XIII. Baby's Bad Day [Zianourry]

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Zayn walked up the stairs a small sigh escaping his lips as he heard the cries of his youngest. Harry was lying in his crib and screaming his little 9 month old lungs out.

Zayn frowned and picked him up into his arms gently rocking him back and forth. Niall sat up on his bed rubbing at his little two year old eyes waking up to harry screaming was becoming a normal thing but it was never nice to wake up to and it always put the toddler in a bad mood. He never liked sharing a room with the baby he didn't understand why he had to.

"Daddy?" Zayn simply ignored him as he carried Harry out of the bed room leaving Niall to pout his bottom lip out feeling a bit neglected.

He slowly stood up out of his bed climbing over the bars and waiting until his feet hit the floor to scurry over to the bathroom trying to get there before he wet his nappy. They were trying to potty train him but it wasn't going so well.

Unfortunately Niall didn't make it to the bathroom before he felt his nappy get wet. He frowned.

"NI! Breakfast time!" Louis, Niall's five year old older brother jumped into the room smiling. Niall frowned and whined covering his ears at how loud his brother was being, wanting him to just be quiet because he was starting to not feel well.

Niall dragged himself out of the bedroom and slowly climbed down the stairs stumbling and nearly falling down them because he wasn't so good at walking downstairs yet. He let out a small yelp when his wet nappy met the floor but quickly hushed himself as Harry let out a gleeful noise. He waddled into the kitchen trying to climb up his chair.

"Niall James Horan! You know better than that!" Liam scolded as he noticed the two year old scaling the chair. Niall let out a whimper as he was scolded.

Liam leaned down and picked him up setting him in his chair and strapping him in. Niall kind of picked at the food that he was given not really wanting to eat much.

"Eat," Zayn said firmly causing the two year old to flinch and eat the rest of his food even though it started to make him feel sick.

By the time breakfast was over Niall was starting to feel even more cranky and miserable. He hadn't slept well and his nappy was damp and he just didn't feel good after being forced to eat all that food. He wanted to go take and color by himself.

That's what he did. He sat down in the living room with the crayons and Harry came over and started to scribble on Niall's paper. Niall let out a loud huff before moving to do something else not wanting to play with Harry.

Harry was just a baby and he didn't want to play with any one! He just wanted to be left alone why couldn't the stupid baby understand that! Niall started to play quietly with his dinosaurs as his daddies seemed to be getting ready for something.

Niall got about an hour to himself before Harry crawled over and stole Niall's dino and stuck it in his mouth.

Niall let out a frustrated noise and ripped it out of Harry's mouth causing Harry to let out a loud cry. The blonde toddler whimpered knowing he was going to end up in trouble as Zayn came storming into the room.

"What happened?" He asked Niall glaring as he picked up Harry.

"He Stole my toy!" Niall cried, "I told him no! I didn't want to play with him!" Niall wailed loudly. Zayn frowned and shook his head.

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