XXVI. Finding Santa [Zianourry]

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Louis sniffled as he sat in the corner of the room trying not to cry. He had no idea what was going on with everyone in the house today but no one was being very nice. Louis was three years old and the son of Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson. He had two younger brothers Harry and Niall, Harry was two years old and Niall was almost a year old and it was Niall's first Christmas and his daddies seemed to be very stressed out and the little boy didn't understand why. This was supposed to be a good day or at least that's what daddy had always told him tucking him in the night before.

Tonight however had been much different. It started that morning when they woke up and Louis wasn't feeling well so he didn't get right out of bed causing his father to snap at him and him to whimper and kind of lag around the rest of the day. Then Harry started to misbehave and blame Louis for everything and of course Harry got everything he wanted so the daddies always believed Harry over Louis because how could their sweet little Harry do anything wrong? Louis had spent most of the day in time out.

It was starting to get dark outside and Louis was frustrated because Santa was supposed to come tonight but his family was being so mean and he'd gotten put in time out so many times today he was worried Santa wasn't going to like him anymore. His daddies obviously didn't like him any more so why should Santa. But then an Idea crossed his mind Santa could make magic happen! He'd go ask Santa to make his daddies love him again!

Louis smiled to himself at his idea. He knew it was a great idea but he had to get to Santa and get out of the house without his daddies seeing. He frowned and grabbed his jacket searching the hallway for his daddies before darting across it and out the back door shutting it quietly. He doubted his daddies would even notice he was gone for a little while. He couldn't be bothered to think about all the time he'd spent in time out today he was going to make everything better.

The little three year old stepped into the snow shivering because it was about 3 degree's outside with a wind chill of about negative 10. Not weather a three year old should be out in. The snow was coming down hard and the little boy didn't think to turn around and go home he had to get to Santa. Santa was going to make his daddies love him again. Santa was going to fix everything and Louis wouldn't have to worry about anything ever again.

He'd been walking for about an hour and he couldn't feel his fingers any more and he was starting to not be able to feel other parts of his little body. He needed to go to the bathroom and he really wanted to turn around and go home but he couldn't, He couldn't go back he had to talk to Santa.

To add to the problems little Louis didn't know which direction was home any more but he knew if he kept going he'd get to the mall where Santa was.

The little feathery haired boy could SEE the cars and the mall now and he knew if he walked a little faster he'd get there but he didn't think he could cross the streets on his own and he was worried but he had to get to Santa!

He wasn't going to turn around or get scared he was going to get to Santa and Santa was going to make it better. He hoped. He continued to trudge across the snow his feet now completely frozen having wet himself and that was frozen to his legs.

He felt like his lungs were on fire and like he was going to implode at any moment but he was so close.

It took him about another hour to cross the roads after getting hit by a bicyclist who ran over his hand and didn't even notice the little boy just hugged the hurting hand closer and continued to the mall finally reaching it he looked around there were very little people because it was about closing time for the mall and he'd managed to just make it. He pushed the door open and wandered through the mall starting to feel overly miserable before a firm familiar voice washed over.

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