XXI. Adopting Niall [Zianourry]

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The house was quiet. Everyone was sleeping and peacefully so, Well except for Harry who was out of bed and running around the house getting himself ready. He couldn't sleep today was the day that they got to bring Niall home! They'd been working on adopting two year old Niall Horan for almost a year now.

His mom was just too young to take care of him and she wanted him to have the best life possible so over the last year they fought management and they fought the teens mom and spent every second of their time that they could with the little blonde boy and Harry was so excited he hadn't slept at all.

"get up!" He shouted jumping up on the bed knocking two of his husbands out of the bed leaving the third one to quickly sit up and grab onto Harry's legs. Zayn glanced up from his spot holding Harry's legs a small laugh falling from his lips.

"Was that really necessary?" Louis groaned from the ground as he rubbed the bump on the side of his head. Harry was just laughing and smiling; Liam just rolled his eyes and sat up.

"We get to bring Niall home!" Harry shouted and suddenly the three slightly sleepy boys lit up like some one had clicked on a light bulb.

Today was the day, their little man was coming home with them and they were so excited. They'd promised the mom she could see him and they'd send pictures so that Niall wouldn't miss her to much and would grow up knowing his mom loved him.

"That's right!" Liam smiled standing up as he walked over to the dresser beginning to pull clothes out throwing outfits at both Louis and Zayn causing the older two husbands to let out a soft laugh and just begin to get dressed.

"I'm so excited!" Louis gushed as he pulled his shirt hurried over his head and leaned in looking at the mirror in the bed room ruffling his hair not caring how it looked. Liam let out another laugh and looked at his husband as he got himself dressed.

"I know, after a year we finally get to bring him home," Zayn smiled as he buttoned up his pants and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth three bodies following him into the bathroom.

They all wound around each other to brush their teeth. This was just their morning routine and they couldn't wait to make little Niall a part of it.

"you think Thea's going to be ok?" Liam questioned as he spit into the sink frowning. They all worried about the mother of Niall.

They worried that she was going to fall into some pit of disappear and they'd grown to love her just as much as they loved Niall after all she's the women who was giving them the chance no one else would. They were getting their own family all because of this 16 year old girl.

"I think she'll be fine, we'll still visit with her, and We'll put her up in a home and help her finish schooling and all of that," Louis reasoned.

They'd already put the female up in a house of her own with some one to help care for her while she'd been taking care of Niall and going to school because her mother had abandon her after finding out she was giving Niall to a better life.

"She's a strong girl, it's not like we are taking Niall and never speaking to her again," Zayn added as he pulled Liam into his arms. They'd never do that.

They didn't want anything to happen to Thea either plus the young female had already agreed to when she was older give them another child. So they were going to take good care of this girl no matter what.

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