the male's head. Slowly he tilted his head up from the picture and looked in the door way where one of his younger Husbands stood.

His blonde hair wasn't combed like it normally was and it was matted to his forehead and he'd obviously been crying because his gorgeous blue eyes were red rimmed and blood shot.

"Come here," The elder spoke up quietly setting the picture down against the nursery nightstand. The blonde quickly moved into the room and over to Louis. He slid into the older boys opens arms as tears started to run down his face yet again.

"I love you Niall," Louis murmured gently as he began to run his fingers through the blonde's hair.

"I miss her so much," A small sob broke through Niall's throat and he clung tighter to his older husband as he just continued to grieve. It was the most painful thing he could imagine. Sure he'd lost people before in his life but never someone he'd been so attached too. Never some one so close to him and he'd had to watch her go through this before it happened.

"I know Ni, Me too," Louis mumbled quietly and a silence settled over the room as the eldest continued to cradle the blonde in his lap.

"Guys?" a slightly wavering voice met their ears and they both turned towards the door. The other three lovers were standing in the door way tears all in their eyes but it was the little one standing in the middle of them that was the most heart breaking. A small three year old boy with dark brown hair and soft blue eyes and tears in his eyes.

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