XXII. Two Is Better Than One [Zianourry]

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Harry was a little worried about how today might go they were taking their sons to the orphanage to meet the little girl they were thinking about adopting and the little boys needed to get adjusted to her before they took her home.

Niall and Louis were two and three years old and the little girl they wanted to adopt was two and a half and boy was she insistent about that last half but she was honestly the most adorable little girl Harry, Liam and Zayn had ever seen.

"Ok, now she's a little smaller than you two but she's older than you Niall, so be really nice to her ok?" Liam instructed as he helped the little toddlers out of the car. Three year old Louis looked at his father sweeping his light brown hair to the side of his face.

"Otay Daddy," He seemed uninterested though he wanted to meet this new little girl and tell her off because she wasn't about to steal his daddies attention.

"Louis, I mean it be nice," Zayn's voice was a little more firm and Louis visibly deflated a little bit telling Zayn he'd been right in assuming that Louis had some ulterior motive to his good attitude all day.

"But, but! I don't wanna share Papa!" Louis stomped his feet and The small blonde two year old looked at him confused as he hugged his tiger a little closer to his body reaching up for Liam's hand. Liam gladly leaned down and scooped up the two year old.

"Enough, You are going to be nice or you are going to get a time out when we get home got it?" Harry bent down looking at Louis and the feathery haired little boy stomped his foot for a moment before huffing and holding his hand out for his baba to take.

Together they walked into the orphanage and Niall and Louis didn't know what to think there were so many other kids. Some bigger then they were but lots that were the same age or smaller and they all seemed so sad.

"come on," The darkest haired father nudged the little boy into another room where there was a cute dark haired little girl playing in the corner.

She was playing with another lighter brown haired girl they both seemed pretty content on playing with each other until they spotted the fathers. The girl with the light brown hair couldn't have been more than two years old maybe. She was a lot smaller than the girl with the dark brown hair. The light haired girl looked new as well.

"Gabbie?" Harry questioned and both of them turned to look at him. The Gabbie he'd been referring to smiled at him brightly but wrapped her arms around the smaller lighter haired girl tightly.

"Sorry," The receptionist walked in looking apologetically at the boys.

"This little one came in about a week ago and I can't get them separated, Gabby it's time to go," The little lighter haired girl shook her head sniffling.

"Dat's not Gabby dat's kitten!" The sassy little Gabbie stood up. She had dangerously dark beautiful brown eyes and it was clear that she had some kind of bond with this new little girl. Louis and Niall both looked intrigued as they watched the two little girls.

"Gabrielle Rose, That's enough you need to give me Kitten," The receptionist tried again but the darker haired female refused. The tired old reecptionest stepped forward and began to pry the littler girl out of her hands.

"Wait, wait don't," Liam insisted and the receptionist stopped immediately.

"Let them be, if she's that attached to the little...kitten or whatever just let them be," He looked to his husbands who nodded in agreement.

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