XIV. The Best Christmas Gift [Zianourry]

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Niall and Liam where waiting for their husband Zayn to get home. He'd been out shopping with the kids all night long they had no idea the terror that they would face by the end of the night.

They continued to throw things on the tree they had about 10 days till Christmas and they were just spicing up the house a bit for their youngest Harry who was only 5 years old.

He loved Christmas he was constantly annoying their oldest with what he wanted and just how happy he was about Christmas. Louis their 8 year old was excited but he was a little wary he heard a lot at school and he was scared he'd been bad this year.

"Daddy are we going home now my feet hurt," Little Harry let out a small whine reaching for his feet and rubbing at them. Zayn laughed and scooped the little boy up into his arms.

"Just a few more things to do ok?" He hummed looking down at Louis who was watching the people warily like something wasn't right but Zayn just patted his head and continued in the store.

Louis frowned as he watched people he didn't like being out in public he was often nervous of the way people were around him. It was a result of his time in the orphanage before he was adopted.

Louis frowned and set his hand on his stomach suddenly feeling really wrong. He shook his head as he grabbed his Daddy's shirt.

"Daddy, I don't feel good," He mumbled and Zayn frowned glancing down at the little boy. He sighed and nodded.

"Alright let's pay and get out of here yeah?" He sighed worried about the sudden change in Louis. The older boy just kept looking around paranoid like he was waiting for someone to come out and hurt him. He could feel tears building up in his eyes.

"Daddy," He cried slightly unsure what was going on and why he felt so scared. Zayn frowned setting Harry down and bending down to look Louis over.

"Shh, it's ok baby relax, Daddy's right here everything's ok," Zayn tried to calm him. Louis wouldn't stop shaking and The raven haired man was at a loss of what to do not sure why the little boy was acting so weird when suddenly a gun shot rang out.

"DADDY HARRY!" Louis screamed as someone came up behind Zayn scooping a screaming Harry into his arms and pressing a gun to his head.

"Move and I"ll blow the kid's head off!" He warned and Harry let out a tragic cry as he reached for Zayn his whole body shaking.

"Daddy!" Harry cried.

"Papa! Daddy, dada!" He screamed out for any one of his fathers to rescues him. Someone any one, he needed someone to save him. Zayn was frozen that was his baby this man was evil and was holding his baby at gun point.

"Please, Don't hurt him!" Zayn insisted as he pushed Louis behind him keeping the eight year old close to his body. Even though Louis was practically hyperventilating.

"Give me all the money in the registers! Come on Or the kid gets it!" The man insisted shoving the gun further against Harry's head. Harry was positively losing it kicking and screaming and trying to fight against him.

"Give him anything please!" Zayn begged as Louis slipped out his daddy's phone and called his daddy Niall.

Niall sighed as he looked at the clock. What was taking the boys so long. When the phone rang he jumped up.

"hello?" He frowned there was a lot of noise on the other end of the phone but there wasn't a voice.

"hello? Zayn?" He tried again. He could suddenly hear Harry's screaming in the background.

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