V. Baby Chase [Zianourry]

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Little feet padded against the floor small whimpers escaping his mouth Chase was the adopted baby of One direction.

He was only a year old and often found himself sick over nothing. It was just the way his immune system worked. When he'd been adopted he'd been ill and the boy's were more than willing to adopt a child with aliments. They didn't want a perfect kid after all.

Chase had pitch black messy hair and bright blue eyes and the rest of him was tiny. He was always a little unsure of himself waddling and looking for his daddies. How he'd learned to get out of the bed they'd never know.

Niall had gotten up earlier that morning hearing the small coughs from the toddlers room. He figured he'd head downstairs and make some coffee for himself and the others who would be woken up soon.

Chase whined softly as he padded against the floor shifting from foot to foot making his way to his daddies' room. He started to tug on the blankets letting out small cries in a desperate attempt to wake his daddies up. Harry felt the blanket being pulled off him and groaned softly.

"Papa!" Chase called when he noticed Harry's eyes blink open. Harry was all the sudden awake and alert as he sat up in the bed and looked at a very pale looking chase.

"Hey buddy," Harry tested and the little boy just threw his arms up and made grabby hands at his father wanting him. Harry sighed and stood up out of bed scooping the little boy up immediately smelling the nastiness in the boy's nappy.

"Oh someone needs a change," he groaned slightly carrying Chase back into his bed room and laying him down on the changing bed.

Opening the diaper was something Harry almost immediately regretted because he wanted to run from the room.

Harry sucked it up and cleaned the little boy and threw the diaper in the trash sighing gently as he powdered his little boy's bottom before putting a new nappy on him.

He scooped him back up into his arms and the little boy let out a violent cough. Harry sighed as the little boy started to fuss in his arms.

"Chase, you not feeling well buddy?" Harry asked and Chase just looked up at him his big blue eyes clouded over a little bit as he covered his mouth letting out another loud cough.

"He come wake you up?" Niall asked leaning in the door way a cup of coffee in his hands for Harry. The curly haired boy nodded his head before reaching for the coffee.

"Trade you," he laughed as he opened his arms and the two of them shifted. Niall taking the coughing baby and Harry taking the coffee.

"Papa!" chase fussed as he squirmed around in Niall's arms not really knowing what he wanted. He pressed his face into Niall's neck letting out soft whimpers and coughing again. Niall rubbed the little boy's back.

"How about we go downstairs and get you some tea for that ucky cough yeah?" Niall hummed and Chase seemed to agree with that.

Getting him the tea calmed his coughing down a bit but then his nose began to run and Niall kept having to wipe it.

Chase was getting sick of his nose being wiped so the first chance he got he ran off hiding behind the couch.

"Babe come here I just want to wipe your nose clean!" Harry shouted as he stepped into the living room just as Louis and the others were waking up and coming downstairs.

"No!" The little boy shouted from his hiding spot curling up into it and resting his head against it. Tears started to build up in the little boy's eyes and he was beginning to feel like he needed to cry.

"Chase, come here baby," Louis hummed and the little boy slowly crawled out from his hiding place and Louis grabbed the tissue gently wiping his noise little did they know that would be the last straw for the sick toddler.

He started to wail and scream kicking and pushing away from Louis not wanting his nose cleaned any more.

"Shh, Buddy its ok no more," Harry tried to reassure the obviously not feeling well child but that didn't seem to be working as the boy continued to scream and shake his head wailing.

"Here hand him to me," Liam hummed as he held his arms out Chase quickly scrambled into his arms and pressed his face against Liam's chest sobbing still.

Daddy Direction gently wrapped his son in his arms and bounced him gently rubbing his back.

"Shh, there we go bud, its ok" He cooed softly.

"Is he warm?" harry asked as he went to get the thermometer. Liam shook his head telling Harry to put it back as he continued to rub the crying boy's back.

He'd been crying for god only knew how long now. He didn't seem to be settling down either. Liam sighed and carried him outside walking around with him before coming back inside with a still sobbing baby boy in his arms.

"Here let me try?" Zayn sighed as he reached his arms out and Chase crawled into his arms curling up against Zayn's chest. His tears still continuing down his face small whimpers leaving his lips as he pressed his face into Zayn's neck.

"Get me his blanket and his dummy will you?" Zayn asked as he headed up the stairs taking two at a time getting to the little boys room and sitting down in the rocking chair.

"Here," Harry mumbled as he carried in the small yellow blanket and a matching dummy.

Zayn smiled and grabbed them from his lovers hand pressing the small dummy into the boys mouth and he sucked on it eagerly and when Zayn gave him his blanket he shoved it against his face and settled into the older boy letting out quiet whimpers but slowly beginning to stop crying.

"There you go bud, that's right just go to sleep ok?" Zayn whispered as he ran his hands over the little boy's back as he let out kind of a harsh cough but it didn't seem to bother him too much.

After what seemed like hours of just slowly rocking back and forth in the chair the little boy's eyes drooped shut and he was suddenly a dead weight in Zayn's arms.

Everyone had gathered in the room and they all let out quiet sighs as they realized he was asleep.

"Poor thing," Niall whispered as he watched Zayn slowly stand up from the rocking chair and place the sleeping toddler in his bed with his blanket before ushering out the other boys and closing the door.


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