XVIII. Santa Bully [Zianourry]

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Harry Styles was probably one of the brightest kids in his class. It often got him beat up and in all sorts of trouble. He had two older brother's Niall was 8 and Liam was 11 years old and they all went to the same school.

His daddies would always tell him how good he was at his school work and how proud they were of him. As the Christmas season rolled around Harry got more and more excited.

He often talked about Santa even being in kindergarten there were a lot of kids who didn't believe that Santa existed but his daddies said otherwise.

Today was a particularly bad day. Harry was wearing a little Santa sweater that jingled and his little Santa hat. His teacher had told them to dress up and the curly haired little boy had gone all out.

Red jeans and a green sweater with a Santa hat and he looked adorable as he walked out of class and to recess. The teacher had given him the best dressed prize! He was eager he just wanted to show his brothers that he won.

"Hey Styles!" A kid screamed as he walked over. Derrick the school bully the one Harry got it the worst from was on his way over. Harry let out a small sniffle as he darted behind a tree.

"Leave me 'lone!" Harry shouted trying desperately to hide behind the tree and keep away from the bully he knew that something was coming.

He didn't want to get hit today, he didn't like having to explain to his daddies that he "fell" down or something along those lines. He could feel the tears well up as the bully grabbed his shirt.

"Stupid cowered!" The bully hissed as he grabbed Harry's sweater.

"I can't believe you still believe in Santa! Only fag's believe in Santa!" The older boy snarled and punched Harry across the face before beginning to rip at Harry's shirt. Harry immediately started to cry this was his favorite shirt.

"NO! Stop! Daddy gave me this!" he cried trying to force the older boy away from him.

"Please!" He cried as he hugged his arms to himself as he felt his nose begin to bleed.

"help!" he cried. And after what seemed like endless minutes of being beaten by the older kid a teacher rushed over.

"Oh Harry!" The teacher sighed as she grabbed the bully by the shirt and handing him off to the principle before picking up the bawling five year old boy and gently cradling him close.

"let's go call your daddies ok?" Harry shook his head whimpering.

"No! but! They'll be upset!" He cried as he pressed his bleeding nose to the teachers shoulder trying not to sniffle because tears were running down his face at the awful things the kid had said.

"Shh, they won't be love, I'll call your brothers down to the office too ok?" She sighed softly as she got to the nurses office and set the five year old down calling both Niall and Liam to the nurses office and with in minutes the older siblings were in the room with the five year old.

"Hazza!" Niall cried as he got to the room a frown forming on his face as he saw the blood on the boy's face.

"Oh it's ok Hazza," Niall encouraged gently running his fingers through the little boys hairs.

"'m otay," Harry mumbled as he wiped at the blood on his nose. Liam frowned and gently pushed Harry's hand away from his face and pressed a cloth to the boys nose so it would stop bleeding.

"Harry!" Louis followed by Zayn rushed into the office a pissed off look on his face.

"PAPA!" Harry cried and Liam picked up the five year old carrying him over to Louis who quickly swept up the boy off his feet and into his arms. He gently rubbed his back.

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