XXV. Candy Canes [Zianourry]

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The feathery haired boy slipped another candy cane into his mouth a mischievous look on his face. He was hiding under the Christmas tree a large grin on his tiny features.

His daddies had brought over their friend Jay and his daughter Gabbie and unfortunately Gabbie as a bit more mischievous than Louis was. She got what she wanted all the time and Louis knew how to do that too but he was happy to have someone to play with.

Two year old Louis Tomlinson was the son of Niall Horan, he didn't know who his mommy was but he didn't care because he had 4 amazing daddies and little friends like Gabbie to play with.

"Gotsa 'nother!" Gabbie hushed as she climbed under the tree with yet another candy cane.

Niall or Jay was supposed to be keeping an eye on them but in reality everyone had gotten so busy that no one was paying any attention to them.
Unfortunately that meant that they had access to all the candy canes on the tree and no one would know as they slipped them off the tree and ate them.

"Yay! Mo'e Mo'e!" Louis chanted, he was on his seventh candy cane. Which was way too much sugar for the two year old.

If Liam had been watching he would have stopped them by now but Gabbie was much too good at being sneaky and was careful not to draw any attention to herself.

Louis just stayed huddled under the tree eating every candy cane his friend bought him.

"Mo'e!" She giggled crawling out from under the tree and grabbing more ducking back under the tree and handing more to Louis leaving them in his lap as she began to bounce and finish her own candy canes.

Louis was starting to get antsy having eaten all that sugar he was ready to run around and scream and find toys and play a lot.

"PWAY!" Louis shouted as he darted out from under the tree dragging his small friend behind him as he raced over to the new toys he'd gotten and started to fumble with them getting frustrated quickly when he couldn't get it open.

He glared at the box before getting up and walking over to Niall tugging on his shirt. Gabbie followed her bottom lip pouted out.

"Need it open?" Louis nodded eagerly jumping up and down in his spot as he clapped his hands.

Niall let out a laugh noticing that Gabbie was bouncing up and down as well and they seemed awful hyper. He couldn't help but smile at the two of them being ridiculous.

"There, go play," Niall hummed and Louis ripped the toy from Niall's hand and raced back into the living room one of his chubby hands laced in the fabric of Gabbie's shirt.

"Car! Voom!" Louis shouted as he threw himself on the floor beginning to push the new truck around on the floor. Gabbie grinned as she tugged on Louis' shirt spotting a sparkling teddy bear across the room.

"Wace!" She giggled and Louis nodded before rushing off in the direction of the bear the small girl trailing behind. Zayn stepped out into the room just as the kids came barreling forward.

"Whoa, where's the fire guys?" bad choice of words on his part. The overly sugerfied two year olds looked at eachother and immediately started screaming.

"FIWRE! FIWER!" Louis started screaming and running circled around Zayn's feet. The raven haired boy looked confused at the two of them.

He hadn't meant a literal fire but obviously the two year olds didn't seem to understand that. Normally Louis was pretty rational but the sugar seemed to have drained all rational thought from his head.

"No, No that's not what I meant," Zayn hummed bending down and trying to grab onto Louis who shook his head darting out of the room but little Gabbie allowed Zayn to pick her up mainly because she could reach more important things at this height and she could easily convince uncle Zayn to give him some of her soda.

"DADA!" Louis screamed racing for Liam out of breath as he began to run circles around the couch where Liam and Harry and Niall were all sitting and talking, a drink in their hands. Liam nearly jumped out of his skin at the overly excited Two year old.

"Whoa, whoa buddy!" Liam urged as he set his drink down and held his arms out only for Louis to grab his sleeve and drag him towards where they'd just been standing.

"Baba said fiwre!" He shouted and started to run around in circles again. Liam stood confused.

He had no idea why Louis was running around in circles and he had no idea what he was talking about with a fire.

"What? No baby there isn't any fire see?" Liam finally got ahold of Louis' shirt and tugged the squirming toddler back to his chest one of his candy canes falling out of his pocket. Louis nodded eagerly before ripping it open and shoving it back in his mouth.

Liam frowned.

"Why are there piles of wrappers on the floor?" Niall asked as he picked up the wrapping paper off the floor.

The other fathers looked at each other before looking at the children who were completely buzzing with the amount of sugar they'd eaten.

"Gabrielle! Louis! Daddy said only one candy cane!" Zayn tried to scold but the small pout that formed on the toddlers faces had him sighing and shaking his head.

"how many did you guys eat?"

"like TEN BAJILION!" Louis shouted clapping his hands together sucking on the candy cane currently in his mouth and squirming like a worm in Liam's arms. Liam let out a soft sigh and set the squirming boy down.

"let them run it out," He hummed and Zayn nodded setting Gabbie down as well and as soon as she was set down off Louis and her went running around each other and singing loudly at the top of their lungs.

About an hour and a half later Liam glanced over to find two heaps of two little toddlers on the carpet in the living room.

Louis was curled up his thumb in his mouth his eyes drooping shut and Gabbie was sprawled out her eyes already closed and fast asleep.

Liam let out a small laugh and shook his head sometimes he had no idea if he'd survive until they both turned 18.


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