XVI. Water Fears [Zianourry]

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It was Harry's first night in Horlik house hold. He was unsure of himself and being five he didn't want to seem to clingy or problematic so he stayed out of his father's way. He even stayed away from his little brothers which he had two of.

Liam who was only a year old and then there was Louis who was three and they needed a lot of attention and Harry being five didn't want to create a lot of drama and get in the way afraid they'd get fed up and send him back and he'd spent two years in that place on his own and he didn't want to go back.

"Come on boy's it's time for bed!" Zayn shouted as he walked into the play room. Liam was already in bed, haven been put down a few hours ago. Harry and Louis were staring at each other as they sat in the room. Louis had been waving things at Harry and trying to get him to play but the other boy didn't really want to play because he didn't really know how.

"Papa!" Louis wailed as he threw his arms up frowning and pointing at Harry. Zayn rolled his eyes as he picked up the three year old.

"Be nice Louis, He'll play with you eventual," Zayn smiled as he reached a hand out for harry to take. The five year old frowned for a minute picking up his little stuffed Panda and stuffing it into his side as he reached his hand up and took his father's hand.

"Wan' pway now!" Louis fussed. He could be quite a bit of a diva. It always amused Niall and Zayn because he was such a little drama queen, how they'd ended up with two cute little well behaved children and a complete Diva child he'd never know.

"What are you fussing about mister?" Niall asked, he was already in the boy's bed room a small smile on his face holding Louis' favorite book in his hands so that he would go to bed with ease.

"Hawwy no pway wiff me!" Louis huffed as Zayn handed him off to Niall. Harry mean while began to tear up not understanding why Louis was so upset with him. He didn't know how to play with other kids. While he was in the orphanage he kept mainly to himself and he never really had toys to play with.

"Babe, It's Harry's first night you need to be nice," Niall explained and Harry sniffled his grip tightening on Zayn's hands and The raven haired boy let out a sigh as Harry kind of hid behind his leg.

"But! But!" Louis protested as Niall grabbed him up and tucked him into the bed nice and snug so he couldn't squirm out of his blankets. The feathery haired toddler huffed and looked up at his daddies.

"Louis Tomlinson, that's enough you are upsetting Harry," Zayn said firmly looking pointedly at the three year old who pouted out his bottom lip and looked at his dad with the most innocent look on his face.

"Yeah yeah, you are lucky you are cute," Zayn laughed and Harry sniffled pressing his face against Zayn's leg.

"I sowwy Papa," He mumbled. Niall just laughed and kissed Louis' forehead gently.

"I sowwy Hawwy!" He chirped and cuddled into his bed reaching out for his stuffed Kitten pulling it against his chest.

"I seepy," He announced and the fathers exchanged another small laugh before Niall resumed Louis' bed time routine.

"You gotta go potty before bed babe?" Zayn asked crouching down to the little boy's level.

Harry looked up at him wide eyed and shook his head. The raven haired boy nodded, "Want some help changing into your pajama's?" Harry's head bounced in an eager nod. He smiled and pulled out some pajama's for the little boy.

Niall was sitting on the bed to Louis reading and combing his fingers through the little one's hair and with in a few minutes he was out like a light.

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