XII. Big Fight [Zianourry]

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Things were flying downstairs and Niall wasn't even sure what had started the fight. Maybe it was the fact that Louis had been sneaking around with Eleanor or maybe it was the fact that Liam had been a little stand offish lately or maybe Zayn was just sick of everyone ignoring him.

Either way, the fight downstairs had erupted like a volcano and Niall never saw it coming. He'd gone to lay Harry down for a nap upstairs and suddenly when he came out of the boy's room voices were being raised and things were being thrown.

"What is going on?" Niall stuttered as he reached the bottom of the stairs confused as to why there were things flying around his head. Suddenly three angry men turned to look at him.

"Stay out of this!" Louis shouted as he shoved Niall. Niall frowned and rubbed his chest slightly not understanding why everyone was so uptight.

"You are going to wake up Harry!" Niall hissed not wanting the two year old to wake up from his nap early. The two year old would be absolutely miserable if he got woken up from his nap and really no one wanted that. Liam glared.

"Seriously stay out of it!" Liam shouted and Niall felt hurt start to rise in his chest. Even Liam was yelling at him?

How was that fair all Niall was trying to do was keep the baby asleep and obviously no one wanted that. Niall just sighed and curled up at the bottom of the stairs hugging the baby monitor.

The fight began to get even worse Liam had picked up a lamp and thrown it against the wall causing it to shatter with a loud noise. Louis started screaming even louder and Zayn was screaming ass well and suddenly the baby monitor started to crackle and little wails could be herd coming through it. Everyone stopped screaming for a second to look at Niall with anger and hate in their eyes.

"Go shut him up!" Zayn hissed as he shoved at Niall. Niall whimpered tripping slightly as he rushed up the stairs and into the Baby's room shutting the door. The blonde rushed over to the little boy's bed and pulled him out of it rubbing his back softly.

"Shh, it's ok daddy's here baby, Daddy's here," Niall urged quietly begging Harry to stop crying slightly afraid that if he didn't one of the anger ridden boys downstairs would come up and attempt to make Harry shut up and Niall would have to kill them. Harry let out a small wail and clung to Niall indicating that he was scared with all the loud noises going around.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Louis busted into the room looking at Harry who was still wailing. Niall's face turned red with anger as he threw some of Harry's things into a backpack and slung it over his shoulder. He glared at Louis shoving past him roughly.

"Fvck you," Niall spat at each and every boy before storming out of the house and rushing to the car with harry who was absolutely sobbing by now. He couldn't believe his daddy Louis had yelled at him like that.

Daddy Louis never yelled he was always the fun one, what had Harry done wrong to make daddy Louis so angry? The two year old's head was spinning in confusion and hurt as Niall buckled him in and took off to the first Hotel he could find.

Sometimes being a rock star came in handy, meaning he could get any hotel room he wanted without having to call ahead or worry about the coast. He handed the lady some money before rushing Harry upstairs and into the safety of the hotel room.

Harry was still upset and crying against Niall's shoulder. The blonde sighed slowly climbing up onto the bed cradling the upset two year old in his arms rubbing his back softly.

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