XXXI. End Of The World [Zianourry]

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Liam payne was probably the most gullible three year old on the planet. You could tell him the sky was purple and even though he could see that the sky was blue he'd believe you. He was an agreeable little kid so it made him an easy target to get pushed around and told lots of things that weren't true.

Though his famous fathers never really expected something to get his attention and keep it for a whole day. After all he was only three years old their attention span was short wasn't it? Not today.

Liam was on a swing giggling and kicking his feet. His daddy Zayn pushing him back and forth lightly on the swing but he was having so much fun and after awhile Daddy Zayn got tired so he told Liam to go play with some of the other kids on the slide, he wanted Liam to go play with other kids, make new friends. But He wasn't prepared for just how mean older kids are.

"Can I pway?" Liam asked as he climbed up the slide and the girl shook her head.

"Why not?" He whined as he stood on the latter. She rolled he eyes and she looked to be about five as she just sat on the slide.

"Cause it's mine," She explained like it was the best explanation in the world. She glared at Liam who was still pouting.

"Share?" he asked and she let out a laugh and shook her head and crossed her arms over her chests.

"No sharing! It's the last day of the world! I don't want to share!" Liam's eyes got huge and he looked at the little girl terror filing his innocent brown eyes.

"End of da world?" he asked looking ready to burst into tears the girl nodded and Liam jumped off the later and rushed back to his daddies, he found Louis first and urgently tugged on his pants sniffling.

"What is it buddy?" Louis asked as he crouched down next to the little boy who was so upset. Liam pointed towards the slide for a moment before bursting into tears.

"IEND OF DA WORLD!" he shouted as he looked at Louis , the feathery haired male looked slightly confused as he glanced to the slide and then back down at Liam not quite understanding.

"No baby, not going down the slide isn't the end of the world," he said confused but Liam shook his head stomping his feet.

"END OF DA WORLD!" he screamed again and Louis frowned picking up Liam and holding him against his chest. Louis frowned and pressed his hand to Liam's forehead feeling for a temperature not sure what was going on with the baby.

"No buddy, it's just a slide how about we go swing?" Liam shook his head and clung to Louis's neck tears rolling down his cheeks. He was terrified this was the last day with his daddies.

"END OF DA WORLD!" he stressed and Louis frowned and shook his head not understanding where this was coming from.

"What's going on?" Harry asked as he reached out taking Liam. Liam was shaking and crying and kicking his feet as he continued to chant that it was the end of the world.

"I don't know he keeps screaming it's the end of the world, I don't know where he got that from," Louis frowned deeply.

"Liam, baby calm down," Harry urged as he bounced the three year old but Liam wouldn't calm down he just kept crying and clutching at each one of his fathers. He couldn't find Niall or Zayn though and he was getting more upset.

"Where's Zayn and Niall, he's better with them," Louis asked and Harry frowned as he looked around spotting Zayn and Niall talking to a lady. He walked over and Liam threw himself at Zayn tears still streaming down his face.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked as he stroked some of the tears off his little boy's face not knowing what was really going on with him.

"END OF THE WORLD!" Liam screamed and pressed his face into Zayn's shoulder. Zayn rubbed his back and looked towards Niall.

"Buddy where did you hear that?" Niall asked quietly looking over the little boy.

Liam reached a hand up and pointed towards the girl on the slide and Niall sighed. Of course their gullible little Liam would fall for some one telling him it was the end of the world.

"You want to go home bud?" Zayn asked slowly and Liam nodded crying still as his fathers carried him back to the house. Once they were back at the house and the parents had set down Liam he rushed up the stairs and began to collect things and bring them downstairs.

"Li what are you doing babe?" Harry asked as he watched the little boy throw blanket's in the corner of the room and stuffed animals as well. He seemed to be building some kind of safe house.

"End.OF.Da.World!" He stressed and stuck his tongue out in concentration as his fathers just watched him in awe as he continued to build around the living room what looked like a safe house.

"Liam you can't hide in there forever what about dinner?" Niall asked and liam shrieked and pulled Niall under the tower with him.

"Daddy no safe!" He hissed and started to cry because he couldn't leave to get his other fathers and he really just wanted everyone under his house where it was safe. Niall sighed and picked up Liam resting against the wall and rubbing his back.

"Baby the world isn't ending" Niall attempted to stress but the little boy just shook his head violently.

"YES IT IS!" he screamed tears rolling down his cheeks and his little body shaking, Niall just hugged the little boy a little tighter and continued to keep him as close as he could. After about an hour of Liam screaming about the end of the world the boy had passed out.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate people?" Niall asked climbing out from under the blankets with a sleeping Liam in his arms. Zayn snickered and shook his head.

"Our Innocent little Li," He cooed.

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