XXIII. Syrup Monster [Zianourry]

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"Nialler," Zayn hummed quietly as he walked into the two year olds room. The little blonde head was sticking out from buried under his spider man blanket. He couldn't help but watch the way the little blonde curled around in the blankets mumbling in his sleep.

"Hey buddy time to get up," He called walking over to the small bed and kneeling down shaking the blankets lightly.

"Papa?" He groaned tiredly and little blue eyes peeked open looking at his papa a tired smile on his face. The blonde's face scrunched up and then his tired eyes lit up at the smell of pancakes being made downstairs.

"pan'takes!?" He gasped and Zayn laughed.

"Yup, Baba's making Pancakes for you," He couldn't help the smile on his face as the two year old began to fuss about in the blankets.

"Papa help!" He cried as he flailed about in the blankets obviously struggling to get out of the bed that he'd tangled himself in. The dark haired male leaned in and slowly began to untangle the blankets from the boy.

"Better?" He tried not to laugh as the two year old finally rolled out of the bed with his hands on his hips looking upset with his bed. He continued to give it a scolding look before the smell of pancakes reminded him what he was doing in the first place.

"Why don't we change your nappy and go downstairs, yeah?" Niall nodded and quickly started to fuss with his pants.

"I help!" with in seconds the little boy had taken off his pants and his nappy quickly followed. Zayn shook his head appreciating the little boy. He scooped him up putting him on the changing table, putting a fresh nappy on him after cleaning him up.

"come on let's get you to those pancakes!" Cheers broke out of the little boys mouth as he was set on the floor. Sometimes Zayn felt like he was the luckiest man in the world, they'd been so blessed to receive Niall his mom had been much to young to care for him so she'd given him to them and they couldn't have been more thank you.

"PANTAKES!" Niall screamed as he raced down the stairs and into the Kitchen where the rest of his fathers were all standing or sitting around. Liam glanced up from his paper his tea in his hand laughing lightly at the little boys enthusiasm.

"good morning Nialler," Louis sounded amused as he looked up from the pancake batter and down at the little blonde haired blue eyed boy who was positively bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Mornin Baba!" Niall cheered as he raced over to the table and climbed up into his chair. He struggled for a moment before sitting his butt into the chair and setting his hands on the table a grin playing all over his face.

"Some one's happy this morning," Harry laughed as he reached down pressing a kiss to his little boy's head before sitting down next to him poking him in the side causing Niall to shriek and slap at his hands.

"No dada! No play! Food!" Niall scolded as he slapped at Harry's hand. The other fathers all struggled not to laugh as the two year old boy scolded his father. Harry held his hands up in defense before laughing himself.

"Yes sir!" The youngest husband of them let out a small giggle before putting his own hands in his lap. Zayn just laughed and shook his head at the antics of his lovers.

"Papa!" Niall called as he patted the chair next to him. Zayn raised an eyebrow before gathering that Niall wanted him to sit next to him. He nodded and moved to sit on the other side of his little two year old as Louis served the pancakes to each plate before sitting down himself.

"Need me to cut up your pancakes babe?" Zayn asked as he watched Niall pick up his little plastic fork and stab at the pancakes a frustrated look on his face. He giggled and shook his head as he finally got his fork through on of his pancakes and shoving the whole thing towards his face taking a large bite and putting the rest of the pancake back down.

"Human bites Niall," Louis scolded trying not to smile because now little two year old Niall's pale cheeks were stuffed like chipmunks and he looked so cute with his bed head and syrup running down his chin.

"Don't even think about talking with your mouth full mister," Liam warned knowing that was next on his toddlers agenda because he seriously had no table manners. Niall spent a few minutes chewing before he beamed up at Liam showing him that he'd finished the bite before turning towards Louis.

"Pantake hawd!" he pouted but then smiled "I do it my own self!" He stabbed the pancake and the process continued until he was done with his pancakes. Next he got his sippy cup and downed his orange juice

"Hey, you wanna go to the park Nialler?" Harry asked as he began to get up and put the plates in the sink an excited noise broke out of the two year old.

"YES PLEASE!" he screamed causing every one in the kitchen covered their ears groaning slightly. He could hit that note and it was the most painful note but at least that meant he was happy.

"Ok, Inside voice, Why don't you and Papa go get ready," Liam smiled soflt and niall bounced off his chair and ran over to Zayn who was standing at the sink. He whined high in his throat as he tugged on Zayn's pants. Zayn turned around and looked at Liam glaring slightly before leaning down and scooping up the two year old.

"Alright syrup monster, let's go get you dressed," Niall smirked and smeared the syrup on his face and held his hands up and made a little Rawr sound.

"Rawwwwr papa! Rawrr!" He giggled. Zayn gasped and put him down on the floor.

"Oh no! Guys Niall's been eaten by a syrup monster!" He made sure to use his high voice and the other fathers all gasped and played along.

"Uh oh! Get him to the bath!" Harry shouted rushing forward.

"I think I need some help!" Zayn played and Niall screamed giggling as he began to climb the stairs rawring still and calming he was a monster.

Soon enough all of the daddies were following after little Niall and fighting to get him into the bath playing along with him being a monster. Zayn sat back for a moment and just let out a small breath he really loved his family. He wouldn't change his little syrup monster for anything.

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