IV. Thea's First Day [Lirry]

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"Athena!" Liam called from the bottom step waiting on his five year old.

He was taking her to kindergarten today and it was her first day and Liam felt like he was more nervous than the little girl. Harry on the other hand was somewhere between completely spastic and trusting at the same time.

Liam on the other hand was just frantic, what if something happened to his little girl? He couldn't let anything happen to his little girl. What if she got bullied? NO one pushed his daughter around. He was just frantic thinking about someone treating his little girl not like a princess.

"Comin Dad!" She shouted and came bouncing out of the room her dark hair in pig tails at either side of her head. Her big brown eyes matched Liam's, her personality came mostly from Liam as well, she was a little more paranoid and a little less relaxed always concerned and trying to take care of everyone else before she would allow herself to be taken care of.

"Liam, relax you are going to stress her out," Harry hummed coming up from behind Liam with a cup of coffee cradled between his hands. The brown eyed boy sighed and looked at his younger grey eyed husband.

"What if she's not ready Hazza?" The older boy asked as he watched the little girl carefully make her way down the stairs. Harry shook his head looking at his husband and letting out a soft sigh.

"She's five baby, She has to start school. It'll be ok," Harry promised. Liam shook his head Harry couldn't promise she'd be ok and he knew that realistically nothing horrid would happen. She was his first born though, she was the baby.

"Dada, where's Te-uh goin?" Their little two year old bounced into the room looking adorable with his big green eyes and little grabby hands at his father. Liam laughed and bent down picking him up and settling him down on his hip.

"We are taking Thea to school baby, It's her first day!" Liam hummed and the little kid looked confused. "Go find your shoes Jamison," Liam set the little boy down and sent him on his way to go find his shoes which he knew probably wouldn't end as well as he wanted it too.

"All ready!" Athena announced standing at the bottom of the stairs slipping her slip on shoes on to her feet and glancing up at her dad gripping her small stuffed panda to her side. Liam sighed biting down on his lip, he wasn't going to take that panda away and he'd have to talk to the teacher about making sure she didn't lose it. She needed that panda for comfort and hopefully the teacher would understand.

"You sure babe?" Harry hummed walking into the room Jamison attached to his leg giggling like a little maniac his shoes on his hands and his arms wrapped around his father's legs. Athena pouted out her bottom lip for a moment as he double checked that she had everything before nodding her head and her pig tails bouncing along with her.

"Did you eat this morning?" Liam frowned not recalling having sat her down and fed her breakfast. Harry just let out a small laugh at his husband's nervousness which really wasn't very nice in Liam's head.

"Papa fed me!" she smiled brightly showing her toothy grin hugging her panda just a little bit closer. She was nervous but she was doing her best to be a big girl and Harry could tell that one Liam left the little girl's side it might be a different story. She was Daddy's little girl. She loved her Papa Harry but she was Liam's little growth, honestly Harry didn't mind that much. Jamison was his little growth so each of them had a child that stuck to them like glue.

"Alright come on, let's get you to school!" Liam tried to sound excited but his anxiety showed through and Harry just shook his head prying the two year old from his leg and resting the little boy on his hip.

Jamison let out a loud giggle and clapped his hands together (mind you his hands were still inside his shoes).

"Jamison is excited," Harry smiled and the little girl smiled in all honesty this time, some of her nerves fading with her father's confidence in the little girl. The little family piled into the car and drove the short five minute drive to the school.

"Want me to come inside with you?" Harry asked slowly figuring maybe it would be easier if just one of them went in with her to get her settled.

"Want Daddy," She sounded suddenly terrified looking at all the bigger kids going into the same school. Liam felt his chest tighten and Harry gave him a firm look that told him to pull it together because his little girl needed him right now. Liam nodded and leaned over kissing Harry's lips lightly before getting out of the car and opening the door.

"Come on baby it'll be ok," Liam promised. He reached a hand out and helped her out of the car looking back at Harry.

"Have a good day baby!" Harry shouted out the window and the little girl hugged her stuffed panda tighter against her chest and closed her eyes tears quickly building in them as he walked her down the school hallway and into the class room. There were a lot of other kids and they all looked like they wouldn't like her.

"What if they don't like me daddy?" She asked tears starting to fall down her face as Liam leaned down to pull her jacket off. Liam's heart stopped for a moment and he looked up into her big brown eyes frowning and shaking his head.

"They are going to love you baby, what's not to love?" He asked curiously as he hung up her jacket and her little backpack in the cubby that had her name on it.

"'m Different daddy," She let out a sniffle rubbing at her eyes. Liam shook his head kissing her forehead lightly and brushing her tears away.

"No baby, you are special and that's a good thing," He smiled as he ran his fingers over her cheek. She looked unsure tears still making their way down her face as the teacher approached. She crouched down next to Athena.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Mrs. Anderson, what's your name?" She asked reaching a hand out to brush a stray tear from the little girl's face. Athena sniffled and held her panda closer.

"Thea," She told the teacher her hands shaking slightly. Mrs. Anderson smiled and looked at the panda making a kind face.

"Is that your panda? Does it have a name?" She asked and Liam sat back watching the teacher comfort the little girl. She nodded a small smile forming on her face. She loved to talk about her panda.

"Dat's Nana (Nah-nuh)" She smiled as she hugged her panda closer and pointed to its ear beginning to tell the teacher the story of how the little things ear broke. She stopped to look at Liam who was still sitting there. The teacher smiled.

"Why don't you give daddy a kiss goodbye and we'll go show the other kid's all about your panda!?" The teacher suggested and the little girl's eyes lit up and she rushed hugging Liam around the neck kissing his cheek and telling her she loved him before grabbing the teacher's hand. Liam felt proud tears well up in his own eyes.

He walked out to the car after a few moments of watching his little girl with the teacher and making sure she was going to be ok. He climbed back into the car to find Harry smiling proudly at him.

Liam just blushed and let out a little shaky laugh rubbing the tears from his eyes. She was getting so big, so fast but she'd always be his little girl.


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