XV. Play? [Zianourry]

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Paul sat back as he watched his children. Five of them mostly teenagers Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn and usually they were pretty well behaved and then he had one toddler two year old Harry with big curls and cute grey eyes that took up most of his face.

He was undoubtedly one of the cutest ones. Paul would argue he was possibly the best behaved too. You would think he'd be the worst behaved because he was two but really Paul had less issues with the two year old than the 15 year old Niall!

Girls at that age were driving him crazy and Niall liked the same girl that Louis, Liam and Zayn all liked. It was a great deal of drama.

"Look what I got Kitten for Christmas!" Zayn announced as he held up a necklace showing off what he'd gotten his girlfriend.

Okay so she wasn't officially any one's girlfriend but the boys liked to pretend they shared the girls. Paul just let them duke it out sometimes. It was easiest that way. Sometimes it got to be to much and he'd have to shut them up all together.

"Whatever Come on let's play with our nerf guns!" Niall shouted obviously preoccupied with his toys, not caring to much about girls which was slightly amusing to his older siblings.

16 year old boys Liam and Zayn and 17 year old Louis. None of them were paying any attention to their little brother. Harry heard about them talking about nerf guns and got excited.

"I play?!" He ran up tugging on Niall's shirt. Niall rolled his eyes and brushed off the little boy. The curly haired two year old frowned as he slowly made his way over to Louis tugging on his shirt. Louis looked down at his little brother smiling affectionately.

"Pway?" He asked.

"No, Not right now," Louis picked up a nerf gun as he turned Harry down. Harry frowned and whimpered slightly he just wanted some one to play with his toys with him. He wanted one of his older brothers to play cars with him or even color with him or play with HIS little nerf gun.

"Li li!" Harry shrieked knowing his older brother Liam tended to be the sucker for his little smiles and he rushed over holding one of his coloring books. He tugged on Liam's pant leg. Liam groaned and looked down.

"What do you want Haz?" He sapped and Harry pouted out his bottom lip and held up his coloring book to his older brother who just shook his head.

"Cowor!" He insisted stomping his little foot and Liam stuck his tongue out rudely at his little brother and shook his head again.

"no!" he shouted at the two year old and Harry threw his coloring book at Liam before storming off to Zayn. Now he was about ready to cry at this point he just wanted to play with the big kids or some one to play with him.

"Z!" He whined as he crashed into Zayn's legs trying not to cry. Zayn frowned and slowly kneeled down next to harry and wiping a few stray tears off his cheeks.

"What is it buddy?" He asked smiling and petting the curls back. He was a little protective of Harry but that didn't mean he wanted Harry to play with them.

"Pway," He sniffled and Zayn huffed and shook his head pointing to the nerf gun in hand.

"No buddy we are playing a big boy game and your just a little boy," He explained and tried to help the little boy understand that this wasn't a game he could play wit them because he was a baby.

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