XXXIII. Bullied [Zianourry]

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Louis hummed as he began to get breakfast ready. He knew that Liam had been having a rough time at school lately and so his daddies had been working hard to make sure that Liam was comfortable.

No one really asked Liam why he was having a hard time they just noticed that he hadn't been wanting to go to school lately and it was getting to be quite the problem.

They didn't know Liam was getting bullied at school for having four dads, they also weren't aware that the teacher was giving Liam a problem for the exact same reason.

"Liam honey, it's time to get up," Harry sighed as he entered the little one's bed room.

Liam who was 5 and had really just started school rolled over and shook his head pressing his head into his pillows. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to face the bullies again. Last time he got stuffed in a locker. He didn't want to deal with it again.

"no daddy," Liam whined quietly as he pressed his face further into the pillows a small whine slipping from his lips.

Harry frowned and ran his hand over Liam's cheek checking for any kind of temperature realizing there was none he sighed.

"Liam Payne, it's time for you to get up for school," Harry was a little bit firmer and Liam slowly crawled out from behind his covered and stood up refusing to look at his father, still not willing to tell them just what was going on at school.

"Ok," He mumbled a hand resting on his stomach and Harry smiled kissing his forehead and setting the little ones clothes out and leaving the room so the little one could get dressed. Liam came out a few minutes later he was dragging his feet as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Morning bud!" Zayn smiled as he noticed his son.

He observed that the little one wasn't acting right. He hadn't been acting right the last few days and no one really knew why. They didn't know what was going on at school.

"Don't feel good Papa," Liam groaned as he found a seat and pulled himself into it setting his head on the table tears filling his eyes. "No like school," he added and suddenly four worried pairs of eyes were on their little boy.

"Why not baby?" Niall asked as he slid into the chair next to the five year old. Liam just shrugged and pressed his face into his arms sniffling as he clutched at his stomach.

"no one likes me," Liam let out a small cry into his arms and Louis frowned as he ran his fingers over the little boys buzz cut hair.

The fathers all looked at each other slightly amused. They'd all had that time where they thought no one liked them so they knew they could work with their little one.

"Oh baby that's not true!" Zayn kissed the side of his head as he began to pack the little one's back pack and Liam just sighed and curled in further on himself.

"Baby, Listen to baba ok?" Louis added quietly, "People at school like you, they just don't know how to show it ok?". He ran his fingers over the little boy's arm. Liam picked his head up

"Yeah buddy, I've talked to some of the mothers they love you!" Niall added and Liam looked up doubtfully but the ach in his stomach was fading slightly. His daddies sure did know how to make him feel better.

"Promise?" He asked quietly and they all nodded. Liam let out another quiet noise before standing up and grabbing his shoes and back pack and slipping them on.

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