XX. Ni's Nightmares [Zianourry]

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Niall was little, very little, he was about two years old and had spent so long in a foster home he forgot what it was like to have a family. He'd been in the foster home since he was a new born.

His parents wanted nothing to do with him unfortunately neither did the foster home. They were often calling him names and hitting him and making everything that much worse. Niall had been getting to a point that He didn't think any one was ever going to adopt him.

One night a couple he'd seen before walked in whispering in hushed voice and before he knew what was happening he was being scooped up and taken away from the place that had tortured him for so long.

He was confused and he was scared because he didn't know if these people were going to hurt him as well. Everyone hurt Niall but these people didn't seem angry like the other people Niall was used to. They seemed clam.

The little blonde boy was absolutely terrified of everything. Harry who was 5 and Louis who was 7 were even scarier than the kids at the orphanage.

They were much bigger than him and it was so scary for the little boy who didn't know much else than the torture of orphanage. He would often be found hidden under the bed or hiding under the covers.

The first few nights were difficult. Liam and Zayn were starting to feel like they were in over their heads. The first night Niall had been home it was absolutely miserable.

"Liam," Zayn rolled over shoving at his husband as he heard sniffling coming through the baby monitor. Liam shifted before opening his eyes and looking towards his husband.

"What?" Zayn pointed to the baby monitor suggesting that Liam needed to get up and check on whatever was going on. Liam rolled his eyes and was about to get out of bed when his five year old was in the room holding his blanket.

"Haz?" Liam sighed.

"Baby Ni woke me up," He explained, "he's all wet and shakin Daddy, Boobear is twying to help," he murmured tiredly as he rubbed at his eyes.

Liam quickly kicked the blanket's off and moved passed Harry rushing into the bed room to find Louis looking at Niall a scared look on his face.

"Daddy He won't stop crying," Louis explained feeling rather frantic about the idea that the boy wouldn't stop crying and shaking.

He just wanted to help but Niall was curled up in a little ball in the corner of the room his legs wet. No one had told them Niall wasn't potty trained.

"What happened?" Liam asked as he pulled the sheets off the bed and wiped down the bed protector letting out a small sigh as he set the dirty sheets on the floor looking at his seven year old.

"He was screamin' daddy, I tried to wake him up and he wet himself and I was tryin' real hard to make it better but he just keeps cryin'" Louis whimpered slightly.

"I'm scared daddy!" Louis through his hands up tears in frustration at the idea that his brother was so upset and there was nothing he could do.

"It's ok Lou, Papa's sittin up in bed with haz why don't you go cuddle with him ok? I'll take care of ni," Liam promised and Louis looked worried before running out of the room quickly tears running down his cheeks. Liam frowned and slowly advanced on Niall.

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