XIX. Little Niall Horan [Zianourry]

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Little Niall horan was four years old. He was a blonde haired blue eyed heart throb who tended to get just what he wanted. He was the son of one direction. He had no brothers or sisters but he had lots of friends that came with being the son of one direction. He didn't really know who his mommy was but he didn't really care who his mommy was because he had four amazing Daddies who took really good care of him.

He always loved the holidays it was so much fun all the decorating and the pretty lights. He always got the best presents too he never wanted anything specific but his Daddies always got him the best things. He couldn't ever care what he got he just loved that his daddies tried to hard to be so amazing for him. They were the best thing about his holidays.

This year Zayn had promised to make cookies with Niall to leave out for Santa but they were going to have to make them after dinner. This was going to be the first year Niall was allowed to help with the cookies and Liam was going to teach him how to make a little cookie snow man and Niall had been looking forward to it for the past week.

The only problem was that morning when he'd woke up he was starting to not feel so hot. It started with just a tummy ache and he thought maybe he could handle a tummy ache and not have to tell his daddies that something was wrong but it got worse throughout the day and Niall was really starting to struggle with it as they all sat down to dinner.

"Alright Nialler, eat good ok so we can make cookie snow men!" Liam encouraged and Harry let out a laugh. Niall smiled and began to push his food around his plate forcing himself to eat everything on the plate in a rush or atleast attempted too.

"Niall babe you ok?" Zayn frowned as he noticed his little boy looking a little paler than usual and not so excited about his food which for Niall was very, very unusual. That boy ate like the world was going to end or every meal he got was going to be his last.

"Uh huh," He mumbled out setting his head on the table for a moment before the overwhelming urge to throw up hit him.

He pushed his chair out and ran to the bathroom kneeling over the toilet before losing everything he'd just eaten. Zayn followed him quickly leaving the other boys confused as to what was going on.

"Oh babe," Zayn sighed as he rubbed the little boy's back shaking his head.

"Why didn't you tell us you didn't feel good?" He asked quietly as he continued to attempt to sooth the boy.

"Wanna make Snowman cookies real bad," He whimpered as he continued until the contents of his stomach were completely emptied out. Zayn frowned he'd had no idea making these cookies meant so much to Niall.

"We can still make the cookies babe, I promise," He sighed kissing the top of his head before flushing the toilet and helping the four year old brush his teeth.

He then scooped up the small boy and carried him back into the kitchen where all the other boys were standing with concerned looks on their faces.

"What's wrong boo?" Louis hummed as he walked over taking the blonde from Zayn allowing Zayn to sit down and eat his food as he held the small child.

Niall mumbled that he wasn't feeling good as he set his head down against Louis' shoulder rubbing his own stomach. Louis frowned and gently patted the little boys back in an attempt to help.

"You still wanna make those cookies tonight bud?" Liam asked unsure if the sick little one would even be interested in doing much of anything.

"yes! Yes please!" He cried out and Liam looked a little startled by the little one's outburst but he just nodded and frowned as he walked over pressing a small kiss to the blondes forehead.

Once everyone was done eating Liam set the table up for the cookies and pulled them all out smiling at the small blonde boy who was sitting on Zayn's lap staring at the table.

He still looked a bit pale but Liam wasn't about to tell Niall no he couldn't do this. He couldn't break the little boy's heart. He handed the boy some icing and some sprinkles and allowed him to begin decorating the cookies.

Niall's eyes lit up as he smeared the icing all over the cookie getting some on his hands and giggling as he grabbed the sprinkles beginning to get the sprinkles everywhere but the small smile playing on his lips was priceless and no one was about to stop that.

After about an hour of decorating cookies Zayn finally picked up Liam and got his hands all clean.

"Time for bed munchkin, so Santa can come!" He hummed and Niall nodded his head eagerly as he rushed up the stairs changing into his pajama's before rushing back down the stairs and holding his arms up to Louis. Louis laughed and picked him up trading him off to Harry.

"Come on, I'll come lay down with you ok?" He smiled carrying the blonde up to their bed room and laying him down on the bed. Niall nodded and curled up next to Harry trying desperately to fall asleep.

Two hours passed and Niall still couldn't get to sleep he started to cry as he looked at the clock it read 1:00 am and he hadn't heard Santa and he was starting to get worried Santa wasn't coming because he wasn't asleep.

"What's all the crying for?" A deep voice Niall didn't recognize boomed and he sat up in bed nearly slamming his head into Harry's chin.

But Harry just snorted and rolled over. Niall glanced up spotting a large man in a red suit with a beard and the tears continued to run down his face.

"I, feel ick and, and I can't sleep and daddies say if I don't sleep you won't come," Niall cried openly kind of in shock that Santa was standing in front of him. The bed shifted and "Santa" sat down on the bed next to Niall.

"It's ok. I know you aren't feeling well, your papa told me so, I came any way," He smiled and leaned in pressing a kiss to Niall's hair.

"Now I'm going to leave your presents downstairs and you get some sleep ok?" The large man spoke in a nice soothing deep voice. Niall nodded and sniffled rubbing at his eyes.

"Tank you Santa," The little blonde sniffled before curling back up against his daddy and quickly falling to sleep against him. 'Santa' smiled and exited the room smiling over at one of his lovers.

"Thank you ever so much Santa," Louis gushed a small smirk on his face indicating that he was teasing. Zayn rolled his eyes and pulled down the itchy beard he was wearing pretending to be Santa.

"I wasn't kidding when I said I'd do anything for that kid," he hummed winking at Louis before jogging down the stairs to put the presents under the tree.


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