VIII. Ohana Means Family [Zianourry]

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Louis sighed as he looked over at the clock it was only 7 am but he could already hear the small whimper coming through the baby monitor. Niall was awake it was only his third night in the home and he was still earning everything after all he was only about a year and a half old.

He'd come with his brother Zayn who was Two and a half and don't forget the half or the little boy will rip you to shreds. They'd just adopted these two boys about three nights ago and They were already head over heals in love with them.

"Harry, Haz, HARRY STYLES!" Louis shouted in Harry's ear causing the Curly haired boy to go flying off the bed. He blinked wide eyed as he looked at his husband a sleepy glare settling over his face.

"Was that REALLY necessary?" He groaned rubbing the top of his head where he'd hit when he'd flown off the bed. Louis shrugged as he looked between the baby monitor and his husband who was now standing up off the floor.

"I thought so," Lou reasoned looking up innocently at his lover who just tossed the covers at his head and pulled on some pajama pants looking at the baby monitor.

"Niall's up and I don't want to get out of bed yet," He hummed as he cuddled back down into his pillow.

"Lazy a**," Harry landed a slight smack against Louis' a** before jogging into the Kid's room and slowly pushing the door open. Louis was right Niall was sitting up in his little bed (the bed had rails so that he wouldn't fall out of it) and letting out a series of small whimpers.

"Aw Nialler," Harry cooed as he walked into the room.

The blonde, blue eyed little boy looked a little confused as Harry walked into the room. The kids still weren't really used to having a permanent home.

They were used to being switched from foster home to foster home so to wake up three nights in a row and find the same parents coming to get you was foreign and a little weird. Harry reached his arms out and Niall stuck his blanket in his mouth before matching Harry's motions and putting his arms out and making little grabby hands.

"Daddy's gotacha bud," Harry hummed as he placed the little boy on his hip kissing his forehead gently. Niall set his head down against his father's shoulder feeling a bit better having been picked up.

"Daddy?" Harry paused he had been on his way out of the room so Niall didn't wake Zayn but apparently the little raven haired boy was already awake in his bed. Harry turned to look at him smiling. The two (and a half) year old was looking at him his head tilted to the side sleepily and using his little fists to rub at his eyes.

"Hey Zaynie, you ready to get up and get some breakfast?" He asked the little boy frowned for a moment before nodded his head and rubbing the sleep from his chocolate eyes. He crawled out of his bed and rushed over to Harry taking his hand.

"Hungwy," Zayn mumbled tiredly. Harry looked down at him and laughed gently before heading out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"We'll get you set up with breakfast ok, let's go wake papa up though ok? I gotta change Ni's nappy you go wake up papa," Harry urged and Zayn's eyes got huge and he clapped his hands racing off towards his fathers room. Harry just smirked to himself his husband was in for a treat, He glanced at Niall who was giggling slightly and playing with his curls and just continued to full out smile.

~ ~ ~

"PAPA!" Zayn screamed running into his fathers bed room throwing him self onto the bed struggling slightly. Louis let out a low groan not expecting Harry to play dirty and send one of the kids in to get him. Zayn finally squirmed his way onto the bed and began to jump up and down.

"Papa, Papa, Papa!" He chanted. Louis thought about ignoring the raven haired toddler but he decided it was probably best not to. He finally rolled over and peaked his eyes open.

"Hey there, Zaynie," He sat up in the bed slowly pushing his fingers through his feathery light brown hair. Zayn watched him smiling proud of himself for waking up his papa.

"What are you up to? Where's daddy?" He asked slowly glancing around for any sign of Harry.

"Ni ickies!" Zayn announced and threw himself at Louis. Louis laughed catching the small boy in his arms with ease letting the two year old nuzzle into his arms. He figured it meant that Niall had woke up needing to be changed so that's where Harry had run off to.

"Speaking of ickies, Have you gone potty yet this morning?" Lou asked and the raven haired boy pulled away and frowned shaking his head.

"Are you dry?" He asked feeling the boy's pull up. He nodded his head eagerly and proud of himself.

"Alright come on let's go potty and then we'll go find Daddy sound good?" Zayn nodded and jumped off the bed looking up at his Papa expectantly. Slowly lou crawled off the bed and lead the little boy to the bathroom.

~ ~ ~

"DADDY!" Zayn shouted as he came bouncing into the kitchen on Louis' hip. Harry glanced over from where he was cooking having already put Niall in his highchair and have given him some banana to gnaw on while he cooked breakfast.

"Yeah Buddy?" He asked as Louis set down Zayn and he came running to harry's legs smiling proud of himself.

"Guess what he did," Louis cheered from the side. It was the first night Zayn had stayed dry all night and actually used the potty in the morning.

"What did my little monster do?" He asked, setting the food off the burner and getting down so he was eye level with Zayn.

"POTTY IN DA BIG BOY POTTY!" he shouted proud of himself. Harry let out a small 'Wooo!' Before scooping the boy up into his arms and spinning him around.

"I'm so proud of you! I say we go shopping and get you some stickers, how about that bud? We'll call uncle Liam over too?" Zayn nodded his head eagerly as he hugged his arms close around Harry's neck.

"Morning bub," Louis hummed as he walked over to Niall. Niall looked up from his tray and smiled that award winning, heart breaking smile and grabbed a fistful of banana and held it up offering it to Louis.

"Yummy!" Louis pretend to eat the banana before kissing Niall's forehead.

"Alright why don't you go sit down at the table ok and pancakes will be ready really soon," Harry urged setting the two year old on his feet and swatting his butt lightly. Zayn (being the eager to please child he is) ran to his seat that was right next to Niall and sat down reaching up to help feed his baby brother. Louis smiled affectionately as he wrapped his arms around Harry.

"mm, Morning," Lou hummed pressing his face into the back of Harry's neck. Harry smiled and tilted his neck to press a gentle good morning kiss to his husband's lips.

"Good Morning love," Harry murmured turning to look at his boys a grin plastered on his face.

"Good Morning indeed,"


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