VII. Finally [Zianourry]

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Harry eagerly pressed his face up against the glass there were a million tiny babies, ones wrapped in little blue blankets and some wrapped in Pink blankets. Little hats on each one of their heads to keep them warm.

Their names in big black letters at the bottom of the little crib they were in. Harry's stomach felt twisted into a million knots he'd never felt so excited and so nervous all at the same time. A nurse laughed and walked over to Harry she had soft grey hair and elderly features.

"Which one is yours?" She asked quietly and Harry jumped a few feet his face still pressed against the glass. His heart swelled when she asked the question. His, He was going to have one of these little creatures.

"Mine, hasn't been born yet, Mom's still in labor" He hummed as he turned to look at the nurse. She smiled and looked at him. She recognized the glassy eyes the sweaty palms and the eager look on the mans face. He was a first time dad and he was nervous.

"Why aren't you with her?" She was still quite as she looked at him. He smiled and laughed a little under his breath. He didn't really know how to explain the situation to the nurse but he figured he had nothing else to do.

"I passed out, so my husbands are in there with her right now," He ran his fingers through his hair before pressing his face against the glass his chest welling up again as he watched one of the babies slowly start to cry.

"Oh you are with the other four boys in Ms. Athena!" She laughed she'd never seen so many men in one birthing room but the woman had insisted on them all being there since they would be the father.

They'd all mad an agreement. Athena agreed to give them a child if they agreed to allow her to live in their house and at least be involved in the baby's life.

"yeah," He let out a small giggle. He was going to be a daddy any minute now and he couldn't wait.

"HAZZA!" The curly haired male whipped around when a familiar voice called his name. He wanted this to be the announcement he was waiting for he wasn't expecting the next words out of his lovers mouth.

"She had twins! One boy One girl!" He shouted and Harry just about fainted again.

"Really?!" He shrieked and the nurse who watched it un folding. It was always funny to watch first parents realize they had more than one on the way and to not expect it at all and have it just be a surprise was always fun.

"Yeah Come on!" Niall rushed over and grabbed Harry's arm dragging him towards the hospital room. He was stumbling over his feet clumsily and eager to get to the hospital room so he could meet his little ones.

"You aren't kidding are you?" The youngest boyfriend asked as they stood outside of the hospital room for a moment to catch their breath. Niall just let out a loud laugh and grabbed Harry's hand before pushing the door open. The sound of two distinct cries immediately met his ears.

"Hazza!" Liam called eagerly as he rushed over to his youngest boyfriends side.

He had been a little concerned since Harry had passed out that he wouldn't be ok but his Hazza was standing infront of him completely ok. His color had returned and all he looked nervous and eager all at the same time and Liam was a little afraid he was going to explode.

"Where are they?" Was all he could force out of his mouth. Liam pointed towards Zayn and Louis.

Harry's eyes wandered towards Louis first he was holding a teeny tiny baby wrapped in a pink blanket a little pink hat on her head.

He felt like all the air in the lungs had been punched out. His baby girl was not four feet from him now and it made him feel light headed.

"You ok?" Louis asked slowly as he stood up walking towards the youngest. The little girl in his arms stirred and opened her eyes briefly and looked up at Louis and then closed them again.

"Can...Can I hold her?" He asked softly. His mouth felt dry he felt like time had stopped and he was going to hold his baby girl for the first time ever. He'd been dreaming of this moment for years and now it was here and not only did he have one kid he had two.

"of course babe!" Liam laughed as Louis slowly handed over the small baby to Harry's shaking hands. The curly haired boy drew the small infant near to his body cradling her in his arms a look of awe covering his features.

"She's beautiful," He breathed softly as he reached one hand up to stroke her cheek.

She was small enough to hold her in one of his large arms. He felt like he was floating like all his life this is what he was meant to do. To be right here holding this child. She let out a little yawn and her eyes opened again and her beautiful green eyes met his and his breath left him once again.

"You should see our son," Zayn commented sounded just as airy as Harry.

They were all in awe of these little ones but Louis was a little more used to holding infants because he had baby siblings but this was a whole different experience. Harry's eyes widened as he broke eye contact with his little one and looked up at his dark haired lover.

"Can I?" He asked quietly and again Liam and Louis both laughed as Niall bounced over to Harry taking the small girl from his arms to stare in awe at her. Zayn frowned for a moment before standing up and carrying over the little boy wrapped in blue.

"Careful," Zayn warned noticing Harry's shaking hands.

The youngest boy sighed heavily and extended his arms and Zayn slowly handed the baby over. Harry couldn't believe it the boy was even smaller than the little girl. He had dark hair poking out of the little blue hat on his head.

"He's so little," Harry gasped as he stroked his finger down the little boy's face like he had done with the baby girl but everything about the boy seemed so much more fragile.

"While it turns out our daughters a little bit of a hog for space," Louis teased as he stood over Niall's shoulder on his tiptoes looking down at the small female in his arms.

"He's perfect," The words left his mouth in a breathy sound as he pulled the little one even closer to him.

The little boy opened his eyes for a brief moment giving harry a glimps of his brown eyes and harry smiled. He looked like Zayn already but he was perfect in every way and Harry wanted to hold him and never let him go.

"Do we have names for them yet?" A nurse asked interrupting Harry's moment with his new born son. Niall who had been staring down at the little girl in his arms smiled.

"Rose Marie Styles," Niall grinned as he looked up at the nurse.

His smile lit up the room, even though all the windows were drawn shut and it was dark out side it was like his smile was the sun. Mutual nods echoed around the room as the nurse took it down as the name.

"And for the little boy?" Harry didn't move is eyes away from the little boy he was holding tears slowly coming to his face.

"James Isaac Styles" he murmured and the whole roomed echoed small 'yes's as the nurse wrote it down. It had been Harry's sperm that created these two so it was agreed his name would be on the birth certificates.

Harry felt pride well up in his chest as he looked down at the little ones in his arms. This was it. His dream come true. He was finally a father.

Happy Easter everyone!

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