IX. Time out Paul [Zianourry]

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Being on tour with a small child was no small feat. It was kind of like having to do everything twice as quickly because he had the tolerance of a rat and if he wasn't fed right or napped at the right time he started to bite and in this case that was absolutely true.

Zayn was the son of One direction he was adopted at the age of one and he was still trying to adjust to the life style especially since they were all so big.

He tended to get his way with things because his big brown eyes and pitch black hair made him the poster child for getting people wrapped around his finger.

Though lately he'd started the habit of biting everyone. Only when he was tired or over done which had been happening a lot lately. He didn't want to do much of anything to be completely honest.

He didn't like doing interviews it made him anxious and he never liked the way the people talked to his daddies.

Meeting fans was something that Zayn didn't mind doing all the time. But sometimes it really bothered him. It was always a guess with this child.

The person most likely to get bit was Paul. Zayn tended to start biting when ever Paul scolded him or tried to take him away from his daddies.

The poor Bodyguard had turned into a teething ring for the two year old monster. Zayn had the boys all wrapped around his finger though, meaning Paul was out of luck when it came to being a teething ring.

Liam was probably the worst little Zayn had the boy completely mesmerized and happy about everything all the time. It was like they were two peas in a pod.

"Guys Come on! We need to get going!" Paul shouted from the front of the bus rubbing his head as the two year old came out shoving his finger in his mouth and shaking his head at Paul.

"SHH!" the two year old yelled thinking he was being very helpful. His daddy Harry wasn't feeling well and was still sleeping and Paul needed to be quiet or he was going to wake daddy Harry up! That wouldn't be very nice and Little Zayn knew that.

"Zayn, come on don't mess around where are your dads?" Paul groaned and the two year old stalked over and stomped on Paul's foot shushing him again.

It took everything in him not to completely lose it and just fling the little boy across he bus in irritation.

Just as Paul was starting to feel overcome with irritation for the little rat Liam stepped out from the back of the bus.

"Zaynie, come on now, Daddy Harry wants you," Liam hummed and the little boy looked up at Paul glaring slightly before skipping off to the back of the bus where Harry was laying down. Paul let out a soft sigh and rubbed his face.

"We have to go you boy's have a signing!" Liam shook his head and Paul's brows furrowed together as he looked at Liam.

"What do you mean no?" He snapped

"Harry's been throwing up all morning, we aren't doing anything, Lou isn't feeling so hot either." Liam reasoned but Paul really didn't want to hear this. He needed to get them on the signing they couldn't cancel! Paul rubbed his face roughly.

"You can't cancel we've got fans lined up around the block!" He shouted and little Zayn appeared in the hallway stalking over and standing protectively infront of his daddy.

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