XXIV. The Zoo [Zianourry]

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"Papa! Papa!" A small Louis bounced up and down on his heals as he tugged on Harry's hands. Harry laughed and let the little boy drag him farther into the little aquarium.

They were on a small break from touring today. Louis had been running around all day talking about the zoo and Harry wasn't about to deny the little boy the trip when he'd been behaving so well the last few days.

They'd all agreed the zoo was the best way to reward Louis for how he'd been behaving lately.

"I know Baby! I see" Harry hummed as he leaned down picking up the excited toddler.

Louis whined and squirmed not wanting to be held he wanted to run around and look at the fishies!

Harry slowly set him down and laced his fingers through Niall's as they watched the toddler press up against the glass.

"Hi fishies!" Louis shouted at the glass causing a few parents to look over and smile gently at the little feathery haired boy. Liam looked fondly down at the little boy and held his hand out to the little one.

"Wanna go see the penguins?" Liam asked and Louis nodded jumping up and down excitedly. Liam let out a small laugh and grabbed the little boy's hand leading him over to the penguins.

They had never intended on bringing a kid on tour but when their friend passed away leaving Louis in their care. They had more than willingly adopted him into their family.

They were still adjusting to having a toddler on the bus with them but Louis had already adjusted to being their son and he was constantly excited about everything in life it was inspiring.

"Papa! Papa!" Louis started shouting again looking back Harry who was walking slowly behind them. Louis seemed to be a bit more attached to Harry than anyone else in the group and that was obvious he always behaved for the curly haired lad.

"What baby?" Harry hummed as he let go of Niall's hand and walked over to where Louis was pressed up against the plastic looking at the black and white artic birds.

Louis clapped his hands and started to mimic the noises of the penguins. He was so excited; it brought a smile to his daddy's faces when he was happy.

"Look!" He squealed as one of the birds swam up to the screen and gently bobbed against it for a few moments before letting out a noise and backing away from the screen causing Louis to let out an excited scream.

"I see baby!" Harry let out a small laugh shaking his head as he leaned down next to the boy.

"You wanna go to the petting zoo? I know how much you love to play with the animals then we'll get some food and head out yeah?" He hummed Louis whined at the mention of having to leave. HE didn't want to leave the zoo but petting the animals sounded like a lot of fun.

"We go pet yes?" Louis held his arms up looking at Harry his green eyes big and mischievous. Harry let out a laugh and leaned down picking the boy up into his arms and returning to the other group of boys.

"Come on he wants to go pet the animals before we leave," Harry hummed.

Zayn rolled his eyes not a huge fan of the petting zoo, he has had a few bad experiences and wasn't really interested in playing with the animals but if that was what baby Louis wanted that's what the little boy would get.

"Fine," He huffed crossing his arms across his chest and pouting as they made the short walk to the petting zoo.

Louis rushed into the petting zoo squealing as he ran face first into a goat and started to pet and squeal at the animals as he raced around in the small area.

"Dada!" Louis shouted signaling he wanted Zayn's attention. Zayn groaned as he stepped in with the animals reaching out for Louis's hand. The little boy was so jumpy as he began to bounce around petting every single animal he could find.

"I see, careful bud or the goat's going to eat your shirt!" He hummed trying to get the little boy to pay attention trying not to focus on what happened to him when he was younger.

"No! Bad! Mine!" He started screaming slapping at the animal that was now nibbling on his shirt hungrily.

"DADDY!" Louis started to scream crying. Zayn rushed over gently tugging the little boy's shirt from the goat's mouth.

"Shh, it's ok he's just hungry baby show him the food in your hand I'll make sure he doesn't eat your shirt" Zayn murmured softly. Louis shook his head letting out a loud wail and threw the food away from him turning into Zayn's side and sobbing.

"Mean!" He cried and Zayn sighed kissing the boy's temple as he stood up with the little one in his arms.

"No baby the goat isn't mean it just doesn't know any better," Zayn tried to reassure him but it was no use the little one was already furious with the little goat who was barely bigger than he was.

"I wike dis shiwrt!" He cried tugging at the wet end of the shirt wanting it off. The raven haired boy arried the toddler out of the petting zoo and back over to Harry.

"Aww why are you crying buddy?" Harry asked frowning as he held his arms out and Louis scrambled into his arms tugging at his shirt.

"The goat thought his shirt would taste good..." Zayn mumbled and Liam let out a sniffle of a laugh not wanting to laugh openly at the two year old.

"Stupid goats," He hissed. Louis looked up at Zayn through his tears.

"Daddy said goat no bad" He told Harry who smiled and nodded approvingly at Zayn.

"Goat jus hungwy wike wouis!" He smiled brightly at Zayn who had told him the truth.

Zayn let out a small laugh and leaned in kissing Louis' forehead gently slowly beginning to realize as they were leaving that instead of the bad memories of the petting zoo now he'd have the memory of Louis enjoying himself.


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