XXXII. Thunder [Zianourry]

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Thunder rolled against the house shaking it. It was a miserable storm and it was probably one of the worst they'd had in a while. The Tomlinson-Malik household was quiet. Louis and Zayn were snuggled in bed with their 5 year old Liam because he'd had a rough night and hadn't wanted to sleep on his own tonight.

Harry their 3 year old was curled up in his bed, he was supposed to be asleep but the storm had him wind awake. Niall their 7 year old was laying in bed staring kind of up at the ceiling having been woken up by the storm.

Harry had just recently been adopted and well the parents didn't know everything that made him tick. They knew that he was a little skittish around loud noises but they had no idea he was terrified of thunderstorms.

The curly haired little boy didn't often tell them what was wrong with him either. He was always too scared they'd return him to the orphanage or worse the horrible people that fostered him when he was a baby.

The curly haired little boy was shaking and had been since the storm started and he knew he couldn't go wake up his father because they'd just fallen asleep and they'd been taking care of Liam all day.

He didn't want to bother them but he didn't know what to do he was so scared of the storm and he needed to be cuddled or held or anything. He felt so desperate for some kind of attention.

Lighting lit up the three year olds room and then a loud clap of thunder followed causing Harry to let out a quite whimper and burry himself beneath his blankets as he started to sob hard his whole body shaking in the blankets.

Niall loved being an older brother and he liked thunderstorms most of the time but he wasn't so happy about this one. He didn't like not being with the family when thunderstorms hit.

So he just liked to lay awake and listen to them especially when he was in bed. Something was different this time though he heard a small sobbing noise coming from his little brother's room.

He frowned.

The blonde seven year old was probably the most helpful child in the house he was always rushing to help who ever needed it. He never whined and was always playing with his little brothers and helping them get to sleep before he got to sleep. So when he heard quiet sobbing he scurried to his feet and rushed out of his bed room.

He pushed open the bed room door and found a little lump on the bed buried under the sheets. He frowned walking over to the bed.

"Hazza?" He hummed quietly as he made his way to the bed pulling back the covers slowly one by one to reveal a sobbing three year old boy.

He gasped and reached down pulling his three year old brother into his arms.

"Scward" he mumbled as Niall picked him up into his arms. Niall just nodded carrying harry back to his room and sitting down on his slightly bigger bed and cuddling his little brother closer to his body.

Harry didn't stop crying though and Niall was scared because he didn't know how to get his little brother to stop crying so he started doing the one thing his daddies always did when he was scared.

The blonde little boy began to sing the song his daddies always sang to him it was their song, the one thing that always made him feel ten times better.

As soon as the melody started to drift through Harry's ears the little boy started to relax and begin to breathe in a normal fashion his tears slowing down his face as he pressed closer into his brothers body and closed his eyes.

He loved this song and he loved that his older brother could sing it. It was always so nice to hear. Harry was quickly starting to melt into his older brother even as thunder his the house and rolled around the room.

Liam had been peacefully sleeping between his daddies until a specifically loud thunder struck the house. His eyes shot open and tears filled his eyes. He hated thunderstorms.

It didn't help that he also wasn't feeling well. He stirred in the bed hoping to wake one of his daddies up but when neither of them moved he decided it would be best to go find his older brother. He knew Niall would help him.

He slipped off the sheets his little feet hitting the cold floor and he rushed down the hallway whimpers falling from his lips until he reached the seven year old's room. He spotted Niall singing to harry and the melody of the song was familiar. He scurried over and climbed into the bed and under Niall's other arm.

He set his head on Niall's shoulder as the older boy continued to sing. Liam started to doze off as Niall san it was so comforting and soon enough all three boy's had fallen asleep all cuddled up together.

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