XXVII. Coloring On The Walls [Zianourry]

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Louis giggled as he made another mark an evil grin plastered too his face. He was two and boy was he trouble. Sometimes Louis had good days where he behaved and didn't do anything to deserve time out but today was not one of those days.

He'd already sat in time out three times today! The first was because he was throwing his breakfast at his daddy who was trying to feed him, the second one because he was biting his 4 year old brother Niall.

The ones after those were because he was doing things he wasn't supposed to like tugging on his 6 year old brother's hair. Daddy Zayn had put him in time out the last time because Louis kicked him in his 'special place' during a nappy change.

Needless to say, the two year old was NOT in a good mood and he wasn't having a good day. He didn't really care about anything at this point he was just having fun and he didn't care if he got another time out.

He'd been getting them all day long what was another one plus it was getting close to bed time so he wouldn't even be in time out that long. He grinned as he scribbled on the wall proud of his work.

"Ooooh Lou you're in so much trouble!" the six year old Harry gasped as he spotted the colored walls.

"I'ma tell on you!" he shouted and raced out of the room. Liam and Zayn were tag teaming to get Niall to eat. He didn't seem to feel all that great and he didn't really want to eat so they were working together to get the little one to eat.

"Come on Nialler. Just a little bit ok?" Zayn hummed as Harry came bouncing into the room his hand over his mouth.

Neither of his daddies looked up from their spot trying to feed the little Niall who kept his lips sealed like some one had super glued them shut.

"Niall, come on baby you gotta eat something, you'll starve all night long," Liam tried but Niall just let out a loud whine and shook his head roughly.

Liam frowned running his hand over his little boy's hair. Both fathers were completely exhausted Louis had been acting up all day long and Niall obviously wasn't feeling all that great. They were finding it hard to be rational.

"Daddy ! Daddy! Daddy!" Harry screamed as he bounced into the room squealing and Liam turned to look at him a frown settling upon his features having no idea what Harry was going on about but really wishing the boy would calm down.

"Harry, calm down what is it?" Zayn asked as he held the spoon to Niall's lips and Niall just started to cry pushing the spoon away not wanting any of the food but just wanting his daddy to cuddle him right now.

"Lou is bein bad!" Harry shouted and Liam let out a loud pained sigh as he looked to Harry before he glaned back to his husband.

Louis was being naughty...again. Liam figured it was his turn to go punish the little one because Zayn had done it last.

"alright take me to him," Liam held his hand out and the six year old grabbed onto it leading Liam up the stairs to where Louis was sitting in the hallway admiring his master piece.

There was crayon all over the wall, all down the hall way deep purples and blues all over the walls. Liam felt like he could fain that would never come out.

"Louis Tomlinson!" He shouted, Louis flinched slightly, Daddy didn't normally raise his voice so he must be in some serious trouble.

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