XXX. Mistletoe and Santa [Zianourry]

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Liam had visited Santa today at the mall after all it was Christmas Eve and he'd never done something like that before.

He always SAW Santa but he never got to actually MEET Santa and the fact that his daddies had taken him to see Santa had little Liam positively bouncing all over the place when they got home. He held his picture with Santa close to his chest showing absolutely anyone who would stand still for three seconds so he could tell them about it.

This was his first real Christmas, his other homes had never celebrated they'd never gotten him anything and he wasn't used to doing all this stuff and he was so excited.

"Liam come on bud it's time for bed! So Santa can come!" Louis urged but Liam frowned not wanting to go to bed.

He wanted to stay up and see Santa because he'd stayed up before and Santa never came. He wanted to stay up and make sure Santa came.

"But Santa is comin!" He announced a smile on his face. "wanna see Santa!" he clapped his hands together causing Louis to let out a laugh. They all loved seeing Liam so happy his smile often lighting up a room as soon as he walked in.

"You gotta sleep or Santa can't come!" Niall offered and Liam's mouth dropped open as if his past bad experiences had just been explained right there. Santa never came because Liam was bad and waited up for him.

"Santa no come if I stay awake?" Liam asked his bottom lip wobbling ready to burst out into tears because he wasn't sure he'd be ABLE to sleep and maybe Santa wouldn't come because he couldn't behave and he didn't want to go another Christmas without Santa coming.

"oh no buddy!" Harry shoved Niall out of the way giving him a scolding look. He scooped Liam up into his arms.

"Santa will come, He'll just come faster if you are asleep. Santa is going to come no matter what ok?" Harry promised and Liam sniffled and rubbed at his tired little eyes.

"Pwomise?" He asked sounding much like a 2 year old and a lot less like the 6 year old that he was. Harry let out a small sigh glad that he was able to recover what Niall had just said.

"I promise bud, He'll come, Now let's get ready for bed ok?" Harry promised and set Liam down on his own two feet.

Liam nodded and raced towards the bathroom picking up his tooth brush he began to brush his teeth with excitement as he danced on his little stole looking into the mirror humming whatever Christmas tune came into his little head.

"Santa's comin tonight, tonight!" He sang as he spit into the sink and used the toilet washing his hands when he was finished. He danced around the bathroom before running back out to Harry who was talking with Niall.

"SANTA'S COMIN! TONIGHT!" Liam sang/screamed as he exited the bathroom. Everyone glanced towards him Zayn letting out a small laugh.

"That's right! And to make it easier for you to sleep Daddy Hazza and Daddy Lou are going to go lay down with you how dose that sound?" Zayn hummed and Liam's eyes lit up even more (if that was even possible).

He LOVED sleeping in the bed with his daddies. It always made it easier for him to sleep when he was squished between his daddies.

"Really?!" He gasped and Harry nodded scooping up the excited six year old and letting out a small laugh. Liam clapped his hands and quickly wrapped his arms around Harry's neck eager to get to bed and get Santa here.

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