XVII. My Daddy! [Zianourry]

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Little Niall Horan was usually fairly well behaved and today he was going to go with his daddies to meet some fans today and boy was he excited. He didn't usually get to go meet fans but no one could baby sit him like they had needed someone too.

He loved that he got to do things with his Daddies. He was feeling a little under the weather so he was slightly possessive of Zayn and his other daddies. Zayn and Niall had this connection that no one really understood.

Whenever Niall wasn't feeling well he was stuck to the Raven haired boy like glue and if any one got near Zayn Niall would get upset. Depending on how upset or not well Niall was feeling, he'd be possessive of his daddies.

They had some shopping to do before they did a little meet and greet with the fans. It was going to be something casual not to many fans just some winners from a contest that management had held that would be meeting the boys.

Louis wasn't sure how today was going to go though, seeing as Niall hadn't even wanted to get out of bed this morning and his baby blue eyes were already filled with tears at the mention of having Grandma Johanna watch him.

Zayn sighed softly as he scooped up the little teary eyed blonde and set him on his hip.

"Shush now, no tears," He hummed rubbing the four year olds back. IT was nice sometimes to have such a small four years old. He was much easier to carry around if it was needed and often Niall preferred to be carried around.

"But, No leave dada!" He sniffled into Zayn's shoulder pressing his face against the older male's neck. Zayn just hummed again and shook his head looking at Louis. It was going to be a long day but they were going to have to just fight through it.

"We are taking you with, now go upstairs and get your things to color and Princess and your blanket alright?" The raven haired male directed and the blonde little boy was set down on his feet. He wobbled unsurely for a moment before racing up the stairs.

"it's going to be ugly today," Louis sang a knowing look on his face which Zayn really would enjoy smacking off at this point.

"Why?" Harry frowned as he walked into the room his hand laced through Liam's a small grin playing on his features. Louis pointed up the stairs in the direction of where Niall had run off to.

"Someone is cranky today," Louis drawled as they all looked towards the stairs. A small wail was belted out not long after that statement.

"CAN'T FWIND PWINCESS!" Niall screamed as he ran towards the top of the stairs looking at Liam and Zayn as if that was going to fix everything.
Zayn groaned inwardly as he jogged up the stairs to help tear Niall's room apart. They didn't go anywhere without that stuffed tiger.

"I'll go check the car," Louis jogged out of the room and Harry and Liam split up and began to look all over the house.

"found it!" Louis shouted as he came back inside a few minutes later holding the tiger and smiling gently.

"PWINCESS!" Niall cried as he rushed back down the stairs nearly falling down them as he gathered the stuffed animal into his arms and hugged it close. He pressed his face into the soft fur of the animal and taking small breaths to calm himself.

"Oh yeah, long day," Harry sighed in agreement.

"hey bud you want me to carry you out to the car?" Niall shook his head and raced over to Zayn's legs.

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