XI. Can't You See Me || Zianourry

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Liam sighed as he picked up the sick 6 month old from his crib. This was day number three that both Harry and Niall their youngest two were sick. Their three year old was beginning to feel a bit neglected but no one was really paying much attention to the boy.

Both Louis and Liam were stressed out taking care of the little ones. They hadn't notice that Zayn had been keeping to himself lately. The raven haired boy had barely gotten any attention from them.

Zayn was currently sat on his floor in his bed room coloring on a piece of paper trying desperately to entertain himself but he felt so sad. He drew big sad tears on the piece of paper.

It was the holidays and he was supposed to be getting more attention but ever since the babies came along he wasn't getting any attention at all. Not even bad attention when he did things on purpose to get his daddies attention. His little heart was slowly breaking.

"Zayn, breakfast," Louis called not even bothering to walk into the little boys room and pick him up like normal.

The raven haired boy let out a gentle huff and stood up with his picture in one hand and his stuffed tiger (princess) under his arm and trudged down the stairs still in his pajama's from the previous night not really able to dress himself.

"Good lord child, why aren't you dressed yet?" Liam scolded as he carried the small baby in his arms down the stairs not bothering to stop and notice the hurt look that crossed Zayn's face.

Zayn frowned as he walked back up the stairs and to his bed room. He pulled his favorite red shirt on and got it on inside out and he pulled his pants on backwards before making his way back down the stairs.

"Hungwy!" a 2 year old Harry cried as he hit the table. Louis just rolled his eyes and putting some eggs into a bowl for the boy. Harry sneezed and rubbed his nose looking at his father innocently.

Those big grey eyes got everything they wanted and Zayn didn't think it was fair. The other boys could just look innocent and their daddies were all over it but no Zayn couldn't get any ones attention.

"Get in your seat, hurry will you zayn," Louis huffed not bothering to notice that the little boys clothes were all messed up.

He wasn't being mean, he just was being brisk and unfortunately he didn't realize the effect his brisk comments were having on the little boy.

"I trying!" The three year old cried but no one bother to turn and look at him or even offer to help him up.

His little heart broke more as he finally struggled up into his chair and instead of getting eggs and little pancake bits like the others were getting he got dry cereal because his daddies weren't paying any attention.

"I'm taking Niall to the doctors today can you handle harry?" Liam asked as he looked up at his lover who groaned but nodded his head slowly.

It was like Zayn didn't even exist any more and it made the poor little boys heart feel all funny. He sniffled and rubbed at his eyes not sure if any one would notice but not really wanting them to any more.

"Yeah I think I can handle it," Louis murmured kissing Liam on the lips before kissing each of the sick babies leaving Zayn pouted out for a kiss but Louis didn't even look at him and a few tears slipped down the little boys face. His daddy wasn't even going to kiss him any more. What did he do that was so bad?

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