X. Baby's First Christmas [Zianourry]

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Two year old Zayn Malik was having his very first Christmas. The orphanage never celebrated Christmas so he'd never really experienced it before.

Getting adopted by the One direction boys had been the best thing to ever happen to the little raven haired boy. They'd done all sorts of things, they'd met Santa and decorated a tree and the little Zayn had never expected so much fun from a family and they would talk about things that Zayn wanted and they'd let him go on and on about it.

To be honest the boys were almost more excited than Zayn was. They'd all gotten him a mass amount of presents ant they were so excited for him to open them.

Not to mention, grandparents were coming over and Zayn loved when grandparents came, he got doted on and spoiled even more.

Liam was more than excited for his little boy to get up and see all the presents that were piled around the tree but all the boys had gone to bed late so that they would sleep in and they could let Zayn wake them up.

The raven haired boy woke up around 8 am and tiptoed down the stairs seeing all the presents laced around the tree his little jaw dropped.

He raced back up the stairs and ran into his fathers' room.

"DADDY, DADA, BABA, PAPA!" He screamed as he jumped onto the bed beginning to jump up and down repeatedly on some one's legs.

He didn't care he wanted them up he wanted to go downstairs and open all the pretty toys! He didn't care what was in the boxes because the wrapping paper was so pretty. Louis groaned slightly since it was HIS legs the two year old was now using to bounce up and down on.

"morning Zaynie," Harry hummed as he sat up in bed looking at the excited little raven haired boy. The smile on his face was huge, almost as big as the smile on his face when he'd found out he was being adopted, it made Harry's stomach do little flips.

"Papa! Santa came! Santa Came!" He shouted as he looked at Harry completely in awe of everything he'd seen downstairs. Louis let out a laugh as he sat up finally and scooped the excited toddler off his legs.

"Baba! It's so pweety!" he gasped as he squirmed in his baba's arms. Liam and Niall slowly sat up as well.

"Santa came eh?" Niall smiled playing dumb. Zayn nodded and started to jump up and down on Louis' lap. Niall stifled a laugh at the look on his boyfriend's face.

"Let's go see shall we," Louis encouraged as he moved the little boy off him and onto the floor. Zayn watched as his fathers all climbed out of bed a tired smile gracing each one of their faces.

"tome on! Tome on!" Zayn urged as he reached up grabbing ahold of Liam and Harry's hand and began to drag them towards the stairs. The boys followed obediently all of them sharing secret smiles. They loved seeing their little one so happy.

"Wow, I guess Santa did come," Liam smiled and his eyes lit up at the sight of the excited little boy. Zayn nodded his head and ran over to the presents being able to read the words Dada. Daddy. Baba/ and papa but that was it.

"Papa! Daddy! Ders one f'r you!" The toddler shouted his eyes wide and excited like it was the best thing in the world that there were presents for his daddies too.

"Really?" The boys played along and Zayn nodded and looked at them running circles around the tree looking at all the presents just as the door swung open revealing his Grandma Anne and Grandma Johannah. Zayn let out a scream.

"GAMA!" Zayn screamed as he raced forward crashing into Anne's legs excitedly. Anne smiled as she picked up the little boy setting him on her hip.

"How's my favorite little boy?" She kissed his cheek and Zayn started to ramble on about how Santa had come and how excited he was about it. She just nodded her head and let him ramble on for a few minutes.

"How about we all make some breakfast and then we can start opening presents?" Niall suggested and Zayn's head whipped towards Niall and he nodded Starting to bounce in Anne's arms. Johannah started to laugh and shake her head as she looked at the excited little boy.

"PWESENTS!" He screamed as they carried him into the kitchen. Anne walked around with him and began to distract him as they made breakfast trying to get him to relax so he could actually eat his breakfast. Finally getting him to sit down had been a challenge but finally he was seat and biting down on his food.

"Thanks for coming down mom," Louis hummed as he kissed the top of his moms head handing her some pancakes as Liam continued to cut up the pancakes and feed them to Zayn who was still kicking his feet excitedly.

"Dall done!" The raven haired little boy announced as he slapped his hands against the tables letting out a small giggle as he clapped his hands. Liam let out a loud laugh and shook his head at the little boy.

"Wait for daddies to be done ok? Grandma and Grandma need to finish too," Louis reminded him and Zayn sighed and danced in his little chair waiting for his fathers and his grandmas to be done but he really just wanted to get out there and open presents. He needed to hand them out and open them!

"Alright bud, you ready for presents?" Harry asked as he cleared the table and Zayn shouted and ran into the living room and ran over to the tree. All the parents sat down in a spot and let the little boy begin to sort out the presents.

"One f'r yous an' one f'r gama!" He announced as he continued to hand them out until there was no more presents under the tree. He gasped at how high his own pile was and then frowned as he looked at everyone else's.

"What's wrong bud?" Johannah asked as she noticed the frown on the little boys face. He seemed to be thinking for a moment.

"I has mo' dan you, yous need Mo'!" He announced looking at his grandmas and frowning everyone let out a gentle laugh at the little ones antics.

"No baby, you are supposed to have more!" Johanna explained and he looked confused he'd never gotten anything and then to have more than everyone else he wasn't sure that was fair.

"But dats not nice?" He asked confused looking to his daddies.

"No baby it's good! It means Santa thought you were really good this year! And some of those are from grandma and daddies that's why you have so many," Louis explained gently and Zayn looked up at his baba.

"weallwy?" He asked softly and Louis nodded his head.

"Do you want some help opening them?" Harry asked crawling onto the floor next to Zayn and he nodded eagerly wanting his dads to have as much fun as he was going to.

With that all sorted out they began to open presents and everyone found it adorable as Zayn would scream and hug every present before hugging everyone in the room and telling them all how much he loved it.

Everyone was smiling and the living room was a mess by the time presents were actually open. Zayn was in a little lump in all the wrapping paper hugging his presents close and his eyes drooping slightly.

It had taken about two hours to open presents and apparently it had worn the little boy quiet out. Liam smiled as he watched Zayn close his eyes and fall asleep amidst his pile of toys. Looks like this Christmas was shaping up to be pretty amazing.


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